Chapter 147: Miscellaneous

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No One's POV:

Izuku can be seen rolling around in his bed, sweating profusely as he tightens his grip on his sheets. Inside of Izuku's mind, back to the two pillars, the "real" Izuku can be seen in a daze as he is shrouded in black mist as it came out of him, muttering to himself for it to stop. On the other pillar, the other Izuku, with the darkened eyes, looks like he's repeatedly charging at the air, but if looked upon very closely, his upper body makes contact with something as it shimmers for a quick second before it rebounds his entire body back.

He repeatedly charges at the force field, fully determined to get through. After a while, a small crack appeared, but that wasn't enough to make him stop as he continuously charged until the crack became larger. Bits of the field started chipping off until his last charge made him fall through the broken force field.

He was on the bridge exhausted, trying to catch his breath. He slowly looks up to see Izuku still suffering. He quickly runs across the rope bridge, each step carefully avoiding the gaps between the wooden platforms, until he makes it to the "real" Izuku. He quickly calmed himself as it looked like he was meditating.

Soon, the mist that was oozing out of Izuku redirected its path towards the dark-eyed Izuku, as it looked painful for him as soon as the mist entered his body. He used breathing techniques to deal with the pain as he continued absorbing the mist.

Izuku's POV:

I jolted from my sleep, out of breath as I grabbed my forehead, trying to remember what was so terrible this time, especially after I had made up with my mom. I took a look around me to see that my sheets and my clothes were drenched in my sweat. I quickly got off the bed and removed the sheets, walked over to the hamper, taking my clothes off as well as I placed them in. I quickly went to the bathroom I washed away all the sweat as I sat in the bath, thinking to myself why this happened again.

No One's POV:

Akane can be seen asleep in Hiroto's chest, with her eyes puffy, as he leaned against her desk and held her, sleeping as well.

Ryo: "Okay Akane. I managed to talk with the others to lower your suspension to-" as he walked into the room, only to be surprised by the scene he was seeing. He couldn't help but smile at the two. He raised them like they were his kids despite it being a dangerous environment, but he was glad they had moments like these.

They slowly woke up at the sound of Ryo's voice, despite him quieting down too late. Akane was the one to wake up first as she slightly nuzzles a little a bit and slowly looks up to see Hiroto sleeping. He soon wakes up as well, only for the first thing he sees when he wakes up is Akane with a cheeky smile.

Akane: "Hey there beautiful. I see you've been working out" as she rests her chin in between his pecs. He rolled his eyes as he let go of her, making her fall to the ground but caught herself with her backrest, causing herself to swivel a bit, where she saw Ryo. Delighted to see him, she quickly pulled herself up as she gave a friendly wave.

Ryo: "I see that you're having fun." as he returned a friendly wave as well.

Hiroto/Akane: "We're not like that." they said in unison, both seemingly not phased by what he said as he quickly raised a brow. He then cleared his throat as he returned to his business model.

Ryo: "Ignoring that. After cooling off and talking with the others, I managed to lower your suspension to half a year." as both of their eyes widened.

Akane: "HALF A YEAR!" she yells in shock, "Isn't that too much?" she questions. Ryo sighs as he shakes his head.

Ryo: "This was the second screw-up that lost us assets." he says to her in a disappointed tone.

Akane: "Assets? People are not assets because assets actually have worth." she retorted back, making him shake his head more.

Ryo: "Because of your side quests, you lost men, along with their gear, who were in our assault department, the profit that would have been formed from the museum, one of the warehouses where we now had to relocate our shipments, and the loss of profit from the Yaoyorozus." he listed.

Akane: "But our organization is something that doesn't seek mon-" she tried to retort back but Ryo interrupted.

Ryo: "BUT WE NEED IT TO FUNCTION!" he yells out, surprising Akane, "We have thousands of people under us, most of which aren't doing it for free. We need money to import the goods we need to improve and keep our organization afloat"

Akane looked away from him as she looked disappointed.

Akane: "This organization isn't the same." she mutters under her breath, which didn't go unheard of by Ryo as he realized what he had done. He sighed at the mess he caused as he cleared his head.

Ryo: "Even though your suspension is half a year, you're free to do whatever you want in the base." as he turns around to close the door, "This organization needed change if we ever want to achieve my and your goals." He said sadly as he then closed the door.

Hiroto looks back to Akane, as she only stares at the door.

Hiroto: "Are you-"

Akane: "I'm fine! Just some small talk. No biggie!" she merrily said as she swirled her chair back to her computer and started cracking her knuckles to resume working on the code

Hiroto only stares at her, knowing that this isn't how she really feels but chooses to ignore it as he knows that this is her way of protecting herself.

Izuku's POV:

I went to school normally, with the everyday teasing, mocking, and bullying. Afterward, I went to train with sensei with the normal routine and even had a spar with him. After being exhausted, I was about to pack up as my ride was here, but sensei asked me something before I went and changed.

Akio: "You seemed distracted today. Anything happened?" as I stood there surprised.

Izuku: "Just had a bad dream." I said back to him

Akio: "Care to elaborate?" he asks further.

Izuku: "Wish I could." as I then headed to the changing room while I could feel his gaze still on me.

Sensei and I waved goodbye to each other, seeing the concerned look on his face but I chose to ignore it as I went outside of the walls, seeing the two guards standing right next to the doors and the driver parked in front of them. I quickly headed to the back of the limo, where I was then driven to Daichi's place.

When I arrived at their pace, I knocked on the door, waiting for Suzuki-san to open it, but when the door opened, I saw Daichi the one opening the door as he smiled.

Izuku: "Daichi!" I shouted excitedly as I quickly gave him a hug, and he hugged me back. "Why are you here? Don't you have other lessons to attend to?" I questioned as I backed away.

Daichi: "I canceled them so I can give this to you." he pulled me into the living room, where I saw a wrapped present laying on top of the table, about the size of a small fridge.

I stood there amazed that he was able to get it for me. I then took in what he just said.

Izuku: "Canceled? But aren't those lessons important?" I question, feeling troubled that I may have caused him problems.

Daichi: "If it's to help a friend, then I'll do anything for them." as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, but I still felt discomfort that I may have caused problems with him.

Izuku: "So what's in it?" I questioned, sounding bothered but there's nothing I could have done, seeing how what's done is done.

Daichi: "A surprise." he said to me as he backed away from me to pick up the present, "Here." as he hands me the present, "Remember to bring this to the party." he says to me as I nodded back.

Hiro: "If you have time for chitchat, then I assume you have time to learn." Suzuki-san said eerily behind me, as I slowly turned my head back while Daichi slowly backed away. When I looked up, he seemed to have a forced smile. He quickly picked me up by the collar, like a kitten, as we headed to his room.

Izuku: "But I already got all the basics down." I said back to him.

Hiro: "Doesn't mean you can slack off. Especially since the part is right around the corner." I pouted all the way to his room.

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