Chapter 30 ~ Miracle heals

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Uther has called Gaius to see him for some reason, and apparently, according to Gaius, Merlin and I had to go with, which I found quite unfair. We walk into the room that the Guard had told us to go. Arthur and Uther sat at a table, Uther at the head, and Arthur to his right. They were busy going over some papers. We walk closer to them and bow to Uther. Merlin and I stop just behind Gaius.

"Gaius, there have been disturbing rumours from outlying villages," Uther says.

 "Sire?" Gaius asks.

Uther puts down the papers he was holding and holds out his right hand toward Arthur. Arthur passes him the papers he had.

"Someone... some kind of physician is offering treatments. I fear magic may have been used," Uther replies.

"What is it that made you suspicious?" Gaius asks.

"There are reports of miracle cures... a boy thrown from a horse, a farmhand mauled by a boar... All hopeless cases, it seems, and yet each and everyone has made a full recovery," Uther explains.

This was all very boring. I had no idea why Gauis wanted us here.

"It's very hard for me to comment, Sire. I'd have to examine the patients myself," Gaius states.

"That won't be necessary. There's a new case that's arisen here in Camelot," Uther says.

"Who?" Gaius asks.

"The innkeeper," Arthur replies. "He's returned to work." 

Uther drinks from his glass.

"That's not possible. The condition was critical. I saw him only days ago," Gaius explains.

"So you agree that magic must be involved?" Uther asks, putting his glass down.

"Well, I couldn't say for sure," Gaius replies.

"Then go to the tavern and find out. If sorcery is at work here, we must act quickly," Uther says.

"Yes, Sire. I'll see to it right away," Gaius says, turning around.

Merlin and I turn, we all walk out of the room. We head outside and down toward the Inn.

"That's unbelievable," Merlin says.

Gaius and I look at Merlin.

"Uther has no problem turning to magic If his family are threatened," Merlin says.

"Keep your voice down, Merlin," Gaius snaps.

"I agree; he is such a hypocrite," I say.

 Gaius stops in front of Merlin and me; he turns to look at us. "He is also the king. So if you value your heads, use them." Gaius turns and walks into the Inn.

Merlin and I look at each other then follow Gaius into the inn. When we step in, I look up and see a totem hanging from the roof. Merlin looks up at the totem too, we stare at it for a bit, then walk over to Gaius.

"Welcome," Evoric, the innkeeper, says. He looks up and smiles, "Gaius. What a pleasant surprise."

"Evoric," Gaius says, looking him over.

"What can I get you?" Evoric asks.

"Nothing. I just dropped in to see how you're doing," Gaius says casually.

Evoric looked like he'd never been sick in his life.

"Much improved, as you can see," Evoric states.

"Indeed. Remarkable recovery," Gaius says.

"All thanks to you, Gaius," Evoric smiles.

Gaius laughs, "I think not. Evoric, I am of course delighted that you're well again, but I must ask you: from whom did you obtain your remedy?"

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