Chapter 3 ~ Cenred's Army

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I wake up and see Merlin woke up at the same time as me. It was dark outside, so I assume it was some time during the night.

"You shouldn't have let us sleep," Merlin says.

"I had no choice, young witch and warlock. The venom was too strong even for your great powers. Although Olivia is healing quicker because she's been stung before." The dragon says.

Merlin and I sit up.

"We don't have time. We need to get back to Camelot." Merlin says and stands up.

I stand up after him.

"The kingdom is in danger," I say.

"And it's my fault," Merlin says.

"Don't say that! But we should've listened to you." I say, "We should never have trusted Morgana." 

The dragon nods. "The two of you did what you felt was right, and that shows great courage, but trust is a double-edged sword."

"We thought because she has magic, " Merlin looks at me. "I thought we were the same." 

"In some ways, you are." The dragon says.

"No, we are nothing like Morgana and never will be," I say.

"You have learnt an important lesson, Merlin, Olivia. Your determination to see goodness in people will be your undoing." The dragon explains.

"Great, seeing good will be our downfall; that's just amazing," I mumble.

"But I fear that your futures are now joined forever." The dragon continues. "She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love." 

"We need to get back to Camelot," Merlin says. 

"You're not yet fully recovered, Merlin, you too, Olivia." The dragon states. "And it more than three days walk."

I smirk at the dragon. "Who said anything about walking?" 

I can see his facial expression when I said that. 

We get onto the dragon, and he flies us back toward Camelot.

Merlin was sitting at the very front, and I was just next to him.

Merlin lets go and holds his hands up. "Whoo!" 

He almost falls.

"Hey, Merlin?"


"It would be deeply appreciated if you do not fall to your death," I say 

Merlin chuckles. "Come on, try it." 

I sigh and hold up my arms. "Whoo!" 

I feel myself wobble. I quickly grab onto Merlin. "Okay, that was fun." 

The dragon lands just outside of Camelot in an opening. He lowers his head so we can jump off.

Merlin jumps off, then turns to me and holds his hand up. I grab his hand and jump down next to him. I look at the dragon.

"This is as far as I go." He says.

"Thank you," Merlin and I say. 

"We won't forget this," Merlin states.

"Be careful, young witch and warlock. The great battle for Camelot has begun. You must be strong. For Arthur's destiny and the future of Albion lie in your hands." The dragon says.

We nod and watch him fly away.

We run back into Camelot and go straight to Gaius.

Merlin shakes Gaius, "You need to wake up."

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