Chapter 50 ~ Daelbeth

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After riding for a while, we get off and follow Arthur towards a cave. He gestures for everyone to go there.

"Elyan, look after the horses. They need watering." Arthur says. "I need someone to volunteer to get wood."

"We'll do that," Merlin grabs my arm and pulls me out to the forest to get some wood.

Merlin and I start collecting wood when I hear a noise behind me. I spin around and see Jules and Lancelot. I sigh in relief and continue collecting wood with Merlin.

"You shouldn't be here," Lancelot says. "You have no powers."

"Have no powers? does that mean I'm more powerful than you two?" Jules asks.

"We haven't lost our powers; they're just useless against the Dorocha. Besides, it doesn't matter," I say.

"You're no warriors," Lancelot states.

"Well, she is more of a warrior than him," Jules states.

"Thank you, Jules." I smile.

Lancelot shoots a glare at her, "I don't want to see any of you hurt. If the three of you leave in the morning, I'll cover with Arthur." 

"I'm not going anywhere," Jules and I say.

"It's your duty to protect Camelot, no matter what the cost." Merlin says Lancelot nods, "Well, it's our duty to protect Arthur."

"Surely, you can understand that," I say.

Lancelot walks closer to us, "I can understand that very well," Lancelot looks at Jules and smiles.

The four of us collect some more wood then head back to the cave.

We left the cave at the first sign of light. We have been riding for a long time. Honestly, I'm over it. We get to an area that has stacks of dead bodies lying all over the place. Their faces are so white, I quickly look away and focus my gaze on the back of Arthur's head.

Arthur looks back, "We need to reach Daelbeth by nightfall."  He gives me a slight smile then looks ahead. We pick up a canter, after a while, we arrive at what I assume is Daelbeth. It looks like it used to be a huge castle. We get off our horses and walk into the castle.

"Pair off. Find any wood you can. Get the fires burning," Arthur says. Lancelot and Merlin go off together, and Jules and I head off.

Jules and I grab some logs. I look around to make sure no one is around, "Bryne," The log I'm holding lights up. "Much easier."

Jules chuckles. We continue getting wood. Jules is unusually quiet. I hear the faint screams of the Dorocha. I hear Arthur shouting. I stand and look around.

"Come on," I run off in the direction. I heard the voices making sure Jules is behind me.

I run into Arthur as I'm turning a corner. 

"Are you alright? I heard shouting."

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about you," I say.

"A little better knowing that you're safe. Come on," Arthur pushes Jules and me ahead of him. We get to the other knights. Merlin is there; I see him lighting the fire with his magic. Jules and I put the little bit of wood we have on the tiny pile with the rest. 

Percival looks at the wood, "It won't get us through the night."

"It'll keep the area safe for a while," Arthur replies.

I sit down next to the fire and stare at the flames.  I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You all right?" I look up and see Arthur.

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