Chapter 81 ~ Camelot is taken

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I walk into the room where the feast is being held

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I walk into the room where the feast is being held. I am greeted with talking and laughing. I scan the room and see Merlin walk in with food for Arthur, I assume. I head over to them.
"Easy now. We don't want any more holes in that belt." Merlin says as I reach them. Percival spits his wine back into the glass. Everyone that is in earshot starts laughing, including me.
"Merlin," Arthur gestures for Merlin to come to him. I walk a little closer so I can hear what he is saying. Arthur grabs Merlin's shirt.
"It's a good job. You don't have anything of any actual importance to keep secret, isn't it?" Arthur asks, letting go of his shirt. Merlin looks back at me. I'm fighting not to start laughing. He smirks at me then continues pouring wine for people. 

~Merlin's pov~

After pouring wine for people, I look at Arthur, who seems to look upset.
I walk over to him, "You all right?"
Arthur looks at me the reaches for his wine, "No one likes to be called fat, Merlin."
"Sorry," I mumble. I watch him carefully. I follow his gaze to where Olivia is talking to Percival. "It's Olivia, isn't it?" 
"I remember looking for her in the room. She was never here. Now she is here but not by my side. Then I remember why." Arthur looks back at me. He lets out a sigh and sips some more wine.

~Olivia's pov~

The feast has gone on for a while when suddenly the warning bells go off.  I glance over at Merlin. He looks just as confused as me.
Gwaine bursts through the doors. "Sire, we're under attack! They're within the city walls." 
Arthur stands and unties his cape and looks back at us."Merlin, get everyone to the inner chamber." 
"Yes, sire." Merlin nods, and I start heading to the side exit.
"Liv! Olivia!" I spin around and see Merlin and Arthur looking at me.
"I'm going to get my bow and arrow!" I turn and run to Gaius's chambers. I quickly pull on my fighting clothes and grab my bow, quiver of arrows and sword. 

I run down the halls and slip into the inner chambers through the back door

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I run down the halls and slip into the inner chambers through the back door. I see Merlin and Gaius sit an injured knight on a chair. I run over to them; Merlin hugs me as I get to them.
"Glad you're alright," Merlin says, letting go of me.
"What's happening? There's a lot of chaos out there," I say, nodding to the door.
"The lower town is lost." Merlin states. "It's only a matter of time before they reach the citadel."
"How did this happen?" Gaius asks. "How did they get in without being detected?"
"Agravaine," I whisper. "We knew he was planning something. We didn't know when."
I look around the room. "Where's Arthur?" Merlin looks at me. I look at the door, look back at Merlin, then run to the door.
"Where are you going?" Gaius calls.
"I have to find Arthur," I say, running through the door.
"Liv! I'm coming. We'll go separate ways. We'll find him quicker," Merlin says. 
I nod, "Be careful." 

We turn our separate ways and go to find Arthur. I run along all the passages looking down any side passages. The passage veers to the right. I turn down and see an enemy slice at Arthur's side. I grab an arrow and draw my bow, shooting the man before he can do more damage to Arthur. I run up behind Arthur and pull him to another side passage. 
"Olivia!" He exclaims. "What the hell are you doing out here? You should be in the inner chambers with the others."
"I came to find you. When you weren't in the chambers when I got there, I was worried. For a good reason, apparently." I say, looking at Arthur's wound.
"You were worried about me? I thought you hated me." 
"I could never hate you."
Merlin comes bolting from around the corner. "You found him!"
"Been hiding in the broom cupboard, as usual, Merlin?" Arthur asks.
"We need to get out of here!" Merlin says. I put Arthur's arm around my shoulder; we run off with Merlin on our heels. Once we are far enough away, Arthur runs on his own.
"Are you alright?" Merlin asks as we run down the passage in the courtyard
Arthur stops by the pillar and groans as he hits it. "Maybe a broken rib or two." He says casually. We poke our heads around the pillar and see Morgana walking in front of a huge army. Agravaine comes up next to her and draws his sword. He turns away from them and leans against the pillar.
"Agravaine." He says with a blank stare on his face. His face angers, and he tries to jump forward. I grab his shoulder and pull him back.
"There's too many of them. We can deal with Agravaine later. Please, for me." I say. He looks at me and nods. We head back to Gaius.

