Chapter 28: Uncomfortable Dinner

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Izuku's POV

I saw my bully/childhood friend sitting at the dinner table, too afraid to get close to him.

Inko: "Come have a seat sweetie, I made sure to make everybody's favorites." she smiled and led me to the table.

I took my seat that was available, which was next to Kacchan, making the night so much worse. My mom served the dishes while the adults were talking with each other. I just looked down at my katsudon, avoiding eye contact with Kacchan, hoping he would ignore me, but of course, that plan didn't work.

Katsuki: "Oi, Deku. Are you trying to ignore me?" which made me tense up. "Don't think that you can just ignore me?" he said angrily.

I slowly turned my head to see Kacchan glaring at me, and once we made eye contact, he gave me a smirk.

Katsuki: "So you want to have a bite of my food?" he said loud enough for our parents to hear.

This caught my mom's attention as she looked at us instead of Auntie Bakugou.

Inko: "Are you sure sweetie? I made Katsuki's curry extra spicy for him" as she began cupping her right cheek looking worried.

Before I could say anything, Kacchan answered for me instead.

Katsuki: "It's fine Aunt Midoriya, he really said he wanted to try it." he said looking at me with a bigger grin as he grabbed a spoonful of his curry and holding it in front of me.

I didn't want to take a bite of it but since I wanted to keep the illusion that I'm still friendly with Kacchan dor my mom, I closed my eyes as I ate from the spoon he was holding. As soon as I swallowed it, my entire face was red as I started coughing and trying to keep my mouth open as I began wafting the air into my mouth in an attempt to cool it down.

Inko: "Izuku!" she shouted as she ran to the fridge to get me a glass of milk. Once she handed it to me, I started to chug it down as if my life depended on it. "I know you aren't great with spicy food but why did you suggest having a bite of Katsuki's food?" she asked worryingly.

I couldn't answer her as my mouth was on fire still. While all of this was going down, I can hear Kacchan laughing in the background.

Katsuki: "H-his face, it's so red!" he said while laughing.

He stopped laughing when he was then smacked at the back of his head.

Katsuki: "WHAT WAS THAT FOR HAG!?" he said furiously while holding the back of his head.

Mitsuki: "WHAT DID YOU SAY BRAT!?" she retorts back. "That was for allowing Izuku a bite of your food! You know he can't handle spicy food!" She yells back at him while crossing her arms.

Katsuki: "He wanted it!" he says as he growls.

Mitsuki: "Even if he wanted it, you should know what is best for him as a friend!" she argues back with.

While they were bickering with each other while Uncle Bakugou tried to calm them down, mom asked me if I wanted to go to the bathroom to clean up a bit. I nod my head yes as I headed for the bathroom. After I was done cleaning myself up, I decided to head to my room first to see if I can find a formula to neutralize the lingering spice still in my mouth.

As I was heading to the closet with my bag, I heard Kacchan call for me.

Katsuki: "Oi Deku." which made me jump with fear as I slowly turned around to see him by the doorway.

Izuku: "K-Kacchan! W-what are you d-doing here!?" I said nervously.

Katsuki: "My old hag wants me to apologize to you." as he walks towards me, backing me up against the wall. "But you know I will never do that." he slams his left hand on the wall that I'm leaning on as he smirks. "So when you come back to the table, you say I did, got it!" as he started to send sparks from his right hand close to my face.

I nod to him to let him know I understood the message. He puts down his hands as he puts them in his pocket and leaves me. I waited to calm myself down while I was got angry at myself for not talking back due to my mental block. After a good minute, I was ready to go back to the dinner table, which Auntie Bakugou noticed me first.

Mitsuki: "Hey Izuku, did this brat apologize to you?" she asks.

Izuku: "Y-yeah, he did." I said with a smile.

We resumed finishing dinner and said goodbye to them before they left. I helped mom with washing the dishes then I headed straight to bed.

Izuku: ("Today was such a tiring day, hopefully, it can be somewhat relaxing when I tutor Yaoyorozu tomorrow") I thought before shutting my eyes.

I woke up the next day to my All Might alarm. I turned it off as I got ready for work. The usual driver is there in front of my apartment and we drove off when I got in.

We arrived at the Yaoyorozu mansion with mister Yaoyorozu, miss Yaoyorozu, and Yaoyorozu waiting for me at the perron. I got out of the car as I greeted them..

Izuku: "Good morning mister and miss Yaoyorozu." I said while bowing and stood straight up. "So I'm assuming you want another performance."

MY: "You'll be correct Midoriya, but we have another guest we will be waiting for." she says as she looks at her wristwatch.

Izuku: "Who?" I asked

MY: "She should be here any minute now." and right on cue, I hear another car pull up in front of the mansion.

I turn around to see the driver come out and open the back door. I saw green hair with a ponytail on the left as she looked amazed by the mansion, looking at one end to the other.

Izuku: "M-MOM!" I yelled surprised that the guest was my mom.

She paused looking around and noticed us at the perron, she waved at us while holding her purse with her left hand.

Inko: "Hey there sweetie." she says as she smiles. I look back at Miss Yaoyorozu who had a devilish smile on her face.

MY: "Hopefully you can put on a good show for your mother as well." I had cold sweats as her smile was frightening after remembering what she did to her husband.

Izuku: ("WWHHYYY!") was what I screamed inside of my head.

Author's Note:

For a quick definition, perron is staircases leading up to the entrance and built in the Romanesque or Palladian styles and decorated with arches, balustrades, and corbels. Also, this is not meant to hint at a possible BakuDeku ship, if I changed how Katsuki had treated him since he learned that he was quirkless , there could have been small hints. But since I want Katsuki to act like trash to Izuku so that my story can make more sense. I don't like BakuDeku with the canon backstory but I understand it, since it's like a tiger who acts soft with a bunny, but keep in mind that Katsuki had tormented Izuku, bringing him down, harming him, even suicide baiting him. Although Katsuki is trying to redeem himself, it's never easy to erase one's past, so it doesn't make sense to me for the tormentor to get together with the tormented. If the backstory had changed, not like how I did, then I'm ok with BakuDeku, but for this story, no. Anyways, thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.

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