Chapter 76: Saturday

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Izuku's POV:

Sensei came back with some tea and snacks; we quietly ate together. After we finished, he sent me off early, but I didn't head straight back home. Mei knew that I won't be at the forest today since I'll be helping with Nakamura-san.

Izuku: 'Oh wait, his autograph!'

I pulled the signed paper out of my bag to realize that I had completely forgotten about it in my bag. After being put into intensive training, helping Nakamura-san out, and trying to finish Mei's gift, I was so exhausted that I had forgotten to take the autograph with me for her birthday.

I sighed as I placed the autograph into my bag as I was determined to give it to her next week. After sorting that out, I headed to Tanaka Corporations to help Nakamura-san with his order, and the extra time I've been given should make up for my absence yesterday.

While I was on the train, I started writing down lesson plans with Yaoyorozu for tomorrow on my UCS. Once I got to my stop, I ran to the building, although my legs did hurt on the way. I checked in at the desk and headed to the lab. I opened the door to see that Nakamura-san was currently working on the wrist launchers.

Satoshi: "M-Midoriya? What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you until two hours. Did something happen?" he said tiredly as he lifted up his goggles to rub his eyes.

The circles under his eyes had gotten darker and the stubble around his chin was slowly growing out.

Izuku: "I was sent off early for the day, so I decided to come here." I answered him, hiding the fact that I was injured since this wasn't as labor-intensive as my training and I was more worried about him getting in trouble for not finishing the order.

Satoshi: "Thanks Midoriya." he said while yawning and stretching his arms a bit.

Judging by how worse his condition has gotten compared to the last time I saw him, he must have not slept at all yesterday and continued working non-stop. I put on my lab coat as I walked towards him. I jumped towards his neck as I then knocked him out and placed him on the chair so that he could get some rest. I finished up the one Nakamura-san was working on and continued doing more while he took a nap.

I was on my last hour and I had completed 5 so far and I was on my 6th one. Nakamura had lazily gotten up as he yawned. He then looked around the room to realize that I was in the lab working.

Satoshi: "Did you knock me out again?" he asked while he got up.

Izuku: "Yeah. It seemed like you didn't sleep at all yesterday." I answered him while I was still working on the wrist launcher.

Satoshi: "I appreciate the help but I know when my body needs my break. I've gone on for days without an ounce of sleep while working under Fumihiro." he then poured himself a cup of water.

Izuku: "And what about the time when you were working with Benjiro-san?" I asked, causing him to freeze before he looked away from me.

Satoshi: "He made sure everyone was well-rested while he pushed himself further. We tried to force him to sleep but he refused, that's when we all agreed to take turns sleeping while working for time sensitive projects." he then chuckled as he reminisced in the memories. "Now there are barely any groups that have more than 3 people since most of us are soloing this so that the company can take in more orders. But I think most of us are used to it by now." as he looks at his own cup.

Izuku: "Well now that you have me as an assistant, you can take breaks now." I said positively, making him surprised for a bit until he laughed it off.

Satoshi: "I guess you're right." he looks at the clock to see that it was nearing the time for me to go home.

He set down his cup as he then prepared himself to start working as well.

No one's POV:

While Satoshi was working on the next wrist launcher, he glanced behind him to see Izuku working. His vision slowly changed to see an overlap between Benjiro and Izuku.

Satoshi: 'How fun would it have been if you were able to see a mini you?' he thought before he rescinded his glances back to his hands as they both spent the last hour making wrist launchers.

Izuku had finished his 6th launcher for the day but it was time for him to go. He said goodbye to Satoshi before he left the building. He got home to see that dinner was prepared and ate with his mother while they chatted for a bit. He then went to his room to sleep, unexpectedly tired from moving his body due to his injuries.

Izuku's POV:

I was packing up my things before my driver came to pick me up and drive me to the Yaoyorozu mansion. I made sure that I had everything packed even though my body was aching. I heard the driver honk his horn to alert me that he was here. I swung the bag over my shoulder as I rushed outside to the limo.

Once I had arrived at the mansion, I had my usual greeting with Miss Yaoyorozu and Yaoyorozu. Afterward, Yaoyorozu and I headed to her room for her lessons.

Momo: "Are you alright Midoriya? You seem to be having trouble standing up." she asked me an hour into her lesson as I was standing behind her to see her work.

Izuku: "I'm fine." I said to her while I closed my eyes but as I reopened my eyes, my vision slowly got blurry.

I quickly grabbed onto the desk to hold myself up as my head started to get dizzy as well.

Momo: "Wh-What's going on?" I faintly heard her say as my earring was slowly getting drowned out.

I slowly collapsed to the ground as I was having trouble breathing as well. I could see the faint image of Yaoyorozu coming to me to check on me with a horrified look. My eyelids felt heavier as they slowly closed. The last thing I heard was Yaoyorzu yelling, but I couldn't hear what she said.

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