Chapter 103: Broken

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Izuku's POV:

I was left dazed in front of the police station. I didn't think that I would have been chased out of the police station. I looked behind me, still having the need to turn in all the information I gathered but when I looked through the glass door, I saw the cop who yelled at me was glaring at me as he stood next to the receptionist desk, which scared me off.

I ran a few blocks away until I made a complete stop, pondering what I should do. I knew that Yaoyorozu-san's kidnapping is a priority case for many police stations, so I ran the closet ones that I could get to on foot, but whenever I mention how I have information on Yaoyorozu-san's whereabouts, they all chalked it off as a prank and led me out of the building.

I was left feeling exhausted, panting heavily from running all around the city, trying to find a single policeman that would listen to me, but I was only treated as a kid, which I couldn't refute since it was true, but I still didn't give up yet. If the police wouldn't help me, I should ask the people that I admire most, Pro-Heroes. Although there were no heroes in sight among this crowd, I memorized the patrol patterns of the heroes in this city, so I ran to the closest one that I knew for sure would be there.

I ran with whatever stamina I had left in me, causing me to profusely sweat, to the point where my mouth ran dry and I slowly started tasting my own blood, but it didn't matter, Yaoyorozu-san's safety came first before my own health.

It took a few minutes but I was able to be in the same vicinity as one of the heroes of the city. I was lethargic, nearly felt like dying, but I had come so far. I sluggishly walked over to the hero as he was giving a wave to his fans.

Izuku: "E-e-excuse me, " I said breathlessly as I got closer to him. He instantly took notice of me as he asked the crowd to make room for him so he could get to me.

Hero(TooTiredToComeUpWithNamesNow): "Hey there kid. You must have really wanted my autograph seeing how exhausted you look to get here." which was completely not what I came here for, "So, what do you want me to sign?" he asks as he had a pen in his hand.

I slowly shook my head no as I then looked him in the eyes. I tried to get the words out that my friend had been kidnapped and I know who the kidnappers are, but before I could, I felt a frog in my throat as my vision got distorted. I tried rubbing my eyes to correct my vision but when I look back at the hero again, I saw the same hero that yelled at me at the exhibit, which started making me hyperventilate and drop to the ground.

Hero: "Woah kid, are you alright?" he asked with concern as he got on the ground to check on me.

I tilted my head to face him once more, but the image of the hero remained unchanged. I used what strength I had left to push myself off the ground as I darted out of there, refusing to relive the same nightmare with the hero.

I kept sprinting until I collapsed in an alleyway. I was on the ground worn out, confused as to why I reacted the way I did with that hero. Heroes were my idols, my everything, the types I want to be when I grow up. The only other time something like this had happened was when I was younger and it was the first time I stood up against Kaa-chan.

Izuku: 'Th-That can't be?!' I thought to myself as I refused to accept the fact that I grew to be uneasy with heroes.

Completely drained of energy, I was left contemplating inside of my mind. Not only I couldn't find anyone to hand over the information to so they could save Yaoyorozu-san, but I had also found out that I have anxieties about being around heroes. I felt like I was at rock bottom, besides the actual ground being pressed against my body, I was left feeling that life was nothing but cruel to me. I rolled over to see the orange sky as I continued my thoughts. Not only was I not gifted with a quirk like everyone else, my friends turned on me for being quirkless, I was left to not only accept that my body becomes submissive when faced with discrimination, but I also can't be near a hero. And the worst of all of it, I betrayed my friend, the one who accepted me for who I really am.

Tears started running down the sides of my face as I started laughing, how everything I've done is just one big joke. I don't why I was torturing myself with this thinking but it felt right letting it all out. The place seemed fitting as I was all alone in a dirty alleyway, which is a place nobody wants to go through, a place that perfectly represented me. I started crying and laughing, letting it all out until my tear ducts and throat ran dry.

I regained my stamina but the orange-reddish sky told me that I had been out for too long, but I didn't care. Mom shouldn't be back home for a few more hours, which meant I still had time to myself.

I slowly got up as I then swung my backpack over me laying against the graffiti wall, still not over what was happening to me. I didn't know where to go from here, I only have my UCS, the rest of my school supplies, and the gi I use when training inside of my backpack. That's when I remembered that I had skipped a day of training without telling sensei, which only made me laugh with pity for another failure I had done. I threw the gi against the other wall as I thought it was pointless for me to keep it.

I accidentally bumped against the UCS with my free hand, turning it on. From there, I caught a glimpse of the screen, which showed one of the stationary drones watching over Yaoyorozu-san as she was curled up into a ball as she was against a crate.

Izuku: "I'm sorry that I failed you." as I pressed the screen against my forehead, feeling another set of tears coming down despite my ear ducts having already run dry earlier.

I take a small look up to see the screen again. I saw her mouth moving but no audio was coming out, meaning she was whispering to herself. Curious about what she was saying, I increased the hearing capability of the station drone as I listened closely to the audio.

Momo dejectedly questioned if anyone was on their way to save her, which strained my heart as everything that happened to her was caused by me. I was about to turn off the UCS since I couldn't bear to hear another word but I heard one thing that made me stop.

Momo: "I wish Midoriya would be here to save me." which left me stunned \, right before I turned off the UCS.

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