Chapter 85: Unfamiliar

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No one's POV:

Akio was intrigued by the sudden change in Izuku as Izuku repositioned himself while his hair was shadowing his eyes, still holding the kunai knife in hand. Daichi felt more fired up, mainly due to his quirk, as he was excited that the sparring was continuing. Daichi released a blast of heat in all surrounding areas, trying to get Izuku further away from him. Akio noticed that the plants inside his home were getting in the crossfire as well as they slowly started wilting.


Daichi: "Sorry gramps." he says as he looks at him for a split second to assess how much farther he needs to be so that anything his grandpa cares about doesn't get caught in the crossfire.

During that small distraction, Izuku uses it as a chance to attack as he dashes towards him with his kunai knife in hand. Daichi was barely able to dodge by leaping sideways as Izuku attempted to slash him.

Daichi: "Try better luck next time!" he said all cocky, unaware that Izuku had something in his sleeves.

Izuku pulled out a revolver as he shot 4 rounds at Daichi while he was still in the middle of being in the air, giving him no chance to dodge the upcoming pellets.

Daichi: "Man that stings." he said in between breaths as he tried to soothe the wounds he just received, but Izuku wouldn't let up.

He continued his assault by firing the remaining pellets onto Daichi. Daichi swiftly dodged them as he was surprised at Izuku's merciless attempt to fire while he was already shot. Before he could say anything about Izuku's weird behavior, he turned back to him, only to see a few ninja stars being thrown at him while Izuku was dashing below them as he prepared to slash him from below. Caught off guard, Daichi immediately defends himself the fastest way he can.

Daichi: "THUNDERSTORM!" he yelled as his hair turned purple and used the surrounding clouds that hovered over him to strike a lightning bolt directly at himself, getting anything in his range to be caught in the blast radius of the strike, blinding everyone as well.

Daichi was unaffected by the lighting strike and saw the burnt ninja stars near him. He then saw Izuku's body further away as the back of his looked slightly burnt, making Daichi slowly realize that he may have made a terrible mistake.

Daichi: "Izuku!" he yells out as he turns off his quirk and runs towards him.

Akio was about to check on Izuku as well until he closely examined the damage on the gi from afar.

Akio: 'If the blast was that powerful and he got hit, the back of his gi should be black and have larger holes in them. Why is the back of it just light brown?" He questions as he notices a small lump of dirt near Izuku was missing, making him smirk as the fight wasn't over.

Daichi tried shaking Izuku awake, only for him to be unresponsive. He then flipped him onto his back as he then listened for a heartbeat. Once he heard his heart was still beating, he sighed in relief.

Daichi: "He's still breathing!" he cheers as he turns to Akio for the good news, but was confused why he was smirking.

Izuku suddenly opened his eyes as he gripped the kunai knife and quickly jumped onto Daichi's back, locking his arms and legs while the kunai knife was directly pointed at his neck.

Daichi: "What foul play!" he said while chuckling as he tried to get himself out but failed, "Alright I give you the win. Now can you let go? It's getting harder to breathe," but Izuku didn't let the pressure up, instead he only increased it as the knife was pushed a little deeper into his neck, "Izuku, that's starting to hurt." he said as he was having a hard time breathing.

Daichi tried turning his head to see what was wrong with Izuku as the kunai knife was scraping against his neck. When he got a glimpse of Izuku, he wasn't able to recognize him and thought he was seeing a different person. Izuku's face displayed no emotions, his eyes looked dead and gave off a cold aura, and the longer he looked into his eyes, he saw so much hatred. It horrified him how much Izuku was hiding under his cold expression and was startled by the change in demeanor Izuku had.

Daichi was so stunned by this that he didn't notice the kunai knife being stuck deeper into his neck as a drop of blood came out. Akio quickly rushed to them as he slapped away the kunai knife and karate chopped Izuku's neck to knock him out.

Akio: "I shouldn't have let this continue." he said in disappointment with Izuku's ruthlessness in attacking Daichi. He then looked at Daichi, who was still stunned from earlier, "Are you alright?" he questions.

Daichi slowly moved his hand towards the wound he got to see a small amount of blood was leaking from his neck.

Daichi: "Do you know what happened to him?" he questions as Daichi was recollecting himself from what he just saw.

Akio shook his head and looked back onto Izuku's unconscious body.

Akio: "Get that bandaged up. I'll take him to the guest room to treat any injuries he has."

Daichi nodded at him as Akio picked up Izuku and carried him to the guest room. Izuku mostly had bruises but Akio still treated them as he then prepared a cup of water so Izuku could rehydrate after facing many heat waves from Daichi.

Daichi: "Is he awake?" he questions from the hallway as he was back to wearing his regular clothes and holding onto Izuku's stuff.

Akio shook his head no as Izuku was lying unconscious next to him.

Akio: "What did you see?" as he was wondering what Daichi saw that made him so stunned, making him freeze as he couldn't believe what he saw earlier.

Daichi: "Not the Izuku I know." he answers, which made Akio even more curious.

After getting an unclear answer, they heard the limo honk its horn outside on the street. Akio carried Izuku to the limo and told Daichi that he should rest at their place. Daichi nodded back as he got in the limo and the driver drove off. Akio watched as they got further away, still questioning what happened during the fight. He walked back inside as the guards closed the doors behind him.

Akio: 'I hope this won't be an issue in the future.' he thought before he went inside his house to call it a day.

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