Chapter 13 ~ The Melee

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The Melee was about to begin. There were lines of horses on either side of the arena; everyone pulls their helmet screen down. Uther stands and lifts his hand; he looks at all the knights, then lowers his hand. The knights charge forward; I tried to keep my eyes on Arthur; it was challenging within all the horses' to keep my eyes on him.  At least Arthur had a sash with the Camelot colours on his arm.  A lot of people had gotten knocked of their horses, and a lot of them get stuck in the stirrups and get dragged by the horses.

I hear a lot of gasps from the crowds, I don't know what they were gasping at, I hadn't taken my eyes off Arthur almost the whole round. I couldn't see if it was Oswald or Ethan but one of them was heading straight for Arthur. I hold my breath

"He's heading straight for Arthur," Merlin says.

Luckily Arthur turns in time and ducks out the way of the sword.  The man going for Arthur falls off his horse. I let out my breath in relief.

I saw that it was Ethan that fell Oswald was going for Arthur and Ethan was sneaking around behind Arthur.

"He's in trouble," I say.

Ethan comes behind Arthur and pull him off his horse. Ethan holds his sword up and stabs it down to Arthur, luckily again Arthur rolls out of the way and jumps up, the two of them begin fighting.

Oswald starts riding for Arthur while he had his back turned.

"You'll have to do something, otherwise Arthur will die," Gaius says.

He didn't have to tell me, I look at Oswald and focus on the girth snapping. The girth snaps and Oswald falls off. Merlin and I cheer silently, we look around and act casual.

 Oswald gets up and the two of them corner Arthur.

"It's two against one," Gaius says.

Arthur was managing to hold them off but he wouldn't be able to continue for much longer.

Another knight stands up and walks over to Arthur, they stand back to back and fight each knight.

"Who is that? Helping Arthur?" Merlin asks.

"I don't know, but I think we should be thank  he is," Gaius states.

I see the knight helping Arthur do the same move that Gwaine did the knight before. Ethan sword flies into the air and the knight catches it and stabs Ethan with it.

"There's only one person I know who fights like that," I say. 


Ethan collapses after getting stabbed by his own sword. I look over to Arthur and see him get knocked to the ground by Oswald. He gets ready to stab Uther but  Gwaine comes forward and blocks Oswald with his own sword then stabs Oswald with Ethan's sword.

Arthur takes his helmet off. When Gwaine lifts his screen Arthur chuckles, I couldn't hear what they were saying by they were talking. Gwaine lifts his helmet and looks around the stadium.

"Guards, seize him!" Uther shouts.

Guards run forward and hold their spears at Gwaine.

Merlin, Gwaine and I were waiting to hear Gwaine's fait for staying in the kingdom and fighting in the melee. I was sitting on the floor watching Gwaine pacing.

Arthur walks to us, I quickly stand up and we all walk to him.

"The king is prepared to overlook the fact that you fought in the melee," Arthur says.

Merlin smiles, "That's fantastic,"

"Thank you, Arthur," Gwaine says.

"But... He's a stubborn man.  He will not rescind his judgement. You must leave Camelot." Arthur says.

Gwaine scoffs.

"You must speak to Arthur, make him change his mind," I say.

"Olivia," Gwaine holds his hand up to me.

"I'm sorry, Gwaine. My father's wrong. If it were up to me..." Arthur says.

"I know. You don't need to explain yourself," Gwaine says.

"You have until sunset," Arthur states.

"This sucks," I walk away down into the lower town where I see, Jules.

"Gwaine has to leave," I say as I walk over to her.

"Ah no, I liked having him around, he's quite fun." Jules says.

"And, what? I'm not?" I ask.

She chuckles "Not what I meant,"

We walk up a path and see Gwaine leaving, I smile as I see him.

He stops and smiles at us.

"Hey," He says.

"I'm sorry you have to leave," I say.

"It's fine I don't stay in one place for too long anyway," Gwaine says.

"I'm gonna miss my drinking friend," Jules says.

Gwaine laughs, "You'll do well on your own," 

"I hope I'll see you again," I smile at him and we hug.

I step back so I was next to Jules.

"Arthur's watching," She whispers.

I look up onto the wall and see Arthur and Merlin on the wall. I roll my eyes.

"Bye, Gwaine," I kiss him on the cheek and walk away.

"Bye, Liv," Gwaine calls. 

Jules comes up next to me. "You did that because Arthur was watching, didn't you?" 

"Maybe," I say.

"You are full of nonsense, you know that?" 

"Yes, I know." 

Jules laugh and we continue walking.

Up on the rooftop with Arthur and Merlin.

~Merlin's pov~

Arthur and I were watching Gwaine leave, he turns and holds his hand to up, then continues walking.

"It's a shame," Arthur says. "He would've been a great knight," 

"Maybe one day he still will," I say.

"The rules won't allow it. Knights are Noblemen. Always have been, always will be." Arthur says.

We were still watching Gwaine as he walks away.

"It's a tradition that...." Arthur stops talking.

I look to where he was, it was my sister and Julianna with Gwaine. 

Arthur puts his hands on the wall and leans forward. "They seem very friendly,"

"Why should you care?" I ask.

Arthur looks at me then stands up casually, "I don't,"

Olivia laughs at Gwaine and hugs him.

"She could do better than that," Arthur says gesturing to Gwaine.

"What, she should be setting her sights higher?" I ask. "Oh, but I forget, she can't. A girl of Olivia's standing, no. She could never consort with a nobleman, that's the rules." 


"Shut up," I say.

"You guessed it,"  Arthur nods.

I look back at Liv and see her look up at us then kiss Gwaine on the cheek, I knew she did that because we were watching. Arthur grabs my shoulder and spins me around.  We walk away and Arthur bumps me with his arm. I push him on his shoulder I look at him and see him glare at me, I run away with him chasing me.

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