Chapter 54 ~ Sorcerer in a forest

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Merlin and I walk into the council room after Agravaine leaves. Arthur sees us and quickly walks over.

"What news of my father?" He asks.

"There is no change," Merlin replies.

Arthur stops. "Why isn't Gaius doing something then?"

"Because there isn't anything he can do..." I say gently.

Arthur leans onto the table and gestures for us to leave. Merlin and I look at each other, then turn and walk out the door.

A little later, I was tending to Uther while Arthur is leaning against the bed. I lean over Uther and lift his shirt a tad to make sure the bandage over the wound is still alright.

"I appreciate your kindness everything you're doing for him," Arthur says.

"I don't do it for him. I do it for you," I say.

Arthur looks at his father; he looks so heartbroken.

I step closer to him, "Arthur."

He looks up at me, "I can't watch him die." He looks at his father again. "There is still so much I want to say to him." He looks at me, "He cannot die."

I didn't know what to say. Arthur turns and walks away before I could do anything. I sigh and watch him leave.

After I finished with Uther, I left and headed to Arthur's room. I open the door and see Merlin standing by the window, looking out. I walk over to him and look out the window. There are at least a hundred people in the courtyard holding candles.

"They're mourning Uther," Merlin says quietly. Just then, the door opens, and Arthur walks in. He closes the door and looks at us. Merlin, and I look back out the window.

Arthur comes over to us, "What's going on?"

"It's a vigil for your father," Merlin replies. "The people wish to share their grief."

"Why are they behaving like he's already dead when there is still life in his body?" Arthur asks.

"They're preparing, for the worst," I say.

"They can give up hope, but I won't," Arthur says.

"We know," Merlin says. "It's hard to accept. I wish it wasn't so, but..." Merlin looks at Arthur, "There really is nothing that can be done."

"There is a way to heal my father," Arthur says.

"How?" Merlin and I ask.

"With magic"

Merlin and I stare at Arthur in shock. I was definitely not expecting that answer.

Later that evening, we go to Gaius and tell him what Arthur told us.

"Arthur's planning on using magic?" Gaius asks.

"He's desperate," Merlin states.

"He knows it is the only way to heal Uther," I state.

Gaius looks at us with his usual; I know what you're planning face.

"Merlin, Olivia, please tell me you're not going to do this," Gaius says.

"We'd be lying if we say no," Merlin says truthfully.

"You can't risk exposing yourselves like this. It's too dangerous," Gaius points out.

"Arthur didn't recognize me last time when I was 80 years old," Merlin states. "There's no reason why he should this time."

"And I can go with you to make sure it all goes smoothly," I say proudly.

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