Chapter 61 ~ Caerleon

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Merlin and I run down a hill towards a forest. We are wearing Camelot robes. At least 20 men are chasing us.

"This was a stupid plan," I say out of breath.

"Yip," Merlin agrees.

We sprint down into the forest and get into a pathway with two hills on either side. We stop and turn around. They were close behind. Merlin falls in an attempt of avoiding an axe hurtling to his head; it lands in between his legs. I rush forward and help him up. He grabs the axe in the process. We run a bit longer and get to a dead end. Merlin and I stop and turn to look at the oncoming attackers. I draw my sword, and Merlin holds up the axe.

A man emerges from the soldiers.  "Trapped, are we?" He asks.  Before we can answer, an arrow flies down and hits a man. They all spin around and look to the top of the hill, where there are many Camelot soldiers and knights.

"That's the idea," Merlin smirks.

All the knights and soldiers start rushing down. "On me!" Arthur shouts. He jumps down the hill and lands on one of the men. The fight was quick and easy. Arthur, Elyan and I are walking side by side. "Your Majesty! Look what we have here." Agravaine calls. We all turn to look at him. He brings a man towards us. The rest of the knights come up behind Agravaine.

"He can come with us," Arthur says. "I'll deal with the prisoners when we get back to Camelot." We continue walking.
"I fear this is no ordinary prisoner, your Highness." Agravaine pushes the man down to his knees and pulls something around his neck off. He holds it out to Arthur. Arthur steps forward and grabs the necklace. 
He looks it over, "Well, well."
"What is it?" Merlin and I ask. Arthur looks at Merlin, then at me.
"This, Merlin and Olivia, is the royal crest of Caerleon. Is it not, your highness?" He looks down at the man. We keep him with us on the trip back. We travel as far as possible until it gets too late. We stop for the knight and set up camp. I am standing by Arthur and Agravaine while everyone else sets up.
"This is not the first time he's trespassed on our lands," Arthur says.
No, sire," Agravaine replies. "Only last week, he seized the village of Stone down on the western borders." 
"We're not on the borders now, Agravaine. This is the heart of the kingdom. He took a grave risk coming here." Arthur says. 
"Perhaps he doesn't see it that way," Agravaine says. Arthur looks at him in confusion. "I fear that it's no coincidence that all this has happened since Uther's death." 
"What do you mean?" Arthur asks.
Agravaine looks at him, "Arthur; your father was a strong king. His enemies feared and respected that strength."
"Are you saying I'm not worthy of that respect?" Arthur asks. This is not gonna end well.
"No, Sire. Not at all. There isn't a citizen of Camelot who would not lay down their life for you." Agravaine stands and walks over to Arthur, "But your enemies... To the enemies of Camelot, you are still untested as king. You must send a clear message... that any action against Camelot will be met without mercy."
"Did we not achieve that here today?" Arthur asks.
"No, sire. Not enough. Not enough to deter the likes of Odin and Bayard..." Agravaine says. I roll my eyes and sit down next to Merlin. "...and the countless others who covet Camelot's wealth." Arthur sits down next to me, "Then what do you suggest?" 
"I suggest..." Agravaine kneels in front of Arthur, "I suggest we force him to accept a treaty on our terms. He must withdraw his men from our land, return our territories to us. He must surrender Evorwick."
Arthur looks at him, then back to Agravaine, "He'd rather die than agree to such terms."
"Then you are left with no choice," Agravaine says. If he's suggesting what I think he is...
"I can't just kill a man in cold blood," Arthur says. He was suggesting exactly what I thought he was.
"Arthur, you must do what you need to do to assert your authority on this land," Agraivaine says. Merlin stands and walks off.
"There must be another way," Arthur say. Agravaine shakes his head.
"There is no other way. Think on it. Decide by tomorrow," Agravaine stands and walks away.
I turn to Arthur, "You're not actually considering this, are you? I mean, it's crazy."
"Not now, Olivia!" Arthur snaps. I flinch at his outburst. Arthur sees me flinch. "I'm sorry... I need to think." 
"I can't believe you're actually considering this," I stand up and walk away.

The next morning I wake up to feeling a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look to the side. It's Merlin; he nods toward the fire. I lift my head and see Arthur sitting in the same place I left him earlier. I kick the blanket off and stand up. Merlin grabs some water then we walk over to him.
"Arthur." Merlin says, he doesn't move, "Arthur." He snaps out of his daze and looks at us. Merlin holds out the water to him.
"Thank you," Arthur says. He grabs the water and looks back at the dead fire. 
Merlin walks to the fire, and kneels  "You must be cold." I step around the log and sit down next to Arthur.
"Have you not slept?" I ask. 
"I've been thinking," Arthur says. He must've been thinking about Agravaine.
"About what Agravaine said?" Merlin asks expressing my earlier thought. "What are you going to do?" 
"My father was a great king, but I don't have his wisdom or his conviction. I can only follow his example and do what he would have done," Arthur says.
"Are you going to draw up the treaty?" I ask gently, Arthur looks at me then back to the fire, he nods, "I have to show my strength, show that I am worthy of my father's name."
"You know Caerleon won't sign it, right?" I say. Merlin nods his head in agreement.
Arthur looks between Merlin and me, "Caerleon brought this upon himself."
"Arthur. You've always shown mercy in battle. You've never sought to humiliate your enemy in this way," Merlin points out. I 100% agree with him I don't know why Arthur is trying so hard to be like his father.
"I agree, just because Uther was that type of king doesn't mean you have to be," I say carefully I don't want to offend Arthur. He loved his father and looked up to him. "This isn't who you are, Arthur. I know you and this isn't like you."
He turns his head to me, "You have no idea what it is to make these decisions... decisions that will shape the future of this land."
"Arthur..." I try.
"Stick to what you do know," Arthur stands up and walks away.
"He didn't mean it, you know that," Merlin says moving next to me.
"I hope you're right. But that doesn't make the sting of what he said go away," 
"He loves you, Liv. Never forget that."  He says, I nod at him and give him a weak smile.

A little later the treaty had been written and Agravaine is presenting it to Caerleon. I am standing between Gwaine and Elyan. Leon and Percival are standing behind Caerleon while Agravaine is holding the treaty out to him.
Caerleon looks at it, "What is this?" Agravaine points the treaty to Leon, he steps forward and grabs it. Agravaine turns away. Leon opens the treaty and shows it to him.
Caerleon reads it, "You expect me to sign this? To humiliate myself before you?"
Agraivaine turns around, "You invaded our kingdom, took what did not belong to you." 
"And if I do not sign?" Caerleon asks.
"Then you will pay with your life," Agravaine says. Caerleon chuckles.
"And who makes these terms?" Caerleon asks. 
Agravaine steps aside, "Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot," Arthur literally appeared out of nowhere.
Caerleon steps forward, "Very well." Before he could get any closer Percival grabs him. Caerleon pulls out of his grip. "Then make it quick." Caerleon goes down on his knees.
Arthur watches him carefully, "Think what you're doing, Caerleon. This treaty could seal a truce between us. There would be peace like there was between your father and mine."
Caerleon looks up at him, "I am not my father. And you are not Uther. Do you really have the guts to kill me?"
Arthur stares at Caerleon blankly, "You leave me no choice."
"You do not choose anything, boy. It is I who choose to die, and I alone. Now get on with it." Caerleon goes down on his hands in front of Arthur.
"So be it," Arthur says coldly. I turn into Gwaine's arms I did not need to see what Arthur is going to do.

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