Chapter 9 ~ Forcing the Goblin out

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"Arthur's a donkey," Merlin says.

I nod and hold in a laugh, "Well, the ears of one anyway. Oh, and the voice. He's... braying."

"He's braying," Merlin repeats.

I nod.

"Wow," Merlin says.

Merlin starts laughing, and so do I.

"It's not funny, guys," Gwen says.

"No, no, of course not. Arthur with the eats of a donkey. What's funny about that." Merlin says.

We all burst out laughing.

"He looked so pitiful", I laugh. "Did you find anything?"

"I think so," Merlin says.

Gwen and I walk over to Merlin and look at the book.

"If the host body dies, the goblin dies with it. So if Gaius is dying, the goblin will be forced to leave him." Merlin explains.

"You want to kill Gaius?" Gwen asks.

"Just briefly," Merlin says. 

"I feel so much better now, thanks," I say.

"Once the Goblin's out of Gaius, we have to trap it in a box lined with lead. That's the only container that will hold it." Merlin walks to the door and opens it.

"Where do we get a box lined with lead?" Gwen asks.

"Leave that to me," Merlin says.

He walks out the door.

"Don't get caught!" I call after him.

"Meet us at Gaius's chambers," I say.

She nods; I walk to the door and sneak away to Gaius's chambers. Gwen comes in soon after me, and not much later, Merlin comes. He gets going with making the poison, and Gwen was watching the door.

"Hurry up," Gwen says.

"I'm doing my best. Gaius normally deals with anything to do with poisons." Merlin says.

Merlin holds up the poison.

"Is it ready?" I ask.

"I hope so," Merlin pours it over the gold. "As soon as the Goblin's out of Gaius, you must give him the antidote." Merlin holds up the antidote and looks at Gwen.  "We only have a few seconds, or Gaius will, you know, die."

"He's coming!" Gwen whispers.

Gwen runs over to us; I hand her the antidote, and Merlin puts the gold back in the barrel; we run-up to our room and hide behind the door. The door opens, and Gaius walks In; we poke our heads around the door and watch him; he walks over to the barrel and grabs the chest; he puts it on the table and opens it, grabs a few pieces and licks them.

"Oh, that's disgusting," Gwen says.

I nod. Once Gaius was satisfied, he drops the gold back into the chest and closes it.

Once we see Gaius wobbling, we open the door and walk out.

"You've poisoned me. You've poisoned Gaius," Gaius says.

"Leave his body while you still can," Merlin says.

The goblin comes out of Gaius's ears and starts flying around; Gaius falls to the ground.

"Gwen, give him the antidote," I say.

I try and help Merlin catch the Goblin. The goblin goes back to its normal self on the table. He was gagging and wiping his mouth.

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