Chapter 76 ~ Betrayal

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I walk out of the throne room, completely zoning out from everything. I walk blindly down the hall; I snap back into reality when I crash into Julianna.
"Liv? Liv, what's wrong? What's happened?" Jules asks. She could see the blank expression on my face and knew something was up.
"Arthur.... and..and Gwen," I say quietly.
Without saying anything, she steps forward and wraps her arms around me. 
"I have to leave," I whisper, "I can't... see him every day."
Jules "I understand. And I will be coming with you." 
"I can't let you do that; what about Lancelot?" I ask.
"He... He has disappeared again. Gaius and Merlin suspect he was enchanted. And I can't let you go alone." I see Jules's eyes lift. She nods behind me.
I look back and see Merlin. I look back at Jules. She nods then walks away.
Merlin comes over to me and grabs my hand. 
"Merlin, I..." 
"Liv, I heard. I came right behind you after you walked out, but I heard you with Jules, so I decided to wait. Are you sure you want to leave. Are you sure it's what you want?"
"I can't stay here and see him every day. It's too hard."
"Let me come with you. I don't want to leave you." 
"No. Merlin. You belong here. It would be best if you stayed here. I will see you again, and besides, I will have Jules with me." 
"When are you going to go, Liv?" Merlin asks. I take a deep breath.
"As soon as possible," I reply.

After Merlin and I had our talk, we headed back to Gaius's chambers. I have been packing while Merlin and Jules are preparing the horses. I am busy grabbing clothes from my cupboard when I hear a slight knock at the door. I glance back from behind my cupboard door and see Arthur. I close the door and put my clothes on my bed, then look at him.
"Liv, I am so sorry," Arthur says 
"I have nothing to say to you," I state.
"I know, so let me talk..." He looks down at my bed and sees my bag. "What is that?" 
I look down at the bag, then at Arthur. "I'm leaving."
"No," Arthur says, his voice breaking. "Please don't leave me. I can fix this."
"Merlin and Julianna are down preparing the horses," I say. 
"You're leaving now. Is Merlin going to?" Arthur questions.
"Yes and no, I told him to stay. Julianna and I are going together. I can't bear to stay here, see you every day. You hurt me more than I thought anyone ever could hurt me." I put the last bit of clothes in my bag and grabbed my bow, arrows and sword. I walk toward the door and stop by the stairs. "Goodbye, Arthur." I look at him one last time then walk off.

I walk out to the courtyard and see Gaius, Merlin, Jules and Gwaine waiting for me by the horses

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I walk out to the courtyard and see Gaius, Merlin, Jules and Gwaine waiting for me by the horses. I smile at them and walk down the steps, "You guys didn't have to wait here."
"We wanted to," Merlin says.
"And did you really think we would let you go without saying goodbye?" Gwaine asks.
I smile at them, then quickly go and get all my stuff onto my saddle. Once I've finished, I turn to all of them. "Thank you guys for being here." I look at Gaius.
He walks over to me. "I'm going to miss you. You are like a daughter to me. And don't get into too much trouble while you are away." 
"I'll try," I hug Gaius. 
Gwaine comes to me next. "I can't believe you're leaving. I'm gonna miss our long talks. You've been like family to me. Don't die, okay?" 
"Why is everyone assuming something will happen to me?" I chuckle as Gwaine hugs me. 
He steps back. I look at Merlin and walk over to him. "You know Arthur was enchanted, right?"
"I do, I kind of figured," I say.
"Then stay, stay here. It wasn't him," Merlin says, "You can be with me."
"I can't, Merlin, you know I can't," I say. Merlin wraps his arms around me, "I love you, Liv. Be safe."
"I love you, Merlin." I let go of him.
"You ready?" Jules asks.
"Yeah, let's go," I say. I walk over to my horse and climb on.
Jules starts trotting out. I look up onto the wall and see Arthur standing there watching. We share a second of eye contact when I turn away and ride after Julianna. Not looking back again. I love Arthur so much, but I can't be around him, not after how much he hurt me. Right now, I am just going to focus on Julianna and our journey ahead.

Sorry, this chapter is so short and that I haven't been posting a lot I will be trying to post more. 

But thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it

Love you guys xoxo

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