Chapter 49 ~ The Dorocha

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The ride back to Camelot was terrifying. We all had torches. Once we arrived, Camelot is in panic; everyone is running and screaming. Arthur, Jules, and all the knights run into the castle. I am about to follow them when I see Merlin go a different way.  I sigh and follow Merlin. He is going in the direction of the hospital. I catch up to him. We walk to the hospital together in silence. We see Gaius standing over a body; he pulls a sheet over it.

"Gaius," Merlin says.

Gaius looks at us, "Merlin, Olivia." Gaius comes to us then stops. "You saw them?"

Merlin and I nod.

"Here, help me. Get me some more sheets." Gaius walks back into the room. 

I start walking in, Merlin stops. I turn and look at him, so does Gaius.

"Merlin?" Gaius asks.

"My magic is useless against them. I've tried. I have never felt so powerless." Merlin says.

Gaius looks at me. "What about you, Liv?"

"I didn't have a chance to try to use my magic. I was with Arthur, but I assume my powers won't work either," I say.

"Something deep inside." Merlin continues, "And when it came for me, I felt this emptiness. I couldn't breathe. I'm scared." 

"Merlin, I'm terrified. When I saw you outside alone, the only thing I thought of was getting out to you making sure you're okay," I say.

"Merlin. It's all right. It's not your fault." Gaius says.

Merlin takes a deep breath and nods.

The next day Merlin, Gaius Agravaine and me are standing in Arthur's chambers.

"We've suffered 50 dead, maybe more, mainly in the lower town," Agravaine says.

Arthur is pacing up and down, "And there's no way of fighting them?"

"No. Our only weapons are torches. And the light doesn't kill them; it only repels them." Agravaine states.

Arthur looks at Gaius and walks to him, "What are they?"

"The Dorocha, sire. The spirits of the dead. On Samhain's eve, in the time of the old religion, the high priestesses would perform a blood sacrifice and release them." Gaius explains.

"But who would do such a thing now?" Agravaine asks.

Gaius looks at Agravaine, "Morgana."

"You see her hand in this?" Arthur asks.

"We know she was travelling to the Isle of the Blessed." Gaius states.

"How do we defeat them?" Arthur asks.

"I don't know, sire. No mortal has ever survived their touch." Gaius replies.

Arthur sighs. 

Later that night, Merlin and I are in Arthur's chambers. Merlin and I are busy lighting candles when we hear a faint scream of the Dorocha. Merlin drops the candles; I do this jump and move away, closer to Arthur. A candle runs to the window.

Arthur looks at Merlin and me.

"I thought I saw something," Merlin says.

"I jumped because... Merlin frightened me," I say.

"What was it, a spider?" Arthur asks.

I look at Merlin and see him staring at the candle by the window. I walk over to him and stare at the candle too. I hear Arthur's footsteps coming to us.

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