Chapter 50: Continued Shopping

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Izuku's POV:

After calming Mei for a few more minutes, she released me from her hug as she then turned away to wipe off the tears that were still left on her face. She then quickly turned around to face me as she looked like her usual assertive self.

Mei: "Sorry about that, Muscles. Now then, let's go to our final stop." as she spins around and marches on.

I chuckle at how quickly Mei changed and smiled since this version of Mei is a better sight to see than her forced smile. I quickly ran towards her so that I wasn't left behind.

We made our way through the mall until we finally reached the store that Mei was talking about. We went inside and saw various shelves filled with electronic parts that were hard to find in your everyday store. I turn to look at Mei, whose eyes were glittering in excitement as she was amazed by all the parts that they were selling. We walked through the aisles as we were looking through the shelves, seeing if anything was needed for future projects.

There was silence between us the entire time. I figured that she was so focused on what was in front of her that she had forgotten about me, which I'm pretty used to since I've seen how Mei could get so enamored with her own babies that she loses her sense of time and her surroundings. I decided to keep close to her so that I could keep a watchful eye on her and took out my UCS as I put it on my wrist as I planned Yaoyorozu's training to reduce the size of an object.

As I was typing down and reviewing notes on my UCS, I heard Mei called out to me as she was still overviewing what looked like a motherboard.

Mei: " Hey Muscles! I have a question."

Izuku: "What is it?' as I turn off the UCS and look at her.

Mei: "How come you never told me you were quirkless?" as she finally looked up from the motherboard to meet my eyes.

The question that I have been waiting for has finally come. I never told Mei what quirk I had or even the fact that I didn't have one, to begin with. We never question each other about our personal lives as we were too busy helping each other with our projects.

I begin rubbing the back of my head as I try to come up with an excuse.

Izuku: "You never asked." as I begin to laugh a bit at the end, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Mei: "Okay." as she then looks back at the motherboard.

I was dumbstruck by her response. I had assumed that she would have asked me more questions or pry into it a bit more.

Izuku: "Th-That's it? You're not going to ask me more on why I would keep it secret for so long?"

Mei: "You are right, I never bothered asking about your quirk or personal life. But there is one thing I'm concerned about, that is the person, not the quirk." she says as she looks at me and smiles, " I have seen a lot of people with amazing quirks, but I have also seen people who became worse because of their quirk. They became arrogant, thinking they were better, that it didn't matter what those below them thought about them because they had the ability to become better than them. Although it doesn't apply to everyone who was gifted by such amazing quirks, they still felt like they were strong and that they needed to protect those who aren't as powerful, which only dehumanizes those who they are trying to protect. Of course, I was surprised at first when I heard that you were quirkless, but that only shows how amazing you really are."

I became a flustered mess, I was stammering with my words since I didn't know what to say after receiving such a huge compliment. Mei didn't say anything else as she continued her shopping. After letting out all of my flusteredness, I was finally able to calm down. I was able to relax and cool my mind. I then looked up to search where Mei was only to find her already at the cash register. My mind became at ease as I found another person who doesn't look down on me because I was quirkless.

I stood by the exit as I waited for Mei's things to be packed up. She walked over to me with multiple bags in hand. I grabbed a few myself to help lighten her load. We then walked our way back to the train station, satisfied with how today went.

It was the next day, I had gotten up from the bed as I then packed up my things along with some notes I made from Yaoyorozu to use. I went outside to meet my driver as we then headed off to Yaoyorozu's mansion. Once we had arrived, I saw miss Yaoyorozu and Yaoyorozu waiting for me. I had gotten out of the limo to give my usual greetings to them.

Izuku: "Good morning!" while I bowed to them.

MY: "Good day to you too." as she smiled.

Momo: "Good morning Midoriya." she had also smiled but was more excited to see me.

MY: "Well I'll leave you two alone since I trust the both of you, okay?" which I and Yaoyorozu nodded before we walked over to her room.

I set my bag down on her bed before I began tutoring her, which wasn't much to do since she was always on top of her subjects, so I taught her more complicated problems that were higher than her normal grade level. I also had given a deep explanation towards why the solution makes sense rather than explaining how, since knowing the why can be beneficial than mindlessly solving a problem without knowing the reasoning behind it.

After going over a good chunk of our lesson for today, I put a pin to the lesson as I then took out my notes for Yaoyorozu behind the theories of what is possible with her quirk.

Izuku: "So far, you are able to match the characteristics of an object and are able to produce more or less than the amount required. But increasing or decreasing the quantity isn't the same as the reduction in size. To make something smaller, you need to imagine that the object in question is physically smaller rather than using fewer materials for it." Yaoyorozu nods along as she looks over the notes of my analysis of her quirk, "Another way to look at it is picturing the atoms of the object to be much closer together, since there is so much space between atoms, even if it's a solid, make the atoms close in with each other to make it smaller. Now, are you ready?"

Yaoyorozu sets the sheets of paper onto her desk as she nods. 'Let the experiment begin', I thought as this was going to be a lot of trial and error.

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