Chapter 39 ~ Gilli

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The next day Merlin and I head to Arthur's chambers with his armour to help him get ready. I stop outside. Merlin stops and looks at me.

"Can you see that I'm wearing a bandage?" I ask.

"No," Merlin replies.

"Really?" I ask happily.

"No," Merlin says.

"Great, thanks." I turn and open the door to Arthur's room. 

We walk in, and Merlin helps him with the armour and cape, then his handguard thingies. I sit at the table while they work. He picks up Arthur's sword and holds it while Arthur tightens the handguards. Surprisingly Arthur hadn't noticed my arm, which I'm quite happy about.

"How are you feeling?" Merlin asks.

Arthur nods, "Confident."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes," Arthur says.

"The last time this tournament was held, three men died," Merlin says.

I stand up from the table. "What?"

"Really?" Arthur asks.

"That was just on the first day," Merlin says.

"Thanks for that, Merlin," Arthur says sarcastically.

"And on that second day..." Merlin shakes.

"What happened on the second day?!" I ask.

"Let's just get through the first," Arthur says.

"You're right, 'cause that's when most people die," Merlin says, putting the sword in Arthur's hand.

"I can't believe this tournament is actually a thing," I say.

"Merlin?" Arthur says.


Arthur puts his hand on Merlin's shoulder, "Shut up."

I start pacing up and down.

"Liv, I'll be fi... what happened to your arm?" Arthur asks.

"What, nothing," I say.

"I can see that there's a bandage on it."

"Let's say we had some run-ins with some nasty people yesterday. But I'm fine, just focus on the tournament, and don't die."  

Arthur looks at me worriedly for a bit, then turns and walks out the door.   Merlin smirks at me.

"Shut up," I walk out of Arthur's room with Merlin behind me. We walk outside to where the tournament is and see Gaius standing outside. Merlin and I walk over to him. He smiles at us then looks back to the arena. Everyone is lining up to where Uther is going to address them. Everyone stands, so I assume Uther is coming. I look forward and see it is Morgana.

"It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Camelot. This is a contest like no other. It is open to all comers." Suddenly the trumpets sound, "Including our reigning champion, the king."

Uther walks into the arena, applauds burst out through the arena. Arthur looks absolutely shocked. The crowd eventually settles down.

"There are no rules. No weapons are banned. The last man standing takes the prize. Let the tournament begin."

Everyone cheers and claps. All the warriors' exit the ring except Uther and one other man. Apparently, Uther is up first. I look around for Arthur and see him sitting on a box near the entrance. He isn't wearing his cape anymore. He is watching his father. I can see he is worried. The man swings at Uther, but he blocks it. 

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