Chapter 71 ~ Saving Gaius

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"Indeed I do," Alator replies.
Merlin and I stare at Alator. He walks forward and kneels in front of us. "Not only do I know who Emrys and Emeri are, I know exactly where they are."
"Then tell me," Morgana says.
Alator looks at Morgana, "Never." Alator stands up. He shouts a spell, and Morgana goes flying back. She is knocked out cold. The daggers in front of Merlin, and I fall to the ground. Merlin and I quickly jump up and look at Alator.
"Merlin, Olivia, I am Alator of the Catha. I am honoured to be of service," Alator says.
"You have magic," Merlin says.
Alator nods, "I understand the burden the two of you carry. I have lived with it all my life. I have been shunned, persecuted... and sometimes even hunted in every corner of the five kingdoms. I understand what that feels like. You're not alone. From what Gaius told me, I do not have your great powers, Merlin and Olivia, but I share your hopes. For I and others like me... Have dreamt of the world you seek to build, and we would gladly give our lives to help you do it." Alator kneels and bows his head. 
Merlin and I let out the breath we were both holding; we look at each other and took a deep breath.

~Gwaine's pov~
I arrive back at Camelot with Gaius and Agravaine. I found Gaius unconscious in the cave Agravaine was with him. I have no idea how he got there, but he said he followed Merlin, Olivia, and me. But If Arthur trusts him, so do I. 
Agravaine convinced me to leave Merlin and Olivia behind, much to my disgust, but he could die if we did not get Gaius back to Camelot. I jump off my horse while some guards grab Gaius. I head up the stairs into the castle, then up some more. Once I get to the top, Arthur comes around the corner. I stop at the top of the stairs.
"What happened?" Arthur asks, looking at Gaius being carried up the stairs.
I glance at Gaius, then look back to Arthur, "We found him. He'd been kidnapped." The guards carry Gaius past us, "He's in a bad way." We follow the guards to Gaius's chambers, where they lay him on his bed, and Gwen cares for him. Once Gwaine was safe in bed, Arthur pulls me to the side.
"Where are Merlin and Olivia?" Arthur asks.
"They were there with me, but Agravaine convinced me to leave them behind. But don't worry, they know how to take care of themselves, well Olivia does anyway. They'll be back before you know it," I turn and walk out of the door before Arthur could make any comments.

~Olivia's Pov~ 

"We need to find Gaius," I say.
"Don't worry, Gaius is safe. Your friend found him and took him back to Camelot," Alator says.
"Thank you for everything, Alator, but we must get back to Camelot," Merlin states. 
"Of course," Alator leads us to the exit. We say our goodbyes and ride back to Camelot.
Once back in Camelot, Arthur is already coming down the stairs. I jump off my horse and meet him.
"What were you thinking? Why would you go out there if anything happened to you," Arthur says.
"I did it for Gaius, and besides, I'm still in one piece, and Gwaine was with me," I state.
"He left," Arthur says.
"Because I told him if he finds Gaius before we do, he must get Gaius out." I see Merlin walking toward Gaius's chambers. "Can we talk about this later? I really want to see Gaius."
"Of course," Arthur replies.
I smile at him, then turn and head toward Gaius's chambers. Merlin and I sit down on the bench next to Gaius's bed.
After a while, Gaius opens his eyes. He slowly turns his head and looks at us. "I'm ashamed."
"Why?" Merlin and I ask.
"Your secret, a secret I thought I'd protect with my life..." Gaius says.
"Gaius, You could've died," Merlin states.
"But if Morgana had found out..." Gaius says.
"She didn't; it's okay," I say. 
"She didn't count on Alator's true loyalties," Merlin explains.
"I worry that one day I'll let the two of you down," Gaius says.
"Our worry is Arthur," Merlin says.
"We can't tell him about Agravaine," Gaius says.
"He has the right to know," I state.
"We don't have any evidence, and you've seen how dear he is to Arthur," Gaius says.
There is a knocking on the door; we all go quiet and look at the door as it opens. Arthur walks in. Merlin and I look back to Gaius.
"I think I owe all three of you an apology," Arthur says. I look back at him.
"Not to us," Merlin says. He looks at Gaius, "To Gaius."
"Yes," Arthur says. "Merlin, Olivia, will you give us a moment?"
"Does that mean I get the morning off?" Merlin asks. Gaius smiles.
"Yes," Arthur says. "Yes, you can have the morning off... to clean my chambers, polish my armour and launder my clothes."
"Agh, so close," I say.
Merlin looks back at Arthur, "You certainly know how to apologise." 
Arthus shrugs. Merlin and I stand up. Arthur smiles and nods at us; we smile and walk to the door and leave the room.

~Arthur's Pov~
After Merlin and Oliva leave, I walk closer to Gaius, "Are you all right?"
"I'm just glad it's all over," Gaius replies.
"I made a mistake," I say.
"I've looked after you since you were a nursling, Arthur. You should've known I love you far too much ever to betray you," Gaius says.
"Gaius, who abducted you?" I ask.
"I couldn't say, but I'm certain they were in league with Morgana."
"What did they want?"
"Information...about you, Camelot, to help bring down the kingdom." 
"Did they get it?" I ask.
Gaius shakes his head. "Morgana got nothing from me."
I smile at him and walk to the bench that Merlin and Olivia are sitting on. I sit down and put my hand in Gaius's hands. "I'm grateful. But there's a matter... that still concerns me. When you were asked about the sorcerer who killed my father, you lied."
"I did, sire."
"You admit it?" I ask.
"I chose to protect him. I fear you would seek him out and execute him. That would have been a grave mistake.  The sorcerer did not kill your father. Uther was dying. He tried everything in his power to save him." We stay silent for a while, "Contained within this great kingdom... is a wide variety of people... with a range of different beliefs. I'm not the only one seeking to protect you. There are many more who believe in the work you are trying to create. One day, you will learn, Arthur. One day, you will understand... Just how much they've done for you."

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