Chapter 60 ~ Aithusa and Sanare

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~Arthur's Pov~

I slowly open my eyes. I felt horrible. The last thing I remember is eating the food. I looked around and saw all the knights sleeping. Some were waking up looking just as bad as I felt. I look around. Merlin and Olivia are nowhere to be seen. Olivia. I sit bolt upright. She's gone. I stand up. I walk over to Gwaine and kick him.

"Get up. Olivia and Merlin are gone," I say.

"What?" Gwaine asks groggily. "Where are they?" 

"I don't know. Leon, Percival, Elyan get up. We gotta go." I say.

Gwaine is the first up, followed by everyone else. We head in the direction of the tower. As we arrive, the entire top half of the tower collapses. I see Merlin kneeling by a tree by his bag.

"What the hell happened?" I call.  

"The tomb was a trap. He set it off. He never got, out" Merlin says.

I look at Merlin, "Where's Olivia?"

"She was right behind me," Merlin says. 

"You lost her?" I ask. "And the egg."

"It would've perished with him," He shrugs. "And I didn't lose her. She was behind me."

"The whole tower is collapsing. What if she's still in there!" I exclaim. 

"I-" Merlin starts.

I turn and run for the building. Before I could, Leon grabs me. "It's too dangerous."

"But she's in there," I say.

"You have to let her go; there's nothing you can do," Leon says, slowly removing his hand. I turn to the tower and watch it all the way to the bottom.

"Yip, she's dead," Gwaine says.

Merlin and I turn and hit him over the head.

~Olivia's pov~

I lose Merlin in the dust of the crumbling building. I manage to find another exit and get out before the building crumbles. I find my bag and slip the dragon egg in. I walk around the building and see everyone staring at the building. Leon has his hand on Arthur's shoulder. I walk over to them and stand next to Gwaine.

"What are we looking at?" I ask.

Everyone looks at me in shock.

"What?" I ask.

Suddenly Arthur grabs me and pulls me into a hug. "I thought you were dead. You scared me."

"I'm sorry," I whisper. Arthur lets go and steps back.

Merlin quickly steps forward and hugs me, "I'm so happy you're okay."

Merlin steps back and gives me a look I nod at him. He gives out a sigh of relief. 

Gwaine steps forward, "Survived a collapsing building wow you should be the knight."

I chuckle, "Hi Gwaine."

He hugs me, once everyone hugs me and expresses how happy they are that I'm alive, we head back to Camelot.

Merlin and I head straight back to Gaius's chambers. He wasn't here I assume he is meeting with Arthur. Once he arrives back he stares at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You were almost squashed under a building," Gaius says.

"Yes, but the important word here is almost," I say.

"Didn't I tell you two to be careful?" 

"Technically this time you didn't," Merlin says.

Gaius glares at Merlin. Merlin sits down at the table. Gaius makes some food, I sit down next to Merlin. Gaius gives us the food we eat in silence. Once we're finished I push my plate forward. 

"Shame about the egg," Gaius says.

"Eggs,"  I say.

Gaius looks at me in confusion.

"There were two," I say.

"Wow, you weren't able to save them?" Gaius asks.

"No," Merlin says.

We both start fiddling with our fingers and some crumbs on the table. Gaius watches us, Merlin and I eventually cave and smile at him.

Merlin suddenly stands up, apparently, we're getting the eggs.  I stand and follow Merlin.

"All the jewels, all the treasures, Gaius, they don't compare," Merlin says.

Merlin kneels by his bag and I go to mine. We grab the eggs and sit back down at the table.

"And they were nearly lost because of you two," Gaius says.

"We're sorry, Gaius. We were too quick to act," I say.

"You two need to think things through, Ashkanar did exactly that. He had the foresight to conceal this for more than 400 years. And now it's down to you, Merlin and Liv-- for you to decide what you intend to do with it." Gaius says.

"We have thought about that," Merlin states. "We're going to make sure it goes back to where it belongs."

Merlin and I carry the eggs to the open fields, where we meet the dragon. We put the eggs on a log and wait for the dragon to arrive. He lands in front of us and looks at the egg.

"Are they still alive?" I ask.

"They can live for more than a thousand years," Kilgarrah says. "And why are there two? How are there two?" 

"When we got there were two eggs there," I say.

 "So you are no longer the last of your kind," Merlin smiles.

"It would seem not," Kilgarrah nods.

"When will they hatch?" I ask.

"Young dragons were called into the world by the Dragonlords," He says. "Only they had the power to summon them from the egg. As the last dragonlords, this solemn duty falls to you, Merlin and Olivia."

I look down at the egg then back at the dragon.

"How do we summon them?" I ask.

"You must give the dragon's a name," Kilgarrah replies.

Merlin and I close our eyes. I begin searching my soul for a name, Merlin says first.

"Aithusa," He says in a deep whisper.

"Falkor," I say right after him.

Both eggs begin hatching. Aithusa emerges first followed by Sanare. Aithusa is an adorable white dragon and Sanare is a white dragon with blue tips.

"White dragons... is indeed a rare thing-- and fitting. For in dragon tongue, you named him after the light of the sun, and her name means saviour. No dragon birth is without meaning. Sometimes the meaning is hard to see, but this time, I believe, it is clear. The white dragon's nodes well for Albion, For you and Arthur... And for the land that you will build together." The dragon says. Merlin and I smile brightly at the baby dragons I feel a tear roll down my eyes, they were of pure joy. The babies come out from the last bit of the egg. They give a soft growl. These babies are honestly the cutest little things i've ever seen. 

I feel a connection to Sanare i can't quite explain it.

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