Chapter 73 ~ Lamia

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The next morning Merlin and I go to check on the sick he puts his hand on one of the sick's pulse. He looks up at me "I barely feel a pulse." 
Gwen and John comes through the door, "How are they?"
Merlin looks at me then turns to John, "I'm afraid the treatments have had no effect."
"You mean they're dying," John says.
"Im sorry," Merlin replies. "There's something at work here that I don't understand."
"Are you suggesting sorcery?" John asks.
"That's possible yes," Merlin nods.
"I feared as much. The other night, when I found Aldrif,  I felt a...a presence, an evil in the air." John states.
I step closer to Merlin, " We need to get back to Gaius. Only he can understand and explain this."
"I'll stay here and keep help take care of them," Gwen says.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yes, go." 

A short while later we climb onto our horses and head back to Camelot. Once in the forest Leon stops us. I look to where he is, there's smoke down the hill.
"Dismount and muzzle your horses, not a sound from any of you," Leon says.
We get to a spot where we can see, there is a bunch of men laughing around the fire.
"Bandits?" Merlin asks.
"Looks like it," Elyan replies.
"We'll skirt their camp. With any luck we'll reach the plain unnoticed." Leon says.
"Over there," Gwaine draws his sword. We all look to where Gwaine is looking there is a girl with dark brown hair and a torn dress surrounded by men, her hands are tied up. Suddenly Gwaine starts running down the hill.
I roll my eyes, "Yes, run straight into their camp that is a brilliant idea." 
The rest of the knights draw their swords and follow Gwaine down.
"So we're all going?" I call. The knights continue running. "Alrighty then." 
After a good amount of fighting the rest of the bandits run away. We are all very proud of ourselves.
"Over here." Percival calls. We walk over to Percival and see him holding the girl. Merlin kneels next to them. "Looks like we're too late."
"No she's..." Merlin starts but is interrupted by the girl screaming like crazy.
Percival hugs her, "Hey! hey! hey! It's all right. It's all right. We're knights of Camelot. You're safe now. You're safe." Percival takes the ropes off her hand. "What's your name?"
"Lamia," She replies. 
"What happened to you Lamia?" I ask.
She looks at me with absolute fear, she looks back at Percival. He nods. 
"I was traveling home when the bandits took me," Lamia starts crying and buries her head in Percival's chest.
"Your hands, did they do this to you?" Merlin asks. "Here let me clean them." Merlin reaches forward but Lamia screams again. Merlin quickly pulls his hand back.  
Leon kneels down and looks at Lamia. "Are you strong enough to ride?" She nods, "Then let's get out of here before they return." We all start heading back to the horses, Percival picks up Lamia and carries her to the horses. We walk next to our horses for a while. 
Leon stops, "We'll be safe here till the morning."
Merlin goes to help Lamia but she gasps as soon as he gets close.
""Hey! Get away from her, Merlin!" Percival pushes Merlin back.
"Hey, Percival cool it," I say stepping forward.
"You. You stay away from her too." Percival says, he grabs Lamia off the horse. "Stay away."
I scoff and turn to Merlin, "What's his problem?" 
Merlin watches Percival then turns to get his stuff, "I have no idea."
We all go to bed quite early seeing that we were all tired.

The next morning after breakfast Leon stands, "Pack your bags. We ride east with the rising sun." 
"Wait. East?" Merlin asks. "Camelot rides west of here."
"Lamia has asked that we take her home," Elyan states.
"Gaius can wait," Gwaine says standing up.
"We were sent here to help the people of Longstead if we don't go back to Camelot they could die," I say.
Leon walks over to us he looks pretty angry, "You dare to question our judgement? You are not knights. Your not even a physicians. You two are nothing more than servants."
I stand up, "What is wrong with you guys, we have to go back..." 
"Stay out of this Olivia. You have no say in this," Gwaine says. They help Lamia up then walk off to the horses giving us glares at they go.
I scoff, "They've officially lost their minds."

After riding for a while we stop for the knight.
"Why don't you watch what you're doing," Leon says.
"Why don't you watch your damn tongue," Gwaine says.
"You'd do well to learn some manners," Leon retorts.
"Nothing I can learn form you, Leon," Gwaine says.
"We'll see about that," Leon says. The two of them start pushing each other.
"Enough!" Merlin shouts.  "What's got into you?"
They both stop, Leon walks forward and knocks into Gwaine as he goes. Gwaine draws his sword and so does Leon, they begin fighting.
I look over to Percival and Elyan, they were just watching, "Will you two please do something and not just stand there like idiots watching."
The two of them look at each other the rush forward. They pull Gwaine and Leon apart. Leon has a cut on his arm.
"Great!" Merlin shouts. He walks over to them.
"I'll get the medicine bag," I say.  Merlin brings Leon over to me, he sits Leon down on a log.
"That needles a size of a spear," Leon says.
"Well, I'm sorry. It's all I have." Merlin says.
I wrap a bandage around Leon's arm, "Done."
"Thank you," Leon says angrily. He stands and walks off.
I sit down next to Merlin. He looks at me, "Leon and Gwaine... I've never known them to act like this." 
"It's like they're completely different people." I say.
"I think It's something to do with her," Merlin says, "The knights are like brothers, yet they fight and quarrel like foes. It started the moment we found her."
"I agree, but how is she affecting them like this?" I ask.
"I don't know," Merlin replies. I help him back his supplies away. Merlin and I unravel our blankets and head to sleep. 

The next morning I am woken up to everyone shouting for Elyan. I look at Merlin, "What's happening wasn't Elyan supposed to wake us up by now?" I ask.
"He's missing." Merlin replies.
"Olivia stay with Lamia. Everyone else come with me," Leon says. Merlin looks at me then follows Leon along with the rest of the knights.
"Don't worry. I'm sure they'll find him soon enough," Lamia says.
I look back at her then step away. Merlin's right something about her is off. A few minutes later the knights bring back a unconscious Elyan.
I grab Merlin and pull him to the side, "She did this. I know she did. I don't know how but she did."
"We need to get him back to Camelot now," Merlin says.
Lamia stands up, "I know this area. There's a castle not far from here. We could take shelter there. You could tend to your friend."
"Then lead the way," Leon says.
"We don't need shelter we need Gaius," I say.
"She's right," Merlin says backing me up.
"Silence! Both of you! You have no say in these matters! You come with us or you stay here. It's up to you." Leon snaps. "Let's go." Him and Percival pick up Elyan and walk off. Lamia gives us this look as she follows them.
"This is not going to end well," I say. 
Merlin nods, "Come on."


I'm sorry this chapter took so long will be trying to post more often.

Thank you again for the support <3 <3 <3

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