Chapter 15 ~ Morgana's Birthday

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Merlin and I walk into Arthur's. room and see him awake.

"You're up?" Merlin asks.

Arthur stands, "It's Morgana's birthday. I have to get her a present."

Merlin puts Arthur's food on the table. 

"What are you getting her?" I ask.

"Ah, it's a secret," Arthur says.

Merlin walks over to Arthur and throws an apple in the air. "Come on, you can tell us." 

"A dagger," Arthur replies.

I look at Merlin, he was thinking the same thing as me it was a dagger that Morgana uses to kill Uther. Merlin and I leave Arthur's room and head outside, we look across the courtyard and see Morgana with a white horse and it was rearing. The exact same vision in the crystals.

Merlin and I burst into Gaius's chambers.

"It's happening..." Merlin closes the door after I walk in. "the future we saw. It started."

We walk straight over to Gaius.

"Calm down, Merlin, Olivia," Gaius says.

"We just saw Morgana struggling with a horse, the exact same way she was in the crystals," I say.

"Are you certain?" Gaius asks

"It was the image," I say.

"But she's always riding, it's not unusual to see her with a horse," Gaius states.

"It's not the only thing. Arthur's present for Morgana... he's told us it's a dagger," Merlin says.

"A dagger?  Merlin, Olivia, I think you're overreacting," Gaius says. "It could be any dagger. As for the sight of Morgana with a horse..." 

"It was the same," I say.

"It's hardly a rare sight," Gaius continues. "Certainly not one to be trusted as a harbinger of doom."

Merlin and I take a deep breath and calm down.

A little later we walk back into Arthur's room.

"Ah, Merlin, Olivia," Arthur looks at Merlin, "Have you done my clothes for the feast?"

"Uh, no," Merlin says.

"No, no. Well, what have you been doing?" Arthur asks.

"Um..." Merlin looks at me.

"Hmm?" Arthur mumbles.

Merlin looks at me and I shrug.

"Right, well, you can start by pressing my robes," Arthur grabs his robes from his chair and throws them at Merlin, "and cleaning my shirts," Arthur grabs shirts from another chair and throws them at Merlin. "and, uh, ooh, polishing my boots," Arthur leans down and grabs his boots he throws them at him.

I look at the box in front of Arthur.

"Ah, Morgana's present. What do you think?" Arthur pulls the dagger out and walks over to us. "Beautiful, isn't it, huh? Feel the balance. Feel the sharpness of the blade." 

It was cute how excited Arthur was over a blade. 

Merlin takes the blade and sighs happily, "Yeah."

"It's just what every woman wants, isn't it?" Merlin asks.

Arthur's smile drops "What do you mean?" 

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