Chapter 36 ~ Dragoon the great

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~Merlin's pov~

I go marching straight into Arthur's room; we have to do something. I won't lose her.  Arthur is standing by the window, watching the guards set up the stake.

"We need to find a way to smuggle Olivia out of Camelot," I say.

Arthur turns and looks at me, "My father has me under constant watch. There are guards outside, below in the square." Arthur says, gesturing out the window. He looks at me. "I can't watch her die, Merlin."

"Neither can I. She's always been there for me. I can't lose her; I won't."

~Olivia's Pov~

The cell I am in is cold and dark. I am sitting on the floor with my head on my knees. Suddenly I hear the cell gate open. I look up and see Merlin walk in with food.

"I thought you might be hungry," Merlin puts the food on the floor. I look up at him and stand up.

"You're always looking out for me, but I can't eat. Not in a situation like this." I say. 

The guard closes the gate and walks away as soon as the guard is gone. I walk straight to Merlin and put my arms around him. 

"How is Arthur?" I ask.

"He wants me to tell you that he will do everything he can to convince Uther that you're innocent," Merlin says.  "He won't stop until you're released.

I pull away from Merlin and walk to the back of the cell, "Have you met Uther? He has his mindset nothing, and no one will change it." I turn and look at him, "Merlin, I'm scared." My voice breaks.

"Liv, you can't give up. There's still time."

"Time to do what. Exactly?" 

"We have to find the person who really planted that poultice."

"I don't think that will be very hard. It was Morgana. It had to be. She kept questioning me about Arthur. I should've known better not to go with him."

"You can't blame yourself." 

The guard comes back and opens the cell.

"It's definitely not a coincidence that Uther and Morgana found us in the woods," I whisper.

Merlin grabs my hand, he nods, squeezes my hand then walks out.  I turn and watch him leave. I run my hands through my now loose hair.  I really hope Merlin comes up with a plan... 

~Merlin's pov~

I go back to Gaius's chambers and tell him everything Olivia had told me.

"Morgana? Uther will never believe that Morgana is responsible," Gaius states.

"Perhaps Arthur will talk him round," I say.

"Uther thinks Arthur's enchanted. Anything that Arthur does is going to strengthen that belief. I fear that's not going to save, Liv."

Suddenly an idea comes to my mind. "If we can't expose the true sorcerer, then we must invent one." 

"Huh?" Gaius questions.

"What if a sorcerer was caught planting an identical poultice in Arthur's chambers?" I ask. "Uther would have no choice but to realise Liv." I turn and run up to our room.

"And do you know of a sorcerer who is stupid enough to get caught doing such a thing?" Gaius calls after me.

I stop and look at him. "Me." I turn and run into the room. I bend down and grab the spellbook from underneath Olivia's bed. I open it and sit on her bed.  Gaius walks in."See, if I disguise myself, it won't matter if I'm caught. I can use magic to escape and then change back into myself. They'll think that the sorcerer has just vanished into thin air." I say proudly. I start grabbing things for the spell.

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