Chapter 90: Unexpected Visit

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Izuku's POV:

It was the day after I helped out Nakamura-san; I had finished training with sensei and said that I was already recovering most of what I had lost during the time I was missing out on my training, though, he did increase the number of times I had to do each exercise/training. I was currently in the limo that was on its way to Daichi's place.

Izuku: 'Mei said that she'll be coming over, but how is she going to do that? She doesn't even know the address.' I sat in silence, pondering about what Mei said on Friday.

The driver pulled up to the house as I then got out and thanked him. I rang the doorbell while I waited for someone to unlock the door.

Hiro: "Good to see you again Young Midoriya." he then looked behind me for a moment, which surprised him for some reason, "And who might this young lady be?" he questions, confusing me.

Izuku: "What young-" as I turn around to see Mei with her backpack looking astonished by the housing.

Mei: "Hey there muscles?" she said nonchalantly as Hiro raised an eyebrow towards my nickname.

Izuku: "How did you find this place?" I questioned while I dragged her to the sidewalk to have a private conversation.

Mei: "Easy, I placed a tracker on you." which made me jump and frantically search for the tracker she planted. "It's right here," as she peeled off some kind of patch, that was a similar skin tone to mine, from my bicep, shocking me.

Izuku: "How did I not notice this?" I questioned.

Mei: "That's the whole point. In case villains are able to escape capture, this patch can locate where they are once planted without them noticing it. It has a timer for activation just in case heroes want to track down where their base is, which may take days for them to reach. Once the tracker has been activated, it'll last 24 hours before it overheats." she said proudly, showcasing her invention.

I was shaking my head at how clumsy I was for not noticing something like this.

Hiro: "Care to explain who she is?"

Before I could answer him, Mei introduced herself.

Mei: "I'm Mei Hatsume, future inventor, and partners with Muscle over there." which made me facepalm.

Hiro: "Oh, you're that young lady he meets on Fridays. Why don't you come in and have some tea? It's nice to see one of Young Midoriya's friends." as she happily walked into the house while I was dreading the chaos that may happen.

When I walked into the house, I could see Mei had already seated herself at the dining table, making herself at home, while Suzuki-san was in the middle of making tea. I looked around the room to see where Ichika was and found her on the couch, not looking too happy for some reason.

Izuku: "Is something wrong?" I asked, which she just ignored as she continued watching the television, "Did something happen at school?" I asked again, hoping to get an answer.

She still ignored me, even looked angrier after I tried questioning her.

Mei: "Muscles! Come sit next to me so we can talk about what went wrong with our baby that caused it to blow up." which made Suzuki-san slightly shake his hand while he was pouring and broke Ichika out of her angry state and into her shocked look.

Hiro: "What's this about a baby?" he questions while he does the finishing touches to the tray of tea before he brought over to the table.

Izuku: "It's her inventions, she calls them her babies." I had to explain to them, Suzuki-san nodded his hand in understanding while Ichika sighed.

I sat at the dining table with her as Suzuki-san started placing the teacups in front of us. She didn't pay any mind to the tea and started spewing what she had found wrong with her air cannon thing. I saw in my peripherals that Ichika was secretly listening in as well as since she had a fondness towards technological devices, which I could tell by the many times she was silent and overlooked my shoulders whenever I came over to build something.

Mei: "You know, for a house that belongs to one of the largest distributors of support gear, I thought this palace would be bigger and more advanced." as she had calmed down and finally drank her tea.

Hiro: "My old master didn't like such housings as he preferred to have a regular life for his family in order to separate it from his work life." he answers as he picks up the empty cups.

I was surprised by his answer, making me impressed by Daichi's father that he wanted his family to live normally instead of living extravagantly.

Hiro: "If you want, you can take a look in the garage. It's mostly inventory that's been rejected by Fumihiro, but Young Midoriya has been using it as his workspace for whatever he's trying to make." he then left to clean up the cups and pot.

I turn to face Mei as I saw her eyes sparkle in excitement, clearly wanting to see the garage. I sigh since she was given the okay by Suzuki-san and I know there's no point in stopping her since she'll do whatever she can to see it, so I signaled her to follow me as we made our way to the garage while I could hear Ichika a bit further behind us, keeping an eye on us.

When I opened the door to the garage, Mei gasped with excitement as she ran into the room to pick up whatever caught her interest, which was essentially everything. Ichika came up from behind and tugged on my shirt.

Ichika: "When is she going to leave? I don't like her." she said, clearly upset.

Before I could answer her, Mei overheard our conversation.

Mei: "What is it about me that you don't like?" she questions as she picked up a box that had all the modified batteries that I made. "I know that you have an interest in inventions. I saw how interested you were while I was talking with Muscles over there about my latest creation." she then picked up one of the batteries to examine it further while Ichika was flustered and slightly red, "I can bring over my babies so you can play with them if it means I can get on your good side."

Which made me worried about what's about to happen since I know how dangerous they can be, but when I looked over to Ichika,  as she looked excited at the thought of seeing inventions before she shook her head, looking unhappy again as she stormed off to her room. I look back to Mei as she was examining any ole inventions made by Daichi's father that I haven't gotten to examine clsoely yet.

Izuku: 'How am I going to get her to leave?" I thought as I saw how focused she was going through all the boxes.

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