Chapter 16: Constant Cycle

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Izuku's POV

Katsuki: "So, we are going to the same school huh." he said as he walked past me, putting his hand on my shoulder, igniting small sparks as I flinched from the pain. "Good Luck," he said deviously while I placed my hand on my injured shoulder.

I just walked into the school while I dealt with the pain. I met my homeroom teacher who seemed nice as she made sure that everybody was seated in their seats. She made us introduce ourselves and share one thing about ourselves. Everybody that went so far talked about their quirk, that they wanted to be a hero, among other stuff that kids like. When Kacchan went, he said he was going to be the number one hero with such confidence, which made everybody laugh until he showed off his quirk which frightened them a bit.

The teacher made sure everybody calmed down as we resumed introducing ourselves. It was my turn and I was nervous; I never had to talk in front of so many people, I was usually with adults who were older than me and the only people whom I conversed with who were around my age was Daich-san, Ichika, and Kacchan, so this was my first time in public speaking. I quickly inhaled as I quickly said that I wanted to be a hero like All Might. Just before everybody started laughing, Kacchan spoke first.

Katsuki: "Hah! How can a Deku be a hero without a quirk?" he said as I felt everybody's stares at me as they just mocked me. I quickly sat down as the teacher quieted everybody down, continuing on with introductions.

Recess came and as I was about to go outside to play, I got ambushed by Kacchan and his friends. They quickly grabbed me as they began their beatdown, throwing insults like I was weak and how can I be a hero. Once again, my mental block prevented me from doing anything as they used their quirks. When they finished, I slowly got up as I went to tell the teacher what happened. She looked at me annoyed as she just handed me a med-kit and returned to her paperwork.

Izuku: ("Even the teacher doesn't care about me") I thought to myself as I left to bandage up my injuries.

I went to lunch as I finished bandaging myself up, seeing how everybody already formed their own groups as I was left out; I ate my lunch in the corner while everybody avoided eye contact with me. We resumed classes as the teacher didn't care about all the insults thrown at me, just quieted them down if it became too loud. Class ended as I was just glad it was over since I would later go train under my sensei and hang out with Daichi-san afterward.

The rest of the school until summer break followed the same cycle: I got bullied by other kids while the teachers didn't care, unable to get over my mental block the entire time; the only good thing was training with my sensei and hanging out with Daichi-san -- where I would sometimes help him and his sister's studies -- on weekdays, I would continue my research on heroes, academics, and anything else I think would be useful. Then summer break happened and you know the rest of the story.

End of Flashback

I resumed school where my cycle of bullying began again. Repeating the same thing I've done before the summer break, with the addition of learning how to shoot arrows and various other forms of small projectiles from my sensei on the weekdays and my fun conservations and projects I've worked with Nakamura-san on the weekends. Winter began and I just repeated what I did during the summer, and resumed classes, which marked the last semester of my school year.

Spring break passed and I resumed my second-year of elementary school, following the same cycle with nothing interesting happening. That is until summer break began and a week into it, I was called by Fumihiro-san -- Daichi's Uncle -- where he wanted to have a talk to me.

Izuku: "Yo-You wanted to see me, boss." I said nervously while I entered through the door.

Fumihiro: "Yes. Come take a seat, there's something I want to discuss with you about your work." I made a loud gulp noise as I took my seat. "You see, we do business with the Yaoyorozu family, do you know who they are?"

Izuku: "Ye-yeah, they are one of the richest families in Japan."

Fumihiro: "Well you see, they have a daughter, around your age, and they seemed worried for her since she plans to be a hero while they want her to be the heiress of their company. They want to have a friend to change her mind, so I suggested you be a tutor for her on Saturdays, that way you could convince her to be the heiress since you're the same age."

Izuku: "Wh-why me?" I asked as I was confused.

Fumihiro: "It's in the contract, you said you'll only work on weekends during these hours, but it never said what kind of work you'll be doing. So if you don't follow the job, you'll be breaking the contract and I'll be taking everything you have." he said as he smirked.

I was yelling at myself in my head while I clenched my fists and bit down on my lips since I missed one important flaw in the contract where I thought work would only be within the company, not the other works that are outside of the company.

Fumihiro: "So, do we have an agreement?" as he raised his hand.

I sighed in defeat, I don't want to ruin another person's dream of becoming a hero like how others are doing to me, but I can't break the contract. I shook his hand as I nodded my head.

Izuku: "So, when do I begin?" I hesitantly asked

Fumihiro: "Next week on Saturday. The Yaoyorozu family needs time for your arrival. Also, don't worry about transportation, I'll have a driver pick you up."

I only nodded back as I headed back to the lab where Nakamura-san was worried, but I just told him that I have another job to do on Saturdays, so I won't be able to see him. He was sad that he wasn't going to see me as much but glad that I wasn't fired.

The week passed by with me training with sensei as I tried to master archery and ninja-like throwing projectiles. Then came the day when the driver Fumihiro sent came to pick me up from my house. I went inside as we drove off.

Momo's POV

I was waiting for my tutor to arrive. My parents arranged for me to meet him on Saturdays, which I didn't understand since I thought I was ahead in my studies compared to my classmates, but my parents insisted on getting me a tutor, which I reluctantly agreed to.

A black car pulled up in front of the mansion as I saw a kid -- who looked like my age -- with black hair and green highlights along with symmetrical freckles that formed diamonds on his cheeks. I looked at my parents as I asked them.

Momo: " Is that my tutor's son?"

(Not sure of her parent's names, so I just use MY, for mommy Yaoyorozu and DY for daddy Yaoyorozu, don't make it weird, pls.)

MY: "No, he is the one who'll be tutoring you." She placed her hands on my shoulders while she smiled at me.

Momo: "Huh!?" as I was so confused by what my mother just said.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry, I had to make some changes to the previous two chapters because of how school works in japan, it is so different from American schools. A school year to them starts in April and ends on July 20, which marks the first semester, and summer break begins. I had to rewrite some chapters a bit to make some sense of the timeline, you don't have to reread previous chapters, just note that those happened after school began and summer break started, the beginning of this chapter is a flashback of what happened in the first semester. To understand a Japanese school's timeline, here is the website I used ( Also yes, I added Momo, she is my favorite but I don't plan on the story with the ship with her but I want to have a way for the possibility of it happening. There will be other candidates in the future but there is no set ship and it won't be a harem unless you want it, I'm just setting chances for the characters I like or ships I like for the future. Again, I am so sorry for the previous two chapters, I will do a super recap in the future before the main story begins where the last year of junior school begins. So apologies and Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.

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