Chapter 22 ~ Castle of Fyrien

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Suddenly some guards walk in and drag Elyan and Julianna away.

"Let go of her!" I shout.

They ignore me and drag her away. Honestly, I don't know why she didn't just shapeshift. 

The man I found out names is Cenred walks back into the room with two water glasses. He hands one to Gwen, and she starts drinking it. He holds the glass out to me.

"I'm good," I say.

"Oh, c'mon, you must be thirsty," Cenred says.

"I may be thirsty, but that doesn't mean I want anything from you," I snap.

"You're very feisty; you know that?" Cenred asks.

"Where's Julianna," I look at Gwen, "and Elyan."

"They're safe," He runs his hand down my cheek, "For now."

I smack his hand away, "And why should we believe you?"

I glance at Gwen; she was most definitely freaking out.

"We can talk about your friend and your brother later," Cenred says. "I want to talk about you two," Cenred walks around us, "And what you can do for me."

"Please," I scoff.

"What could we possibly do for you?" Gwen asks.

Cenred puts his head by mine, "You can bring me Arthur Pendragon."

"We're just servants; we have no influence with the prince," Gwen says.

Cenred laughs, "Maybe you don't," He looks at me ", But she does."

"I just hang around him because my brother is with him," I say.

"We both know that's not true," Cenred states.

"I think you're going a bit crazy because I have no idea what you are talking about," I say.

"Enough!" Cenred shouts. 

I flinch at the sudden noise.

He walks to me.."You will bring him here. I don't care how you do it. All I care about is that it is done. You have a week." 

"And if we.... she doesn't?" Gwen asks.

"Then I'll let you both watch while I tear your brother and friends heart out" Cenred smiles at us and walks away.

~Merlin's pov~

"The Guard saw Gwen leave the palace at the usual time. Then soon after, Olivia went down. Then after that nothing," Arthur says.

"Why are you telling me this?" Uther asks.

"Sire, I have reason to believe that Olivia and Guinevere have been kidnapped," Arthur says.

"Kidnapped?" Morgana asks.

"I'd like to organize a search party," Arthur states.

"I hardly think that would be appropriate," Uther says.

"Father?" Arthur asks.

"They're just serving girls," Uther says.

"Gwen in the maid to the King's Ward, and Olivia is my other servant. She helps out a lot," Arthur says.

Uther rolls his eyes, "Very well. Send a squad of guards to search the lower town."

"And in the countryside?" Arthur asks.

"They have until nightfall," Uther says.

"Father, I'm not sure I can achieve..." 

"Arthur, I have a kingdom to protect. I cannot waste precious resources on a servant, whatever their circumstances," Uther says.

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