Chapter 16 ~ Morgana Pendragon

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Gaius asks Merlin to take a tincture to Uther, something to ease his mind. It started raining a little later; I look out the window and see Arthur training outside in the rain. I grab my cloak and run outside. I get down and see Merlin watching him.

"How long has he been out here?" I ask.

"Not that long," Merlin replies.

I look at Arthur; he started hitting it like crazy. I walk into the rain to Arthur; I was properly soaked to the bone.

"Arthur, Arthur," I say gently.

He turns and looks at me; the sword slips out of his hand. He walks to me and puts his head on my shoulder, and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arm around his neck and the other one on his back.

"It's okay," I whisper, "I'm here,"

A while later, I walk back into Gaius's chambers shivering from being soaked to the bone. I see my brother standing over Morgana with his hand above his head.

"Merlin?" I ask.

"Ic pe purhhaele pinu licsar mid pam sundorcraeft paere ealdan ae!" Merlin incants.

His voice sounded so deep. When he finishes the spell, Morgana starts breathing easily.

"Merlin..." I sigh.

The next day, I was sitting next to Merlin outside in the passageway. Gaius walks over to us and sits down.

"I couldn't watch everyone's grief," Merlin says.

"I know. But you are playing with things that are beyond you," Gaius says.

That evening the warning bells went off; Gaius was called to one of the passageways, Merlin and I decided to tag along. We arrive and see Arthur kneeling over a dead body. When we arrive, he stands.

Arthur turns to a guard. "We need to seal the drawbridge, search the grounds."

The guard nods and walks away.

Arthur turns back to us, "I'll inform the king."

Arthur walks away. Gaius kneels, Merlin and I edge around to the other side of the body. Gaius lifts the person's hand out of the wine. I bend down and see the image with the fingers and the liquid dripping from the fingers. I pull Merlin down next to me; he looks at what I was looking at. We stare at the hand in shock.

"Merlin, Olivia, what's the matter?" Gaius asks.

I let out a shaky breath, "That was the next image we saw in the crystals."

"I haven't stopped anything," Merlin says.

Merlin and I look at each other and jump up; we sprint toward Morgana's chambers. We burst into her room. 

She looks at us. "What are you doing here?" 

"Arthur sent us to look after you," Merlin says. 

"He was worried about the intruder," I say.

"I don't need you," Morgana walks to the other door. 

Merlin and I jump in front of her.

"He was quite insistent," Merlin says.

Morgana swings her hand forward. Merlin grabs it; she kept trying to pull away.

"Get out of my way!" Morgana shouts; she steps back. Merlin and I suddenly fly back and hit the wall. That was all I remember before I blackout.

I feel a hand on my head; I slowly open my eyes and see Merlin.

"You all right?" Merlin asks.

I groan. "The number of times I get hit on the head, I don't know how I don't have brain damage," I say.

I look around we were surrounded by fire.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Morgana," Merlin replies.

"Enough said," I reply.

Merlin and I shout. Which was the next picture in the crystals.

Merlin pulls me up, "We need to go." 

I nod, we run out the room and sprint down toward Uther's chambers. We run into Uther's room and see Morgana standing over Uther with her dagger, like the image on the crystals. I look around and use my magic to explode the window.  The power of the blast pushes Morgana back against the wall. Uther wakes and gasps. Which was the next picture.

"What's going on?" Uther asks.

Morgana quickly stands, "There was a fire and I was scared. I wanted to be with you." 

Uther sits up and move to the edge of the bed. "You're the only person I feel safe with."  

Morgana and Uther hug.

Merlin and I sneak out the door and head back into Uther's chambers.

"You saved the king's life," Gaius says.

"Only just. My head still hurts," I say.

Merlin smiles and puts his hand on my arm. "We thought we could alter the future, but instead we caused it. We made it happen." 

"What you did was dangerous, even for someone as gifted as you," Gaius says. "But what's done is done. There are more important things for us to worry about." 

Merlin and I look up at Gaius.

"I fear that Morgana knows the truth," Gaius states.

Merlin and I look at each other nervously.

"About what?" Merlin asks.

"She knows the king is her father. That explains why she acted so suddenly. Arthur must be careful." Gaius says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Morgana is of royal blood. If Uther were to die, Arthur is all that stands between her and the throne of Camelot," Gaius states.

 "We can't just catch a break," I put my head on Merlin's shoulder. 

Merlin chuckles.

"Well I'm going to bed, I can feel my head throbbing and it's not getting any better by talking to you guys," I get up and walk away to my room.

Hey guys! 

I just want to say thank you for all the love, I am so happy that you are enjoying my book. Thank you so much for reading.


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