Chapter 59: Hidden feature of Momo's training

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Izuku's POV:

I was taking a small nap in the limo. I had stayed awake than I should have but I needed to get Mei's present ready before Thursday next week. I unaware of how much time had passed while I was taking a nap, but it appears we had arrived before I had noticed.

Driver: "Wake up little man. We have arrived." he yelled from the front, causing me to abruptly wake up.

I had stretched a bit before I had left the limo. I see both Ms.Yaoyorozu and Yaoyorozu standing in front of the stairs waiting for me. I could tell that Yaoyorozu was excited to see me while Ms.Yaoyorozu was the same as usual. I walked towards them a bit to greet them but Ms.Yaoyorozu seemed a little disturbed when taking a closer look at me.

MY: "Oh my, are those bags under your eyes?" as she pointed at my face.

I touched my face a bit to feel if I really did have bags under my eyes. Once I felt them, I sighed.

Izuku: "Probably. I didn't get much sleep this past week since I was too busy working."

MY: "It's not because Tanaka-san is forcing you to work late hours is it?" she asks angrily.

Izuku: "No, I was just helping a friend with some stuff."

She was eyeing me suspiciously but then sighed.

MY: "Just make sure you get some proper rest next time. It's not healthy for a young boy to stay up so late."

Izuku: "Hai," I said back to her to show that I understood.

MY: "Okay then, I'm sure you know the routine." to which I nod my head, "Well then, I 'll leave you two alone. There is some paperwork I have to go through in order to manage which proposals are acceptable." she says before leaving us.

Yaoyorozu seemed really excited for some reason, making me very curious.

Izuku: "What are you excited about?" I asked.

Momo: "Oh nothing. Let's just get our study period over with so that we can get back to training." she then skips up the stairs and into the mansion. I followed behind her as we made our way to her room.

I was tutoring her some advanced levels for her grade but I couldn't help to ignore the excitement that was plastered on her face. Once we were done studying, she looked even more excited.

Izuku: "Okay, you got to tell what's all the excitement about."

Momo: "Okay, but first, set up the patrol."

After setting up the drones and connecting them to my glasses and UCS, I turned around to face her as I was somewhat getting impatient.

Izuku: "Okay, they're set up now. Now can you tell me what's all the excitement about?" I asked even more curiously

She turned to her desk as she hovered her right hand over it, activating her quirk. Out came a very small matryoshka doll, which was the size of a Lego Minifigure. She picked it up with her fingers as she then presented it to me.

Momo: "I did it! I'm able to miniaturize things. I first studied up a bit on what you said about molecules having space between them, and once I got a better idea of it, I was able to make objects smaller bit by bit. This is the smallest I can go so far." She said proudly, "But I still can't do anything too complex like electronics since there are too many parts to consider." She said sadly.

Izuku: "It's fine, we still have a lot of time on our hands. I'm just surprised you were able to understand the concept so quickly." which cheered her up a bit, "May I see." as I reach out my hand.

She dropped the mini matryoshka doll into my hand as I then started examining it. The first thing I noticed was how light it was when it fell onto my hand. I then started taking off the first layer to see that there was another one inside. I tried squeezing the removed layer to see if it would break, but surprisingly it was hard to do even though it was hollow and the layer looked so thin.

Izuku: "Hey Yaoyorozu, what material did you use for this?" I asked as I continued putting pressure on it.

Momo: "Just the common lime wood that is used in most matryoshka dolls." she says, surprising me. I put all my strength into my hand trying to crush it until it finally broke into pieces. "What was that for?" she yelled angrily.

Izuku: "How much fat did you lose when making this?" I asked.

Momo: "A little less than a normal matryoshka doll. Why?" she asks, still peeved that I broke her creation. I handed her back the rest of the matryoshka doll as I threw away the broken remains in my hands.

Izuku: "It seems that by compressing the molecules together you are able to reduce the mass and volume, making it lighter, but by also grouping up the molecules together, it seems you have strengthened the hardness of it." I said back to her, which somewhat surprised her. "If you were to use this technique and try to form the same size as the normal version, you can get the object to become harder by using this technique  in exchange for using more fat."

Momo: "How much harder will it get if I use this technique?" she asks.

Izuku: "I'm not sure, but if you continue trying to shrink the object you're creating, the harder the object will be. I think we just made a new technique for you to use to increase your defenses." which made her excited to hear.

Momo: "So what do we do from here?" She asks excitedly.

Izuku: "I'll continue guiding you to reduce the size of an object. After we have gotten to the desired size, we'll begin training you to make complex objects at the normal size and do the same afterwards." She nodded to show that she understood the process that we were going to go through. "Let's begin!" I shouted as we then began her training of making mini matryoshka dolls, every tenth one becoming smaller than the last.

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