Chapter 44 ~ Immortal Army

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~Arthur's pov~

I wake up the next morning and see Gwaine and Merlin sleeping. I feel around my waist for the cup; it's not there. I look around. It's not anywhere, and neither is Olivia.

"Where's the cup?" I ask, waking the two of them up. Merlin slowly sits up. "Where's the cup!"

"Cenred's men... they took it," Merlin says.

"Then what are we still doing here?"  I ask.

"You were unconscious," Merlin states.

"Always an excuse, Merlin," I begin to stand up but feel a sharp pain in my leg. I groan in pain. Merlin and Gwaine help me stand up, "We have to get back to Camelot before it's too late."  I look around, "Wait, where's Olivia?" 

"She's missing. We lost her when we split up, and we haven't seen her since." Merlin says.

"We are hoping she's heading back to Camelot," Gwaine states.

"Then let's go going," I say. I begin hobbling forward. I ignore the pain in my leg as I walk.

~Olivia's pov~

I have been walking for I  don't know how long. I won't stop until I reach Camelot. I arrive at Camelot at nightfall. As it comes into view, I see a huge army marching straight toward Camelot. They are close. I quickly rush forward and get into the lower town before they do. I walk up toward the castle. As I walk past the forge, I feel a hand twist around my arm and pull me into the forge. I twist around, causing the person who grabbed me to lose their grip. I quickly grab my sword and hold it up.

"Same side."

I sigh in relief. "Elyan. What's happening?"

"Camelot's under attack."

"I know that much. But is it Cenred?" I ask.

Elyan nods. 

"I need to get up to the castle. I need to find, Gaius." I turn and walk to the door. Elyan grabs me.

"You can't. They are going to attack at dawn!"

"I'll take my chances." I turn and walk out the door. I sprint up to the castle and head straight for  Gaius's chambers. I burst in through the door.

Gaius spins around, "Olivia!" 

I smile at him. He walks to me and hugs me. Once he lets go, he looks at me. "Where's Merlin and Arthur?"

"We got separated. I have no idea where they are." 

Gaius sighs, "Liv, Leon told the court that the men could not be killed. They were... immortal."

"But... that means they found the cup, which means they found Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine."

"Gwaine?" Gaius asks.

"Long story.  Gaius, if anything happens to them.."

"Olivia, I'm sure they're fine."

"I can't just sit here and do nothing. I have to help." 

I quickly walk up to my and Merlin's room. I grab my bow and quiver of arrows. I put the quiver on my back and put my bow over my shoulder. I walk back downstairs.

"What are you planning to do against an immortal army?"

"I don't know, I'll think of something." I quickly walk out the door.

"Olivia!" Gaius shouts. 

I Ignore his calls. I turn the corner and crash into Morgana. 

"Oh, Liv, you're back. Does that mean Arthur is here too?" 

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