Chapter 152: Party Pt.4

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Izuku's POV:
I was being dragged by Yaoyorozu-san, passing by many servers that carried trays, each with a different variety of finger food. There were a few extravagant paintings, vases, and antiques that we passed by.

Momo: "By the way. That suit you're wearing, isn't it from my birthday?" she questions as she glances over at me

Izuku: "Uh, yeah? It's the only suit I have." I replied back to her, slightly confused.

Momo: "Huh." she looked surprised as she continued dragging me, "I thought you would have at least seven, one for each day of the week."

Izuku: 'SEVEN!' I yelled inside of my head as I was shocked as that would cost a few grand for seven suits, "I-I think you're underestimating how much people in lower-class make" I said to her nervously as I forgot she was raised in a high-class society.

Momo: "Still, you should be making roughly 40k a year from working as a tutor and as an inventor. Where did all that money go?" she questions as I thought back to how I spent my money.

I know that I use some of my money to help pay the bills through secret transactions since mom was stingy about using my money to help support her. Thinking back to how I used my money to buy parts I need when I'm trying to build something. Then I suddenly tensed up as I remembered spending the rest of it on hero merch, primarily All Might's, getting into bidding wars, scavenging the dark web to pay something astronomically higher than the retail price.

Izuku: "Investments?" I said back to her as I nervously laughed while I gave an awkward smile, making her respond with a raised brow as she was suspicious of my spending, giving me cold sweats. She looked back to the front as she then sighed

Momo: "I'm really hoping you're telling the truth and are smart about it. Father had talked about the dangers and benefits of investing. How it would take a keen eye to determine if a project or company would end up successful in the future." She stated back to me, making me think to myself if I should really get into investing myself so that I can buy more parts that I need and buy more merchandise that I want.

We continued making our way to where the kids had gathered, which ended up being an outdoor pool, built into the ground, having a beautiful view of the city from the terrace. I saw other kids surrounding the pool, wearing formal wear and conversing with each other. Servers walked through the crowd, carrying a tray on a single hand and a towel over their other arm, bending down to the kids when called upon so that they may take from the platter. There was also a table buffet, where a few kids can be seen only taking minimal of things as they quickly rush back to the crowd

I was taken back by the scene as this was the second time I've seen a wealthy person's party, and despite it not being as extravagant as Yaoyorozu-san's, it was still a sight to behold nonetheless

Momo: "I'll be off for a bit to converse with a few people, so you'll be by yourself. Try talking with others, I'm sure there might be a few decent people." she said to me as I caught her eyes glancing away as she said the last bit before leaving.

I was soon left alone, looking all around me, not really sure what to do. I then saw the table of presents, which made my first move to head over there as I placed the present I brought over there.

RK(RandomKid): "Hello there." a kid looking to be around Daichi's age, maybe a little bit older, with raven black hair in a combed over hairstyle, wearing a plum-colored suit, said to me while they leaned against the rail, near the table of presents. Their presence startled me as I didn't notice them earlier. "I don't recognize you," they said to me as they got off the railing and walked closer to me while I slowly backed away nervously. "What family are you from?" they questioned.

I started stuttering as their question made me nervous.

Izuku: "Ta-Tanaka Corporations." I said back to him as I slowly backed into the railing, which made their head tilt as they seemed even more curious.

RK: "The Tanaka Family." they said with an intrigued look, "I've seen what the Tanaka kids look like and you're not one of them." They said with an even more curious look, causing me cold sweats.

Izuku: "I-I'm here as a-a representative." I said nervously.

RK: "A representative?" they questioned as I nodded my head, "Well, it would seem that dear old Daichi-kun has other important business than to come to his friend's party." they said slightly offended as I started tensing up more.

Izuku: "Um, who are you?" I nervously asked, which seemed to surprise them

RK: "Funny. A representative of the Tanaka Corporations isn't familiar with who this party is for." They said to me, causing my eyes to widen as I realized who I was just talking to. "My father would not be pleased to hear about this," he said, displeased as they started walking away.

I was too stunned to realize that he already moved. By the time I came back to my senses, I tried to chase after him to explain the situation, but he was called to the front to give a speech to everyone present.

Izuku: 'What am I going to do?!' I thought to myself as I started panicking.

No One's POV:

Hisoki can be seen at the front of a hospital, where he waltzed right in with the injured hero's arm around him. He quickly placed the hero in a nearby chair before the nurse at the receptionist desk could take notice of him. Once they realized that there was an injured hero bleeding out on the chair, all nearby nurses and doctors rushed to help aid the hero.

Doctor: "Not another one!." one of the doctors yells out, which surprised Hisoki, making him curious as well.

While using his quirk, he walked over to the reception desk and went on the computer. Luckily, the computer was still unlocked, so he was able to access file logs for the past two weeks. He downloaded copies on a USB drive as he looked back to the staff still trying to get the hero on a stretcher.

By the time they prepared the hero for transport, Hisoki was already on his way out to the front doors, with the USB in his pockets.

Hisoki: "Time for some research." he mutters to himself as he intended to review the logs to see what type of injuries the heroes that were injured received so that he can narrow down which people he needed to keep track of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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