Chapter 38 ~ There are no rules

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Merlin, Arthur and I walk out into the courtyard; we are heading to the training field to help Arthur get ready for the tournament tomorrow. Not that we are going to help much. Merlin is carrying all of Arthur's armour. I offered to help, but he refuses to let me help. There are lines of people ahead of us waiting to sign up for the tournament.

"Did anyone think this tournament through?" Merlin asks. 

"It is a contest open to all comers. For the price of a hundred gold coins. I wonder what sort of people will show up." I say.

"It's tradition, Merlin and Olivia. The tournament's been held every ten years for centuries." Arthur says.

Suddenly two people in the line start fighting.

"Nothing to worry about," Arthur says.

We get out to the practice field. As we arrive, a man hits a dummies head off with his axe. I am too busy looking at the man to notice the head of the dummy hurtling toward me. I feel Arthur's hand on my arm. He pulls me in front of him just as the dummy's head hits the floor right where I was.

"Thanks for that," I say.

Arthur nods. I step to the side and walk in between Merlin and Arthur.

"Tell me he can't use that in the contest," Merlin says.

"He can use what he likes. It's an open tournament." Arthur says.

"Oh, amazing," I say.

"What about the knight's code?" Merlin asks.

"Counts for nothing," Arthur stops and looks at us.

"Oh, stopping," I say as Merlin smacks into me.

"The only rule is there are no rules." Arthur turns and walks away.

Merlin and I look at each other. My eyes drift to the si, and I see an axe hurtling at us.

"Lookout," I pull Merlin down. The axe flies over our heads and hits the target. Merlin and I look at the people who threw it. There is one bald one and one slight short and meaner looking one; they are both laughing.

"Yeah, you're right. There's nothing to worry about." Merlin says.

Merlin and I walk to Arthur. I help him put his armour on while Merlin gets his sword. Once I am done, Merlin gives him his sword, Arthur walks off.

"No, thank you, really?" I say.

"You should be used to that by now," Merlin says.

"Good point."

After Arthur's training Merlin and I went to the armoury place to clean Arthur's armour. I didn't have to go with, but I wanted to. I am busy cleaning it while Merlin repairs some broken bits. The two men that through the axe at us walk in.

"My, if it's not the prince and princess of Camelot," The meaner one says.

Merlin chuckles. "We're the prince's servant, and there is no princess."

"I've always wanted a servant and a pretty little lady." He says.

The man puts his shoe on the bench right next to Merlin. Merlin and I look at the boot then at the man.

"Here, clean them." He says.

"What?" Merlin asks.

"My boots." 

Merlin looks at the boots then at the man. The man rolls his eyes and takes a whip out. Merlin and I scooch back on the bench.

"Hurry up, or your friend here gets it." The man says, looking at me.

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