Chapter 23 ~ Journey to Fyrien

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We got into a forest and started walking. I was walking on my horse next to Arthur. Morgana, Merlin and Gwen were behind us. 

I was looking around the woods. I felt like people were watching me. I kept on hearing noises.

"I used to be afraid of these woods," Arthur says.

"You? Afraid of woods?"  I ask

"My father would bring me here when I was a boy. It seemed every falling leaf was a bandit; every puff of wind was a ghost." Arthur explains.

I smile at him as he tells me this. It was nice learning about his childhood.

"You just get used to it in the end," Arthur says.

"I'm never going to get used to it," I say, looking around the woods.

"You don't have to. You've got me," Arthur says.

I look back at him and smile. I see Arthur look back at Merlin. I glance back and see Merlin giving Arthur a smirk. I roll my eyes and look back to the front.

"What I mean is in the event of an attack, we'll watch out for each other," Arthur says casually. "Morgana, I think I can rely on your protection."

"Of course," Morgana says. 

Arthur looks at Gwen, "And, Gwen, you'll look after Merlin, won't you?" 

Gwen starts laughing. I look back at Merlin; his face was priceless.

Arthur looks at me, "And I'll protect you."

"I can handle myself," I say.

"I know you can, but I'm still going to protect you," Arthur says.

 We ride for a little longer and eventually stop by a river for the night.

Everyone jumps off their horses. Gwen and Morgana went to get some wood. Merlin and Arthur were doing who knows what, and I am trying to get the damn blanket off the saddles. How did my brother do this?

"Go and get some more firewood, would you, Merlin?"  I hear Arthur say.

"I thought Morgana and Gwen were doing that," Merlin says.

"Go and see if they're all right," Arthur says.

"Why wouldn't they be?" Merlin asks.

"I don't know. Maybe there are wolves in these woods," Arthur says.

"No, I don't think so," Merlin says.

Suddenly Merlin and Arthur go quiet. I look back at them.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, of course. The wolves."  

Merlin drops what he was holding and walks away. I roll my eyes and go back to trying to get the blanket off the saddle.

"Need some help with that?" Arthur asks, walking over to me.

"Does it look like I need your help?" I ask.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Arthur asks.

"Fair enough," I step to the side so he can get the blanket off the saddle.

He unclips it and hands it to me. I stare at him with my mouth open.


"How did you do that?" 

Arthur chuckles and walks over to where Merlin built a fire before he left. I was pacing around, putting things down and moving them again.

"Would you sit down? You're wearing me out just watching you," Arthur says.

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