Chapter 51: Session with Yaoyorozu

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Izuku's POV:

We began experimenting with manipulating the sizes of the objects that Yaoyorozu can create with her quirk after I had set up my drones for patrol. We first started off very simple, such as making chunks of materials first on a smaller scale so that she could get used to the size differences. After about five minutes of seeing that she has control on at least the amount that is being produced, we then worked on simple objects that are a composite of different materials, such as pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.

She was having a hard time making them smaller since she kept on imaging on using fewer materials rather than compressing the atoms to become closer together, so we worked on that for about an hour.

After seeing that Yaoyorozu was exhausted from using her quirk too much, I called it day for quirk training.

Izuku: "You seem out of it. Take a ten-minute break and we'll move onto your other training." I then handed her a water bottle.

She nodded before she fell to her knees from exhaustion and began gulping down the water bottle, which had a few components to slightly restore somebody's lipids, but it isn't as effective as the pellets that she has.

After nearly finishing the entire bottle, she exhaled loudly as she felt relaxed. She then turned to me as I was going over the notes I took so far into her training on my UCS.

Momo: "Hey Midoriya, I have a question?" I then look up from my wrist to see that she was on her knees

Izuku: "What is it?" I expected her to ask for advice since she has a brilliant mind and would always ask questions on topics she didn't understand.

Momo: "How are you able to do the things you are able to do? Not only do you both tutor me and train me, but you also have time for your own stuff, such as writing music, working on your own projects, having a job as an assistant to a support gear developer, and you also claim that you study as well. That's a lot of things that I don't think any normal person is capable of."

Her question took me by surprise. I had told her what I do outside of the mansion, which would sometimes bring up more questions as she was more intrigued about my hobbies and jobs, but now that I look back at it, it seems weird that I continued this cycle for years. I had to think back towards what drove me to this point, I knew that I had wanted to be a hero, but what made me go so far as to become one. Then I remembered the time when I first met sensei, he had mentioned something about a fire in my eyes. Then flashes of memory suddenly surged inside my head as I reflected back on what made me keep going.

Izuku: "I guess you can call it determination."

Momo: "Okay, but what makes you so determined?"

I stood there in silence as I tried to think of a good answer for her without revealing too much of the things I had to go through that I didn't feel comfortable sharing.

Izuku: "I guess I'm determined to become a hero. Determined to show that anybody could be a hero, even someone as quirkless as me. Determined to prove others wrong that they shouldn't look down on someone because they're quirkless."

I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to ask more questions, but the timer on my UCS told me that the break was over. I stood back up as I then walked over to Yaoyorozu to help her get back on her feet. Accepting the fact that it is time for training, she grabbed my hand as I then lifted her up.

Momo: "So, what type of training are we going to do today? I think I have a good grasp on Capoeira and Taekwondo." she says cheerfully.

I smirked a bit since I had this planned ever since I've seen how well she was progressing.

Izuku: "Do you know the difference between knowing something and doing something?" She started thinking of an answer.

Momo: "Is it the difference in experience between them?" she asks.

Izuku: "Exactly. Knowing something doesn't mean it'll always help you, you also need practical experience to get used to the techniques you've learned."

Momo: "Does that mean you are going to spar against me?" she asked worriedly.

Izuku: "Sort of. I'll be on defense, blocking or counteracting your attacks so that you can get used to facing an opponent."

Nodding, she then looks around in her room to see if there's enough space for a spar.

Momo: "I don't think my room is fit for sparring."

Izuku: "Your room is big enough. I'll just draw a circle to make the arena so that we don't move too close to anything. " I then had her make some tape as I then made markings on the floor to form the area where we would use for our spar. "Okay, the rules are simple, I'll be on defense while you're on offense, the opponent loses if they fall to the ground or out of bounds, quirks are allowed, understood?" she verbally said that she understood as we then took opposite sides of the circle and got into our stances.

Seeing as how I was already near the edge of the circle, she took it upon herself to run at me as she then did a flying back kick, hoping that the momentum of her kick would push me out of the ring.

Seeing as how she was in mid-air and couldn't stop herself in motion, I just dodged it as she then flew out of the ring

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Seeing as how she was in mid-air and couldn't stop herself in motion, I just dodged it as she then flew out of the ring. The round was my victory and I reminded her to be wary of her surroundings. We spared again, taking the same positions. Making sure she doesn't make the same mistake again, she decided to do a push kick, which I used to my advantage as I stepped aside and grabbed her leg and added more momentum to the kick so that she would fly out of the ring again.

We spared each other many times, each time ending in her loss and me correcting her on what went wrong and what she should have done instead

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We spared each other many times, each time ending in her loss and me correcting her on what went wrong and what she should have done instead. We continued this until we were both exhausted, ending the session with her on the ground completely out of it while I was panting heavily. I sat on the floor next to her as I rested myself while still planning out my schedule of the things I have to prepare for the week.

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