Chapter 145: Distribution Progress

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Izuku's POV:

After having my spirits lifted up, I resumed working. After a few hours, Nakamura-san started up another conversation.

Satoshi: "So how is your side project on making the modifications to the hearing device I gave you?" he asks out of nowhere.

Izuku: "Slow." I said back to him slightly disappointed, "I'm trying to document the components of the device as I slowly inspect it so that I can understand how it works, how to fix it, and how I can make modifications to it." I said back to him as I continued working.

Nakamura-san stopped for a moment as he seemed surprised. In my peripherals, I can see his surprise turn into a smile as he then resumed working.

Satoshi: "Glad to hear you're taking such good care of it." as he sounded elated, "You two really are alike." he mutters under his breath, barely audible to my ears but I could still hear him perfectly fine.'

I wondered what he meant by that but I didn't question him since he wouldn't whisper if he didn't want to tell it directly to me. He and I resumed working until the end of my shift. I thanked him for his speech earlier and he felt glad that he could help. I checked out at the reception desk, where the receptionist took a look at me and smiled, probably happy that I was no longer in the slumps from when I came in earlier.

No One's POV:

Kaitou was in his room, planning the distribution towards areas that have the highest criminal activity. He then hears a knock at the door, where he just waits to test their patience.

Kaitou: "You may come in." he says through the door, having passed his little test. Genkei comes through the entrance with a clipboard in hand. "How is distribution faring so far?" he questions without turning back to him as he places a pond from a chessboard onto a map where he may decide his next location.

Genkei clears his throat as he looks at his clipboard and reports what he has gathered.

Genkei: "From what I have gathered. Using small boats and the river to our advantage, our people were able to spread to the surrounding cities with ease. Although, there are skeptics who are wary of the boosters we've been distributing, so sales are low." As he looks up from his clipboard, awaiting a response.

Kaitou seems undisturbed by this as he continues planting pieces on the map.

Kaitou: "That is to be unexpected. When the first wave is over, there will soon be a rush." he says to Genkei, while he grips onto his clipboard, "Is that all?" he asks, irritated.

Genkei: "With due respect sir, I don't think that your plan is fully planned out?" which angered Kaitou as he slams one of his pieces on the table, startling Genkei.

Kaitou: "What makes you say that?" he asks, pissed off as he turns his head to glare at Genkei, making him nervous about what he's going to say next.

Genkei: "W-We're already down by 30% of our supply after having it distributed to different cities. And that is only in the first week where these supplies are supposed to last us three months. Expanding or any further business with the boosters will cease in about a month." He proclaims as sweat was dripping down his forehead, having his eyepatch as a reminder of what happens when Kaitou is displeased.

Kaitou quickly reached inside of his trench coat and randomly threw something at Genkei. He closely closed his eyes, awaiting for impact, until he heard a thud right behind him. He slowly opens his eyes and slowly turns around to see a lead ball implanted firmly into the concrete wall behind him.

Kaitou: "Hmm. Seems like today is your lucky day." he stated as he slowly walked over to grab his ball while Genkei was hyperventilating at how dangerous close that was. " As I previously stated, if we show impeccable results with my plan, we'll be supplied with more boosters. After about another week or two of this, where boosters are well known to the underground, we'll then target places which are most profitable and send them back to home base." he said back to him as he walks back to the table, strategizing the next city to be targeted, where it would valuable to rob from.

Genkei still had doubts about this plan, wanting to retort back, but he was left frustrated in fear he may not be so lucky if he complains once again to Kaitou.

Kaitou: "It seems we may need to move base soon." he whispers to himself as he figured there might be someone connecting the dots of where the source of the boosters is coming from thanks to the area of distribution being concentrated in the surrounding cities.

Izuku's POV:

After I got back home, I saw a note at the front step saying how my mom wants to properly apologize once she gets back from work. I only sigh as I crumpled up the note and headed t,o my room, not feeling ready yet to face mom, despite Nakamura-san's encouragement. I lay on top of my bed as I had a lot of things going on, first is the birthday party this coming Wednesday, the second is the talk with mom, the third is the issues with the nightmares, and lastly is the hearing device I plan modifications for.

I sigh from mental exhaustion as I decide to get back up and surf the web, hoping there may be some news about heroes. While I searched through many news channels, I noticed a high coverage of villain attacks that are relatively in the same area. I thought it was weird but brushed it off as a small coincidence.

Having my fill of writing down notes about the heroic deeds that the media has covered, I decided to pull out the hearing device to continue taking it apart to have a more firm grasp on how it works while I waited for mom to come back home.

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