Chapter 88: Plan

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Izuku's POV:

The ringing in my ears had lessened after Mei and I picked up whatever scraps were left from her baby. We put them into a box so she could examine what caused her baby to malfunction.

Mei: "So how's it going with your job? Anything new you're working on?" she questions while I was stacking up the boxes.

Izuku: "Nothing really. Just making some modifications to some old inventory we have in stock," as I placed the last box on top of the pile.

Mei: "Why don't we hang out any other weekday then? Since you said it was a weekend job, that means you're free on weekdays. We can make so many more babies at a rapid pace if we meet up every day." she said excitedly as she shook my entire body.

Izuku: "I don't think that's a good idea." while I imagine the increase of incidents I'll be involved in.

Mei: "Why not?" she curiously asks.

Izuku: "I use those days to help Ichika with her studies and to hang out with Daichi. " which caused her to take a step back while she pondered for a few seconds.

Mei: "Does their family name happen to be Tanaka?" she questions.

Izuku: "Well yes. They're-" but Mei grabbed me from the sides as she pulled me in closer to her.

Mei: "THE CHILDREN OF BENJIRO TANAKA!" she yelled with excitement as her eyes turned all starry. "YOU HAVE DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO THE HEAD OF THE COMPANY?" I think she was referring to their uncle, who is the current head of the company.

Izuku: "Well yeah, but what-" she then pushes me away and tells me about her plan.

Mei: "Having connections will do wonders in finding sponsors. I have met a few people through my mom's clients but being friends with the relatives of a high-end company will bring in more sponsors for my babies." she then drools at the thought before turning back to me and pulling me towards her again. "I have to meet them."

Izuku: "I'm not sure if that's a good idea? Daichi mostly isn't there and Ichika is shy around other people."

Mei: "No matter. I can wait long hours to meet this Daichi fellow and I'm sure that Ichika will like me." as she was determined to meet with them, making me worried about what the outcome would be.

Before I could say anything, she grabbed the cart that had the remains of her baby and her stuff, as she ran off.

Mei: "I'll see you at their place Muscles!' she yells out before she disappears from sight.

Izuku: 'I didn't even give her an address.' I thought as I was figuring out how she was going to find them. I shrugged it off as I went home for the day.

When I got home, I dropped off my things and had dinner with mom. Afterward, I went into my room to review the music sheets and see if any changes were needed. Confirming that nothing needed to be changed but I still felt active, I went online to see any news stories that might be worthwhile to write down in my notes. I saw that there was still no new information about who attacked the museum, then a pop-up video came up that had something to talk about in China.

NewsVideo: "After two weeks of their latest attack in China, tension among the civilians has risen from fear of their next attack. The government had made it a priority to search for these criminals, but even with the help of heroes and the police force, no evidence can be found to trace them. Which begs the question if they're still in China or have they moved onto their next target?" I watched the whole video playout, seeing images and footage of the group, though they were all blurry and nothing can be used to really make out of them. That's when I noticed a familiar figure spotted among the many assailants.

I took out my UCS as I then retrieved data that's been collected from Mei's goggles. I go back to the day of the museum to find a clear image of the leader. When I brought up the image, I saw that although they were wearing different costumes and gear, the premise of the assailant in the photo from the news using light beams to attack is quite similar to the leader that led the attack at the museum. I was drawing conclusions that maybe they were both the same person, but before I could make it factual, I heard my All Might alarm clock go off to remind me that it was bedtime. I called it a day as I then went to bed.

The next day, I got ready for Yaoyorozu's tutoring. I had a light breakfast before the limo came to pick me up. I met with the Yaoyorozus for the monthly songs. I handed the music sheets to Yaoyorozu as we then performed before her parents and a few of their servants. We were complimented afterward by them and we then headed to Yaoyoru's room for her tutoring.

While tutoring her, I noticed on her necklace was a small matryoshka doll of myself hanging from it.

Izuku: "Since when did you place that matryoshka doll of me onto your necklace?" I question, which seemed to catch her off guard as she turned stiff and red.

Momo: "We-Well yo-you see. I didn't want to lose it since it's so small, so I thought what better place to have it than to have it as a part of my necklace." she said shyly, but it made me smile.

Izuku: "That's so awesome. I have mine at home among my collection of heroes."

Momo: "Why did you place it with them? I'm no hero." she said, confused.

Izuku: "You are going to be one in the future aren't you?" which made her red.

I continued her tutoring until it was time for her training. I had her show me how small she can make things now, where the matryoshka doll was now the size of a housefly. I figured it was time to advance her teachings into the technological area. I brought out the nanobot prototype and handed it over to her so she could examine it. That's when I started teaching her the fundamentals and components of it.

No one's POV:
Satoshi could be seen in the hangar as he was building something on his desk.

Fumihiro: "What are you doing there?" he questions as he popped out of nowhere, spooking him.

Satoshi: "Ah, oh. Hey there." he said embarrassed, "I'm building this camera that is able to recognize, analyze friend and foe so that no one could get caught in the crossfire." he said shyly as he revealed a partially assembled camera.

Fumihiro: "May I see?' he questions, to which Satoshi nodded and handed it over. Fumihiro started examining, seemingly impressed, until he threw it to the ground, completely destroying it and catching everyone's attention. "You are here to make weapons, not something to help a machine determine from ally and foe! Who cares if a few ponds die in the process if it can turnover an unwinnable battle!" as he got up close to Satoshi's face, looking pissed. "It's been over two weeks and it seems that you're not taking this seriously," as he backs away and pulls up his phone to show live footage of one of Satoshi's colleagues in their house.

Satoshi: "Wha-What are you doing?" he asks, frightened.

Fumihiro: "A warning." as he then touched his earpiece, "Do it." he says calmly.

On-screen, the shelf that's right near them, falls on top of them, crushing them with its weight. They yell out in pain as they try to crawl out covered in cuts and bruises. Satoshi was horrified as Fumihiro put his phone away.

Fumihiro: "I expect something better the next time I visit. Remember. It's not only your life on the line, but everyone else as well." as he started walking away, "And remember, I have eyes and ears anywhere." he says before he got onto the elevator and turned around, "So don't try escaping this." as he kept his menacing look while the door closes on him.

Satoshi leaned against the desk as the burden was too heavy for him. He looked around to see that the others didn't seem too bothered about what happened. He then looks down to see his destroyed creation, crouching down as he slowly picks up the pieces, secretly formulating a plan.

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