Gaius examines Arthur when we bring him to Gaius. 
"I can bind the rib cage, but even then, we run the risk of puncturing a lung," Gaius says. 
"Do whatever it takes, Gaius, just so long as I can swing a sword," Arthur says. Arthur is busy watching the door while I stay with Arthur. Percival and Gwaine come through the door and barricade it. Gaius and I walk over to them.
"How do we stand?" Gaius asks.
"The citadel is overrun." Percival states. "We can't hold on much longer."
"How long do we have?" I ask. 
"Minutes at best," Percival replies.
"They're coming for Arthur. If they find him, they'll kill him."  Merlin says, glancing back at him.
"We must get him to safety while we still can," Percival says.
"Arthur would never abandon his people. He'd rather die." Gwaine states.
I sigh and walk back to Arthur, Gwaine and Merlin follow.
"I'm sorry, sire. This is going to hurt." Gaius says. Arthur looks at me. I smile reassuringly and take his hand.
"Just get on with it,"  Arthur says. Gauis does whatever he says is going to hurt. Arthur screams in pain and squeezes my hand. He lets go of my hand and looks as if he's drugged. I glance at Merlin and see a glint of gold eyes. He used magic to get Arthur to leave. Percival and Gwaine come over to us.
"We need to leave now, sire," Merlin says.
"Of course." He stands up and wobbles. The knights take a second to take in what happened.
"Then let's go." Percival puts Arthur's hand over his shoulder and walks to the back door.  "We'll use the postern gate." Percival walks past us with Arthur. Merling grabs his cape and sword.
"I'll keep them off your back as long as I can," Gwaine says. He and Percival shake hands.
"Get your things, Gaius," Merlin says.
"You two must go," Gaius says. "I'll just slow you down."
"No," I say.
"It is for the best," Gauis says.
"But if you say..." 
Gwaine cuts me off, "No time to argue. I'm sorry." He pushes Merlin and I toward Arthur and Percival.
"Look after our king, you two," Gaius says. We nod and turn around, following Percival out. We run out of Camelot and into the forest. We slow down from our running.
"Thank you, Percival," Arthur says. Percival lets go of Arthur's arm.
"Can you walk on your own?" Merlin asks.
"Oh, yes. Just point me in the right direction."  Arthur says.
"Shh." Percival hisses. He spins around and grabs someone. "Elyan."
"Don't hold back on my account." Elyan states.
"Is the way out of Camelot clear?" I ask.
"As far as I can tell," Elyan says, the two of them walk off, followed by Merlin.
I turn and see Arthur looking at Camelot. "Come on, Arthur." He turns to look at me and starts walking alongside me.
"They'll come after us. They know Arthur's still alive." Percival says.
"Then we have to cross the border. Find any sanctuary we can." Elyan says, running alongside Arthur, helping him from falling over.
"I know a place, Ealdor," Merlin says. "It's beyond the White Mountains."
I stop in my tracks and look back. I can hear the sound of galloping hooves behind us. "Listen"
The others stop, and horses come into view, with Morgana and Agravaine in front.
"Run!" Percival shouts. We all spin around and run. Suddenly we all fly into the air. Merlin and I are the first up, pulling Arthur up too.  We start running again.
"Where's Percival?" I shout. I stop and turn around; Percival isn't anywhere in sight.
"We have to go!" Elyan shouts. We run for a while when Elyan stops. "Go!"  He hands Merlin Arthur's sword.
"What about you?" Merlin asks.
"Don't worry about me. Go!" Elyan exclaims. We turn and run after Arthur. 

After running for a while, Merlin suddenly stops, Arthur crashes into him, and I crash into Arthur.
"Sorry. My fault." Arthur says. Merlin looks at me in confusion. I shrug. I step past Arthur and look around.
"I think we're safe for now," I say. We turn and look at Arthur.
"We need to find you some disguise. You're too conspicuous in those clothes." Merlin says.
Arthur looks at himself, "Whatever you say, I'm entirely in your hands." 
Seeing Arthur like this is too weird. Merlin and I turn, and we all start walking, searching for something Arthur can change into.

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