Chapter 121: At China

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No one's POV:

Akane and Hiroto were getting off their plane as they had landed back on China's territories. Akane seemed enthusiastic as she started stretching her arms, basking in the sun while Hiroto was carrying their luggage, showing no emotions on his face as he only followed Akane to make sure that she doesn't get in too much trouble.

Akane: "Now that we're back! What do you think- Oof," she asks Hiroto as she turns her body to face him as she walks backward, but suddenly bumped into someone. "Sorry about that," she says with a smile as she quickly turns around, but realizes who she bumped into. "Hey, R-Ryo-sama," she says nervously as she slowly backs away.

Ryo was another one of the big bosses in the organization, as well as one of the founding members, same as Akane, but he had more influence since he was the very first one to start up the entire organization when it was only a small group while Akane joined, later on, having it expand to as large an organization as it is today.

She slowly sees the few other big bosses that were behind him as they are all lined up.

Akane: "Hey Guys!" she says to them, trying to get back to her enthusiastic self, "It's pretty rare to see everyone all at one place besides the meeting-"

Ryo: "Quiet!" he yells out in a pissed-off tone while the other people behind also seemed unpleased with her, "You seemed to have caused a lot of trouble in Japan."

Akane: "How do you know that? I haven't even given my report yet." she says with a curious tone as she tilts her head, seemingly unfazed as she retained her happy self.

Ryo: "Genkei(The bald Leader that was able to control senses.) contacted me." which surprised Akane as she thought he didn't survive the explosion. "I also lost connection to one of my close aides."

Ryo's quirk allows him to be aware of the current status of those he has touched by the tips of his fingers, which then makes spots, the size of a nickel, appear around his body. Each spot changes colors for each individual to see their current health status, but when the spot disappears, it means that they have met their demise. Ryo has figured out how to make use of this quirk for communication by giving each person that has a spot on him a series of ways to hurt themselves, allowing immediate communications without being caught. He also did the same to the other big bosses, making him the head communicator if anything bad should happen.

Akane: "What?" she says surprised. Even though they have thousands of people in their organization where many die every week, Ryo chooses people who are the best in the organization, meaning it was rare for any of Ryo's select to die. "I-I have nothing to do with that," she says in shock.

Ryo: "But you had control over the situation at the warehouse. Allowing the kid in, killing the subordinates that were under Genkei, and even blowing up the warehouse where the boosters were supposed to be shipped in." which made Akane have her face stiffened into a calm smile, seemingly that everything is alright, but unknowingly to her, Hiroto's face was very tense, which wasn't obvious to any of the bosses besides Akane.

Akane: "I had already made the precautions to relocate the boosters. And if you've given me time, I could have shown you how Genkei's "group" was stealing from us." which surprised a few of the bosses as they weren't aware of Genkei's slight betrayal, " and as for the boy, he is more important than the Yaoyorozu's daughter." she says in a calm but ticked off manner.

Ryo: "We'll deal with Genkei's punishment for another time. But we have higher priorities than you sabotaging another mission for this boy." he says in a very ticked mood. "We only agreed to you to be on missions in Japan since it is your home country." which made Akane's mood frown as she then stares with dead eyes at Ryo.

Akane: "And I gladly enjoyed ruining that horrible place." she says in a monotone voice, having no emotion behind her face.

Ryo: "Which is also the reason why no one argued back for your trips to Japan. But we believe it is in the best interest of our organization to ground you for now while we send one of us to Japan instead."

Akame didn't seem pleased with the decision. She had wanted to personally terrorize Japan even more. But she had already planted the seed and she has her own little project to do. She calmly smiles and bows, which surprised the bosses as they expected more of a fight from her. But they slowly resettled themselves as they were happy that she easily complied.

Akane quickly turns around to Hiroto, who seems to sigh.

Akane: "It looks like we ran out of vacation days." she says in a cheerful tone as she then marches her way to her headquarters with Hiroto slowly following right behind her.

All the bosses' gazes trackback to Akane, making sure that she really is heading to her place.

Kaito: "Wasn't that too light of a punishment?" he questions, which made other recent bosses agree as well, but the other founding members knew the reason why Akane wasn't heavily punished despite her constant sabotaging.

Ryo: "That child. She has too much free spirit that I can't deal with." Ryo says out loud as he gives a large sigh.

Ryo is currently 42 years old; he met Akane 8 years ago when she was roughly 14 years old. It was during his first travels of finding others to join his cause in Japan, with the small group of people he had with him, that he had the chance of meeting both Akane and Hiroto as they were out on the streets, seeing the dead look in their eyes. He had offered them food as well as an ear to see why they were in this situation like this.

After listening to their stories, it made him sympathetic towards the kids as well as angry towards those who had caused them to be in this situation. That's when he offered them the option to join his cause, to make people believe that they're more than what they're given, to show how they can improve themselves

This had set a spark in Akane's eyes as she immediately jumped up and had immediately wanted to join the cause while Hiroto shyly agreed as well as he didn't want to be left behind. Ryo's companions were against his decision of bringing in children as they would be too troublesome to take care of, which made Ryo give them the ultimatum that he would be the caretaker of the two, which didn't clear doubts of the idea of bringing in idea, but if Ryo was willing to go this far, they had to hesitatingly agree. Thus, marked how Akane first joined the group and the many years of suffering Ryo had to go through.

Back to the present, as Ryo had finished contemplating his regret of taking in Akane, he turned back to the other bosses and looked directly to Kaito.

Ryo: "You may not be a founding member but you gained enough trust and power to be a boss. Don't disappoint us." he sternly said to him, to which Kaito saluted as he was determined to not screw up as much as Akane.

Akane had returned to her room seeing it very neat and plain, except for what appeared on her computer screen as it had multiple different files, each with seemingly random names.

Hiroto: "So what are your plans for now?' as he sets the luggage down in her room, "I know that you have something going on if you easily gave up the chance to go back to Japan."

He then sees her quickly turn around as she walks with glee towards the bag he had just dropped. She then pulls out the tablet and slowly walks over to her computer to plug it in.

Akane: "A constantly changing firewall, along with many other securities that may be hidden within that drone. How fun would it be if we're able to figure out how it would work and apply it to our own things? Giving exclusive control over them?" She says with a devious smile, which Hiroto only stared blankly as he didn't know how to react, but only glad that she found something less troublesome.

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