Chapter 4 ~ Attack on Camelot

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I knock on Arthur's door. He may have been rude earlier, but I did want to make sure he was okay.

I walk into his room and see he was staring out the window.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt some deep thought?" I ask 

"No, come in, please." He says.

I smile and walk over to him. "How are you doing?" 

"I could use my father right about now." He replies.

"You should have more faith in yourself," I say. "The people are happy you have taken charge." 

"I've committed them to a siege. There is going to be casualties, Liv," Arthur says.

I walk closer to him and stop right in front of him. "I trust you, Arthur, and so should you. I trust you more than anyone. Forget all your worries; you need to do what you believe in, not what anyone else thinks."

I put my hand on his arm. He looks at me with his deep beautiful blue eyes; I feel his hand come over mine. I look down at his hand on mine, then back up at him.

He leans closer slowly. As much as I want to be with him, I couldn't; he needs a princess, someone who will actually help the kingdom. Which is why I can't do this.

I step back, "I should go" 

This hurt me more than an open wound I've ever had; I quickly turn and walk to the door.

"There's no need to leave, I like you being around, it... calms me." Arthur says.

I stop and slowly look at him. "There is every need."

I turn and continue out the door.

The next day I was walking down a passage. 

"Olivia," I stop at the sound of Arthur's voice.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi, um have you seen Merlin, I've been looking for him."

"No, not since yesterday." I say 

We continue down the passage to the stairs, and Merlin was there, he bending down pulling something up the stairs.

"Merlin, where have you been?" Arthur asks "I've been calling...... for you." 

Arthur hesititates when he sees my brother.

Merlin stands and looks at us "Gather provisions" 

Arthur looks at me, I shrug. I lean against the wall. 

"25 salted cod, 15 dried capons," Merlin points to a bag on the steps below him "One smoked boar..." 

"What on earth for?" Arthur asks as he puts his hand above me on the wall.

"Yeah, what he said," I say 

"We're preparing for a siege." Merlin states.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes, not a banquet" Arthur says.

"You know what your like without food." Merlin says "We could be trapped in here for weeks, months even. Look what I've got for your guy's breakfast."  Merlin grabs a jar of I don't even know what it is. 

Arthur and I give him a weird look.

"Pickled eggs."  Merlin says.

I gag, "Nope, nuh uh, never again." I turn and walk away from them.

I was busy helping pack some stuff away, I see Arthur on the other side of the passage he was saying something to Merlin and Leon, they both walk away and he looks at me. I smile at him he smiles too, I put down some sheets and walk over to them.

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