Chapter 32 ~ The Manticore

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Merlin and I walk into the library and march straight past Geoffrey.

"Morning," Merlin and I say as we walk past him.

Merlin and I begin searching shelves trying to find a book on magical creatures.

"Here," Merlin says as he pulls a book down from a shelf.

I walk over to him, he opens the book, Merlin begins paging through the book looking for the creature we saw. Merlin stops at a page that had the creature on it.

Geoffrey clears his throat, Merlin and I look up from the book and look at him.

"Can I help you?" Geoffrey asks.

"No." Merlin looks at me, "Yes. I wonder do you know anything about this creature?" Merlin shows Geoffrey the book.

"Ah, now that is the manticore," Geoffrey says.

"A manticore?" I ask.

Geoffrey sucks in a breath, "Nasty-looking beast, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you can say that again," Merlin says.

"I believe it was first referred to almost a thousand years ago. The ancients lived in fear of it,  trembled at its very name," Geoffrey states.

"We've never even heard of it," Merlin says.

"I'm not surprised, 'cause as far as I'm aware, the manticore is a legend, a figment of the imagination," Geoffrey explains.

"Are you absolutely certain?" I ask.

"Oh yes. So if you two were hoping to see one," He hands the book back to Merlin. "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed." 

Geoffrey turns and walks away. 

"If only it were a figment of the imagination," I say.

Merlin and I walk back into Gaius's chambers, as we walk in Alice drops whatever she was holding.

"I'm so sorry, Gaius," Alice says.

Merlin closes the door behind me. Alice begins cleaning up the mess with a cloth.

"Don't worry." Gaius says walking over to her. "Merlin and Olivia will clear it up, won't you, Merlin, Olivia?"

"No, no, I can do it," Alice says.

Merlin and I edge closer to Alice. Merlin and I watch her. We glance at each other nervously. 

That night Merlin and I sneak back into the library. Geoffrey is sleeping on his table. Merlin and I creep around when Merlin crashes into something metal on the floor then I crash into him. Geoffrey wakes with a start.

"What's that? Who's there?" He asks.

Merlin and I duck behind a shelf. Merlin turns so he can see the table. Suddenly a few things on the table start floating.

"No one," Merlin whispers in a raspy voice. "You're dreaming. Now go back to sleep."

Geoffrey nods and puts his head back on the table he starts snoring.

"Wow, I can't believe that worked," I whisper.

Merlin and I have a whole session of reading and going through book after book. We have books surrounding us piles of books open books that we gave up on reading. Merlin looks at one we already read. He flips the page and sighs.

"What?" I ask.

"No, I thought I saw something."

He goes back to reading the book he originally was and I go back to mine. 

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