Chapter 40 ~ Let me prove it

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Merlin gives me the ring then knocks on the door leading to Gilli's room.

"Who is it?" Gilli asks.

Merlin opens the door and pops his head in, "Merlin."

"And Olivia," I say, walking in after Merlin, closing the door behind me.

"We've come to see how you are."  Merlin smiles.

"It's a lot better," He says.

"Can we look?" I ask.

"There's nothing to see," Gilli says, leaning against the wall by his bed.

"The way you fought earlier, that was incredible." Merlin sits down on the other bed, and I lean against the wall.

"Yeah." Gilli smiles.

"Yeah, someone your size beat a man like that," Merlin says.

"A lot of people are going to think you're using magic," I say, looking at Gilli.

He looks absolutely terrified.

"We're not going to tell anyone," Merlin says.

"I'm not using magic." Gilli states.

I sigh and hold the ring up, looking at it. I throw the ring at Merlin and look at Gilli.

"You don't have to fear us," Merlin says. He looks at the ring. "It bears the mark of the old religion." Merlin throws the ring to Gilli.

"Where'd you get it from?" I ask.

Gilli looks at me, "My father." He stands up. "He left it to me."

"Did he have the same powers as you?" Merlin asks.

"He was a gifted man, but he would not touch magic. He vowed never to use it. He feared it. He wouldn't even let me talk about it.

"Why?" Merlin and I ask.

"He was scared Uther would find out. That the king would discover he was a sorcerer." I sigh and walk over to Merlin. I put my arm on his shoulder, "Even when he was attacked, he had three men on him. He still wouldn't use this," Gilli holds the ring up.

"Is that how he died?" Merlin asks.

"I'm not going to be like him." Gilli says staring at Merlin and I.

"Because you want to be proud of who you are?" I ask.

"Why all these questions?" Gilli asks, he seems to be getting irritated.

"You remind us of people we know." Merlin replies.

"Who?" Gilli questions.

Merlin stands causing me to almost fall over, but luckily I regain my balance.

"You saved my sister's life and I'm now trying to save yours. You need to withdraw from the tournament." Merlin says.

"It's an open competition. You're supposed to be able to use whatever skills you have." Gilli says walking away from Merlin.

"Yeah, fighting skills and you're definitely not a swordsman or a gladiator. Fighting is not your talent. No offense." I say.

"Magic is your talent." Merlin states.

Gilli turns and looks at us, "Then why can't I use it?"

"Uh, I don't know, because it's banned." I say.

"Without magic, I'm a nobody. People think they can kick dirt in my face." Gilli says.

"You're not a nobody," Merlin and I say.

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