Chapter 80 ~ Hunting trip

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The next morning Merlin and I come down from our room. After Merlin complaining about Arthur and Mithian's special breakfast. Which he tried so hard to ruin, but in his words, 'it's impossible.'
"I don't know why I bother. I should just leave him to it, let him make his own mistakes. See how he gets on without me. I should resign." Merlin says. I can't help but laugh at his complaining. It's sweet how hard he tries to break Mithian and Arthur up. Merlin and I both look at Gaius he has no reply.
"I said I should resign," Merlin says again, trying to get Gaius's attention.
"Quite so," Gaius says. Merlin and I stare at him in shock, then look at each other.
"Gaius, you're supposed to say ' No, no, he needs you, even if he doesn't realize it.' " Merlin walks over to Gaius.
"There's something not quite right here," Gaius says while leaning down with his face close to the table.
"Yeah, you not giving Merlin a lecture about wanting to resign," I say, walking over to them.
"I can't put my finger on it," Gaius says.
"And I have to go hunting. I hate hunting." Merlin says while putting his jacket on. Merlin looks at me. "Oh, you're not getting out this. You're coming with me." He grabs me and starts pulling me to the door. "Thanks, Gaius. You've really made me feel a whole lot better." Merlin says sarcastically. He opens the door and closes it behind us.
"Do I not get to have a say whether I want to go or not," I ask while he's still dragging me.
"No, no, you do not. If I have to go, so, do you. Call it a twin thing." He says.
"This has nothing remotely to do with us being twins. You just hate hunting and want to make me suffer with you." 
Merlin stops just outside the door to the armoury and looks at me. "Touche."
We both start laughing, grab some weapons, and then continue walking to the courtyard.
"You're not fans of hunting?" A voice calls from behind us. We both stop and look back, Princess Mithian.
"What sport is it where one side has dogs and spears and crossbows... and the other nothing?" Merlin asks, looking at her.
"You're not much of a fan of me either, are you, both of you?" She asks, walking closer. I look up at her.
"Come on, Merlin, Olivia. I'd have to be a fool not to notice." Mithian says, looking down at the ground.
"We're sorry if we've caused offence," I say gently. But, as much as I hate to admit, she is very kind.
"I'm sure you have, uh, good reasons." Mithian looks back at us. "Two things I've learned since being here... Is that Arthur values your opinion above almost all others. Even if he'd be the last person to admit it." Mithian says, looking at Merlin. 
"You can say that again." Merlin scoffs.
"And you, he has been trying so hard to avoid. The first time and last time he ever spoke to you or looked at you that I saw is when I first saw you on the stairs the day I arrived. Why?" Mithian asks.
I take a deep breath. "We've never seen eye-to-eye. Call it a love-hate relationship."
Mithian watches me then looks back at Merlin. "I like him, Merlin. I really do. I didn't expect to, but..."
"He's a loveable person underneath the hard exterior. You didn't expect it, but... It just... snuck up on you..."  I look at her. She looks shocked. I cough, "Uh, Merlin, I'll wait for you outside." I quickly turn and walk away.

We have been hunting for a while now and have not seen a single animal. Arthur and Mithian walk up next to us on their horses.
"Maybe we should call it a day," Merlin says.
"Nonsense. We've barely begun." Arthur says. Of course, he would say that. My legs are sore.
"What point is there in hunting if there isn't anything to hunt?" I ask. I am getting more used to talking to Arthur again... sort of.
"We could always give you two a five-minute head start," Arthur says. He has that cute stupid smile on his face again. It makes me start to think of all the times we had together.
"Stag!" Leon shouts, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. Everyone starts riding off. 
"No, not more running," I complain.
"Come on." Merlin starts running. I sigh and run after him. Merlin and I go off in another direction. We stop dead in our tracks when we see the stag. It looks terrified. But something is different. I stare at the stag, then suddenly I see Lancelot.
"Did you see that?" 
"You mean Lancelot as a stag? Yeah, I saw It." I nod, still staring at the stag. It walks past a puddle of water.  And the reflection in the water came out as Lancelot. We are both standing there, not moving a muscle. We get knocked back into reality when the whole hunting brigade comes galloping past us. We run after them. They all stop when the stag is walking around by the trees.
"Sire, he's yours," Leon says. Arthur holds up his crossbow and aims. Merlin uses his magic to make his shot miss, but we didn't see Mithian aiming and shooting.
"A gold sovereign says he's hit." Mithian urges her horse on. The deer is nowhere in sight. Everyone dismounts and starts looking around. 
"Tracks," Leon says. Merlin and I walk over to him.
"Ah. It can't have gone far." Arthur says. I look at the tracks. 
"I'm over this. I'll meet you at home, Merlin." So I turn on my heel and walk away.

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