Chapter 46 ~ Taking back Camelot

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The next morning we are standing around the round table. Arthur is briefing us on what to do.

"There is a tunnel under the northern ramparts that brings us only a few paces from the entrance to the dungeons. It will be well-guarded. So if we're going to break everyone out, we must remain unobserved. We cannot let them raise the alarm." Arthur says.

"We need to take out the warning bell." Lancelot states. "That way, the warriors have no means of communication." 

"Good idea." Arthur nods.

"I'll need someone with me who knows the castle," Lancelot says, looking at us.

"We'll go," Merlin says, gesturing to me.

Arthur looks at us. "All right."

Lancelot nods at us. Everyone disperses from the table, Arthur goes to talk to Gwen. I walk over to a wall and look out the window.  Arthur walks over to me.

"If you're here to convince me to stay, you're wasting your time," I say.

"That's not why I'm here, well I was going to try, but I don't think I'm going to get very far."

"If you and Merlin are going, I'm going," I say.

Arthur smiles, "I respect what you want. I'm not going to stop you."

"Thank you," I begin to walk away, but Arthur puts his hand in front of me, causing me to stop.


"They're going to see."

"I don't care. I thought I lost you twice in the space of one week. That is far too many times to bear the thought of losing you."

"If it's any consolation, I thought I lost you too when I heard an immortal army is marching to Camelot. I feared the worst."

"At least we are both safe," Arthur and I look into each other's eyes. "I want you to know... if I never see you again."

"Don't say that you will. You will see me. And, if Morgana's men harm you, I will personally see to it that she dies."  Arthur chuckles. "Last night..." I put my hand on his cheek, "You gave us hope. I saw the king you will become one day. I am so unbelievably proud of you, Arthur."

Arthur stares at me, then leans forward. I move my hands down to his shoulders as our lips meet. For one brief moment, everything felt right with the world.  I pull away and look up to Arthur. I go onto my toes and hug him. 

"Promise me. Promise me you'll come back to me."

"I will always come back to you."

I break away from Arthur and walk over to Jules. 

"What is your role today?" I ask

"I am to stay here and help with bandages and stuff."

"And you agreed to that?"

"Lancelot didn't want to see me hurt. I'm staying for him." 

"That's sweet. You guys are meant for each other."

"I'm going to go say bye to him and threaten if he doesn't come back... I'll... I'll think of something on the way to him." She turns and walks to Lancelot.

I chuckle as I watch her leave then walked over to Merlin, just as Gaius comes to us.

"You need to be careful," Gaius says.

"We've got the easy bit," Merlin says.

"The warning bell is nothing compared to the cells," I state.

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