Chapter 70 ~ Ridge of Chemary

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I walk into Gaius's chambers and see Merlin sitting on the floor.
"Thought you were him," Merlin says. I sit down next to Merlin and put my head on his shoulder.
"Agravaine's behind this. He's done something to Gaius." Merlin says.
"I fully agree. Arthur isn't gonna listen to me. If I could persuade him, I would. Agravaine's his uncle. He trusts him more than anyone. Which he shouldn't." 
"Yeah," Merlin sniffs and busy's himself with the papers again. I lift my head off his shoulder and start helping.

That night Merlin and I decide to search Agravaine's chambers. We are determined to find out what he's up to. Merlin and I split up and started searching cupboards and anything we could. 
"Here." Merlin whispers. I turn and see Merlin kneeling by Agravaine's bed. He has a box. I walk over to him. Merlin tries to open the box. It doesn't budge. I roll my eyes and use magic to open it. I open the box, and there are a whole bunch of books on sorcery in it. Merlin sighs and drops the book back in the box, and pushes it back under the bed. Merlin looks at Agravaine's shoes. There is a lot of mud on it. Merlin wipes some of the mud onto his finger. He sniffs it and looks at me.
"What?"  I ask. Suddenly the latch of the door rattles. Merlin grabs my hand and pulls me behind the screen. Agravaine walks in.  I see him through the mirror. He was getting changed, which means he's going to come behind the screen. As Agravaine comes behind the screen, Merlin and I dash out and head to the door. We walk back to Gaius's chambers and see Gwaine sitting on the bench waiting.
"What are you doing in here?" Merlin asks.
"Got bored with playing soldiers, and I'd thought I'd come and see how you guys are," Gwaine says.
Merlin grabs a bag off the hook on the door. "We're busy."
Merlin and I walk past him. Gwaine looks at us. "Doing what?" 
"What do you think?" Merlin asks. We sit down at the table and busy ourselves.
"Looking for Gaius," Gwaine states.
"We know everyone thinks he's a traitor, but he's not," Merlin says.
"He's been abducted, Gwaine," I say. "Maybe even dead."
"Probably don't need my help then," Gwaine says. Merlin and I look at Gwaine then at each other. I nod.
Merlin holds out his hand, "Do you know what this is?"
"Might do." Gwaine smiles. Merlin and I give him a blank look then turn back to the books.
"Here. Let me see." Gwaine walks over to us. He takes some of the mud and sniffs it. "That's iron ore. Where'd you find this?"
"That doesn't matter. Does it help us?" Merlin asks.
Gwaine sits down next to me, "Iron ore's pretty rare in Camelot. In fact, I've only seen it once, on patrol."
"Where?" Merlin and I ask.
"Uhm Ridge of Chemary. They've been hewing iron from the rocks there for hundreds of years." Gwaine says.
Merlin and I looked at each other we shared the same thought. We are going to the Ridge of Chemary. I stand and go up to my room. I put my armour on, grab my sword, bow and arrows. 

"What are you doing?" Gwaine asks

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"What are you doing?" Gwaine asks.
"Going to the Ridge of Chemary," I reply.
"I'm coming with," Gwaine says.
"You don't have to," I state.
"Maybe not, but I want to." He says.
I smile at them and follow Merlin out the door down to the stables. We saddle 3 horses and ride out of Camelot and to the Ridge of Chemary.

Once we arrive at the Ridge of Chemary, we jump off our horses. I grab my sword and sling my quiver over my back. I grab my bow then follow behind Merlin and Gwaine into the cave. Merlin stops its covered in the same dirt that was on Agravaine's. We are walking in the caves silently when suddenly a man comes out of nowhere and jumps at Gwaine. He pushes Merlin and me out of the way. He uses the torch to get the man back then draws his sword. The man knocks Gwaine over. I grab an arrow and latch it onto my bow, ready to fire, when he suddenly flies into the air and crashes into Gwaine. I glance over at Merlin and see the glimmer of his gold eyes. Merlin and I push the man off of Gwaine.
"You good?" I ask.
"Never better," Gwaine replies while Merlin pulls him up. We continue walking. We get to an area with 2 different paths.
"Okay. We should split up." Merlin says.
"I'll go with Merlin," I say.
"Yeah," Gwaine walks to the right. Merlin and I head to the left.
"Gwaine," I say. He stops and looks at me, "If you find him, don't wait for us." Before Gwaine could object, I turn and follow Merlin. Merlin and I walk down the tunnel. We both hit the breaks when we see light. Merlin grabs my hand and pulls me under an overhanging rock. A man appears. He stops in front of us then continues walking. Once he leaves, Merlin crawls out then pulls me up. Merlin and I walk into a dead end. We turn and see Morgana. We go flying back and hit the floor—me, of course, hit my head. Everything went blurry; I felt like I was spinning.
"You two are like a thorn in my side, aren't you?" I hear the sound of two daggers being drawn, "When will you learn not to meddle with things you couldn't possibly understand." I lift my head and see daggers flying at Merlin and me; I back up against the wall next to Merlin. As much as my head is killing me, I would prefer not to get stabbed.  "It's difficult, isn't it, when there are so many different and painful ways for me to be finally rid of you two?"
"We don't care what you do to us. We want to know what you've done to Gaius." Merlin says.
"Gaius had some information I needed... the whereabouts of the sorcerers Emrys and Emeri. If he gave it to me willingly, his suffering would not be prolonged. But if he did not." Morgana smiles.
"If you harmed him," I say, ignoring the ringing and shooting pains in my head.
"Why are we discussing his fate when it's time to decide yours?" Morgana asks. "Not whether you're going to die here in this godforsaken place. That's going to happen anyway. But how." A man walks into the room and stands next to Morgana, "And precisely... how painfully."
"Well, I mean, I'm in a lot of pain right now. When you very rudely shot us into the air, I hit my head, so if you could get on with the killing part, that would be great."  I say.
Morgana glares at me then realizes the man next to her, "Alator. This is Merlin and Olivia. He's just a serving boy, and she's frankly I don't know what she is. But they're the most troublesome people I've ever known. I take it your time with Gaius was fruitful?"
Alator looks at Morgana, "Gaius told me everything."
"So you know who Emrys and Emeri are?" Morgana asks.
"Indeed I do," Alator replies.
This isn't going to end well for Merlin and me. 

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