Chapter 58 ~ To Ashkanar

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I wake up early morning lying on top of Merlin. He groans, I push myself up and then Merlin gets up.

"That little snake. We should've listened to Gaius." I say. 

As Merlin gets up the key drops to the ground. Merlin quickly stands I step back out of the doorway. Merlin locks the door.

"We have to get the key back to Arthur," Merlin says.

We tiptoe into Arthur's room. Merlin puts the key back on the belt and leaves it on Arthur's table. As he turns to leave he knocks a cup over, it bounces on Merlin's hand then over Arthur. Merlin jumps over Arthur. I launch forward and catch the cup before it hits the floor. I hand the cup to Merlin. Arthur opens his eyes and looks at Merlin.

"Merlin" He sits up and looks at the headboard then back at Merlin. "What are you doing?"

"Shh." I hiss.

Arthur looks at me with wide eyes, "Olivia."

"Shh," Merlin says. 

Arthur looks back to Merlin he puts the glass against the headboard then puts his ear to it, he taps on the wood.

"I'm listening for woodworm." He says.

"I'm getting slightly concerned about you." Arthur says he looks at me, "You, you're fine... for now."

Suddenly the warning bells go off.

"What the hell is that?" Arthur asks. He jumps up.

Merlin and I wait for him outside. Once he is dressed we head to the vault.

"The lock hasn't been damaged, which would suggest whoever it was had a key," Agravaine explains.

Gaius walks in and looks at us, "Strange."

"With all treasures, this is all they were interested in. what was in there?" Arthur asks.

"I believe, sire, one-third of a triskelion," Gaius explains. "A type of key... a key that, according to legend, opens the ancient tomb of Ashkanar."

"I remember my father talk of such a tomb. It contained a dragon's egg."  He says. 

"It has been said," Gaius nods.

"You don't believe it to be true?" Arthur asks.

"Well, it is possible, sire. The wealth and wisdom of Ashkanar are without equal."  Gaius says.

"Is the egg still there?" Arthur asks.

"I can't be certain. But to my knowledge, no one has disturbed the tomb for more than 400 years." Gaius explains.

"But with this triskelion, someone could?" Arthur questions.

"Sire, a dragon's egg can live for a thousand years. Even today, it could still hatch, and another dragon can be born into this world." Agravaine states.

"So all my father's work to rid the world of these monsters would be undone?"

"That must be our fear." Agravaine nods.

"Then we have no choice. We must hunt down this intruder, destroy the egg."  Arthur walks out of the cell followed by everyone else. 

Gaius walks in front of us all the way back to his chambers. As soon as he walks in he blows up at us.

"How could you be so stupid? What were you thinking?" He shouts.

"We are dragonlords. It is our sacred duty to protect the last of the dragons." Merlin says.

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