Chapter 62 ~ Not appropriate

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~Merlin's pov~

I walk into the room behind Arthur. I unpack his things while he changes, then washes his face. I grab a shirt out of his bag and walk to the cupboard to pack it away.
"It can't have been easy having a man killed like that," I say.
"I had no choice. A show of strength was necessary," Arthur says.
I walk back to the bed, "Don't you think compassion can also show strength?"
"Not to the likes of Caerleon. No." Arthur looks at me, "No, an example had to be made for the good of the kingdom," Arthur says.
I continue unpacking his stuff, "So you don't regret what you did?"
"My conscience is clear, Merlin, which is more than I can say for my room. So do your job, will you?" Arthur turns back to the table.
"Look, I'm just saying, if something is bothering you, you can talk to me. You shouldn't push your friends away, you know. Not now, not. when you need them most." I say.
"You're wrong, Merlin. I don't need anyone. I can't afford that luxury. The kingdom's my responsibility now. And mine to bear alone." Arthur says, "And you must learn to accept that." He walks away then stops, "Where's Liv?" 
"I think she's in the town," I say. Arthur turns and walks out the door. I continue unpacking and cleaning  Arthur's room.

~Olivia's pov~

I am walking around the town after I put my stuff away. I'm still trying to get my head around what Arthur did. I know he thought it was an act of strength, but others may see it as cowardice. And I know it isn't him. He's just trying to be his father. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and see Gwaine. I take a deep breath.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to make sure you're alright. You looked kinda far away."
"Yeah, sorry, I was deep in thought," I say, starting to walk back toward the castle. I hear footsteps next to me.
"About what happened with Arthur earlier?" Gwaine asks.
I nod my head, "I still can't wrap my head around it. I never thought Arthur could do that."
We walk in silence for a while. Once we get into the courtyard, Gwaine speaks.
"Think of it as he didn't kill an innocent person. Believe me, Caerleon was far from innocent."
"I guess that does make it better."
"Always remember Arthur will always be the same person. The same person you fell in love with."
I turn and look at Gwaine, "Thank you, I'm thrilled you're here to stay. I don't think I ever told you, but I really missed you all those times you left."
"I missed you too, Liv." Gwaine hugs me. We pull away. I smile at him, then turn and jog up the stairs and into the palace.

The next morning, I'm sitting on the floor just to the side of Merlin and Arthur while Merlin holds the bag on the pole, steadying it, and Arthur punches it. I took what Gwaine said to heart. Arthur would always be the same person I fell in love with.  Arthur wasn't holding anything back. He was hitting that bag with everything he had.
"You seem tense," Merlin says.
"What do you mean 'tense'?" Arthur asks while punching the bag.
"Agitated, angry, on edge, should I go on?"  I ask.
"This is not anger, Olivia. This is controlled aggression!" Arthur throws a huge punch, the rope holding up the bag comes loose, Merlin falls with the bag on top of him.
"Great. I'm glad we cleared that up," Merlin says, looking up at Arthur.
Leon walks over to us, "Sire. A messenger this minute arrived."
"What is it?" Arthur asks while pulling his gloves off.
"An army," Leon says. "It crossed our border at first light." Merlin watches Leon from the floor.
"Army?" I ask, "Whose army?"
"Caerleon's queen," Leon replies, looking at me.
I look over at Arthur. His whole face went stiff.  He walks over to me and holds his hand out. I grab it, and he pulls me up.

Arthur calls a meeting with the courts and guards. Merlin and I are standing just behind Gaius.
"At a forced march, Caerleon's men will reach Camelot by sundown tomorrow. Which means we have no choice. We must intercept them before they reach the Ridge of Landshire. That way, we hold the high ground. The knights of Camelot make ready as I speak. We ride at dawn."  Arthur says.
"Long live the king!" Agravaine shouts. Everyone chants long live the king.

~Merlin's pov~

I'm getting Arthur's bed ready while he puts his jacket on.
"Off again?" I ask. "Another week in the wilderness." Arthur puts his cloak on, "Eating weird animals, being eaten by weird animals. No hot water and no baths. This will be the last time either of us gets to sleep in a proper bed." 
"I'm prepared to face all manner of horrors in this world, but if you think I'm sharing this bed with you..." Arthur says.
I laugh. "What? No! That's not what I meant."
"Right. Good. Comfort to know." Arthur starts walking to the door.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"That's my business. And, Merlin, don't be here when I come back." Arthur says. I watch him walk out the door and shake my head.

~Olivia's pov~

I hear a knock at my bedroom door, which was confusing because Merlin never knocks, and Gaius was out. I stand and open the door. It was Arthur.
"Arthur," I say.
"May I come in?" He asks. I nod my head and step out of the doorway. He closes the door behind him.  He turns and looks at me.
"Olivia. Please believe me when I say that you've done nothing wrong... and that none of this has anything to do with you."
"None of what? If you mean the army, you already know I'm coming with."
"Not that..." Arthur watches me for a bit. I lose the smile from my face, "Things have changed for me.  With my father gone, it falls to me to rule this land."
"That must be a great responsibility."
Arthur nods, "And now that I'm king, it's no longer relevant what I may or may not want for myself." I look at Arthur in confusion, and I have no idea where he is going with this. "My only duty is to the people of this land. I'll be judged by my actions, which I'm seen with." Arthur observes my face as if he's trying to see what I'm thinking.
"Are you ashamed to be seen with me? Is that it?"
"No. No. But now that I'm king, it's not appropriate."
"So I'm... not appropriate?" I can feel my heart slowly breaking apart.
"It seems not."
I walk over to him, "Arthur. This doesn't sound like the man I know, the man..." I close my eyes and step back, "The man I fell in love with. You've been talked into this."
"I haven't been talked into anything. I'm my own man. I make my own decisions."
"And you've decided we can't be together?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes.

It took a second for the words to hit me, "I see

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It took a second for the words to hit me, "I see. You said you are your own man. But I don't think you are. Because the Arthur I know and love would never do this." Before Arthur could say I grab my jacket and sword, I push past Arthur and walk out the door. Tears start rolling down my face. I walk down and out to the courtyard. I push past Gwaine.
"Olivia? Are you okay?"
I ignore Gwaine and head straight to the stables. I quickly tack up a horse and ride away as fast as possible. I didn't say goodbye to my brother or Gaius, even Gwaine. I just can't. I gallop into the forest. I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing, or even how far into the forest I went or what my plan is. I just needed to get out of Camelot. I eventually stop my horse and take a deep breath. I know that wasn't Arthur. Someone talked him into it, and I have a pretty good idea who it was, Agravaine.  I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a noise. It probably wasn't the best idea to ride out in the dark alone.
I look around and don't see anything, "Who's there?" I call. A twig breaks, I slowly climb off my horse. I  draw my sword and take a few steps forward. I see a  figure coming closer.
"Who are you?" I ask. The figure keeps coming once the figure comes into view. I lower my sword, "Julianna?"

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