Chapter 10: Old Friend

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Izuku's POV

After the cheering died out after a while, Daichi's gran--, I mean sensei came through the door with a plate of sliced apples as he walked out through the dojo to the engawa to sit down. He patted the ground next to him, suggesting to come to sit down with him. We both sat to the right of him, with Daichi being the closet, while he passed the sliced apples around to fill up our stomachs. Sensei then discussed the days I'll be meeting him.

Akio: "So Midoriya, I'll be training you on the weekdays while I train Daichi on the weekends. That way I can personally train you more effectively while you catch up to Daichi's training, but I doubt it'll take you too long considering you were able to go against Daichi without him using his quirk with 3 weeks of training, but you still have some rough edges that need some buffering."

Izuku: "Hai." is what I responded with until I asked him, "Um sir, what exactly will you be teaching me?" I asked him with the most curious look on my face.

Akio: "Well, I'm able to teach you everything in martial arts, such as karate, jujitsu, kung fu, and judo. I even know military tactics,  boxing, and I will also be teaching you different weapons you can use such as swords, bows, axes, even some guns. But first, we'll start with hand to hand combat" he responded to me.

Izuku: "Wow," was all I could say as I was amazed by the different techniques he learned to fight with and knowing that he'll be teaching me all of those. "But, how were you able to learn all of this?"

Daichi: "He's a retired soldier who was also a fanatic of different fighting styles. Due to his quirk, he is able to learn more techniques since he can just reset his body to continue practicing the techniques, never getting tired or injured." he interrupted before sensei could respond.

I gave him a nod as I was taking mental notes throughout this conversation, planning to put them in my journal. After we were finished eating and relaxing outside while sitting down, I got curious again.

Izuku: "Daichi-san, I know that you are learning how to fight without your quirk so you don't have to be reliant on it due to its drawbacks, but why do you want to learn to fight? Do you want to become a hero?"

There was a moment of silence as he faced the sky with his eyes closed, thinking deeply about how he should answer my question. He just took one big sigh then answered.

Daichi: " I guess I always wanted to be a hero since I was three years old, but there is another reason that came along, which I can't tell you right now." he said to me calmly as he clasped his hands together as he leaned forward, with a hint of fury at the last part.

I was curious about what his other reason could be, but I didn't want to invade his privacy if he didn't want to share it. He then got up and told me that his driver would drop me off at my place and he'll pick me up to and from his grandpa's place, where we would hang out afterward.

The driver arrived as I packed my things and waved goodbye to Daichi and my new sensei. I got inside, excited to learn once weekdays come, but before that happens, I decided to study more about biology and chemistry, along with machinery so that I'll be able to modify the support gear in Daichi's garage to make them more effective.

Daichi's POV

Akio: "Good thing you didn't tell him, otherwise he'll just be a higher target to watch out." Grandpa told me as we watched Izuku far into the distance and walked back inside the walled area.

Daichi: "I didn't want to burden him with my problem. He was already a person of interest when I started to hang out with him, and now that I've brought him here, they'll watch him even more closely than before." I said with a serious look on my face.

Akio: "Then why did you bring him here if you knew what was going to happen." he said to me in a somewhat pissed manner.

Daichi: *sighs* "He was my first real friend. He didn't hang out with me because of my identity or money, he was interested in me as a person. So when I saw him being upset about being kicked out, although he did his best to hide it, it made me want to help him out in any way I can, so I thought the best was to give him the best teacher, you. Besides, heroes help others, even each other." I said back to him with a smile as I walked inside the house.

Akio's POV

As I watched my grandson enter the house, I stood there as I looked at him with a sad look.

Akio: ("You grew up too fast for your own good. I hope you know what you are doing, otherwise you'll just bring your own downfall.") I thought in my head as I resumed walking back inside.

~~~~ Time skip 2 weeks~~~~

Izuku's POV

When I started training with my new sensei, I understood what he meant that I'll be regretting training underneath him. Once I arrived at his place, he immediately made me work out until I was exhausted, even with my morning workouts that already made me out-breath, he made me workout until I started to puke my guts out. After a short rest, he taught me different fighting styles and made me repeat them until I could barely move my body, and if he caught me slacking off, he would karate chop my head, causing a bump to appear as I started to get teary-eyed, which made him angrier and forced me to run laps around the place. There was no better word to describe his training besides hell.

After Daichi's driver came to pick me up after my training, I was dead tired to move a muscle, and when Daichi saw me, he just laughed at me, remembering the first time when his grandpa decided to first train him. When we arrived at his place, he made me rest on the couch as he played with his sister. After resting for a few hours, I was only able to slowly move my arms as I reviewed the notes in my notebook and scanned it with the UCS from my bag, remembering the techniques Sensei taught me for the day.

When the first week went by, it was time for the martial arts competition. Although I've been kicked out, I still came as a spectator to support my friend. I saw mostly family and friends attending the competition since there was better entertainment thanks to the introduction of quirks, making most quirkless events less appealing, so they were just here to show support. Throughout the matches, I was mainly focused on Daichi's until a kid with blonde hair and a tail with a mutation quirk piqued my interest. He showed he was proficient with the skills he used, showing how much he has trained, and by the end of the matches, he won within the age group he was with. Then Daichi's matches came up with his age group and seeing what he had endured through his grandpa's teachings, he dominated his matches with an unsurprising win when it was all over.

When weekends came, I studied as much as I could since there was still a lot to learn before I could make any modifications to the support gear. The following week was the same as last week without incident. But after that week was over and the following after that came, Daichi had to return to kindergarten, and with the additional classes he had to take in martial arts, I didn't get to see him when I was done with my training until 2 hours later. I was tired of doing anything, but I figured I would go outside since it's been a while since the last time I have been outside was when I last met Kacchan. As I was taking my leisurely walk, I passed by the park where I used to play at, that's where I saw a blonde with two other kids around the same age as me, as they stood over another kid, whom I assumed was our age, laying on the ground with bruises and was whimpering.

Izuku: "Kacchan?" I questioned myself as I quietly said it out loud.

Author's Note:

I used a term which many of you may not be familiar with, which is "engawa", and what it is "an edging strip of non-tatami-matted flooring, usually wood or bamboo. The ens may run around the rooms, on the outside of the building, in which case they resemble a porch or sunroom." which I got from Wikipedia. Also just in case, although I haven't used images here, none of the images I use are mine, I look over images in google images to see what would be the best fit, I'm not sure where they came from but I do not claim them as my own, I only use them as reference. Anyways, thanks for reading and sorry for the late chapter, I was mentally drained that I fell asleep after classes, besides that, I hope you have a wonderful day, bye.

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