Chapter 89: Yaoyorozu's Progress

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Izuku's POV:

Momo: "This is so much fun to play with." she says as I had handed her the UCS to control the prototype, using it to make it crawl around in her room to examine its function. "Are you sure you didn't build a toy?" she asks.

Izuku: "Its claws have a grip strength of roughly 2, 500 psi if I turn off the safety gear, its tendrils can be extended 5 times its length and can be used to absorb electric currents to keep it functioning, the outer shell is made out of non-conductive material, waterproof, and can only be controlled by the UCS, which can't be overridden." as she starts letting it climb up her leg, making it look like a pet.

Momo: "I understand the purpose of what everything is supposed to do, but I need some time to figure out the materials of the circuit boards and among other things." I signaled for the UCS to be handed over as I put the prototype into rest mode, turning it into a ball. I then pulled up the final blueprints of the current prototype.

She placed down the prototype to look over the blueprints as I then picked up the prototype and took out the batteries from my bag, the same ones that are used for the drones, and attached it to one of the tendrils so it can charge.

Izuku: "Is there anything you don't understand?" I questioned as I placed the prototype back into my bag.

Momo: "I'm lacking in how electricity works. I understand what materials are used but I don't know why they work the way they do." as she was stumped by the blueprints.

Izuku: "I can add that to your current lesson since it requires a bit of physics knowledge to understand it. For now, let's see how much you've progressed physically." which got her to smile as she was excited to show off how much she has improved during the time I was out of commission.

We once again created a ring where we both stood on opposite sides of it. We both took our stances as I was on the defense while she was on offense. She started off a jump and followed it with a left knee jab towards my chest, which I used both palms to block off. She then held my head as she used her other knee to swing it at my head. I placed my right hand on her inner thigh and placed my left hand on her lower leg, to the right of it, as I then applied force to make her turn with my body as we both headed to the ground, making her lose balance for her left knee swing.

Once we got to the ground, I rolled back up ready for another attack. She did a low sweeping kick, which I dodged by jumping over it, but once her leg made a full sweep, she switched to her other leg and used it to kick me while I was in the air. I pushed off from her kick with my hands as I landed farther from her.

She looked out of breath as it had taken a lot out of her to use that many successions of kicks.

Izuku: "You really did improve." as I was impressed by the gap in skills she had from a few weeks ago to now.

Momo: "That's not it. You've been out of training for a while, you're the one who worsened." she said as she kicked herself back up and continued charging at me.

Izuku: "Maybe. But your quick thinking in what to do in a fight has certainly improved." as I moved my head to the left to dodge a right jab, which she turned into a grab and pulled me into a high knee.

I tried blocking it by using both my arms, but the momentum it had built up was enough to make the after-effect on my forearms sting. As the high knee was stopped by my arms, she tried kicking me off while holding onto my head to make me lose my center of gravity. Seeing that I was close to the edge of the circle, I pushed her leg that she was kicking with off to the side and grappled her neck to push it into the opposite side, making her lose balance and using it as a chance to grab her by the ankle and pull her out of the circle, which led to my victory.

Momo: "I was so close." she said in between breaths as she tired herself out.

Izuku: "At least you were closer this time." as I handed her a water bottle to replenish her fluids.

Momo: "That's for now. The next time we meet, the gap will be larger since you'll partially regain what you lost." as she then drinks the bottle.

I went over to her desk to retrieve one of the vials she had. I walked back to her and crouched down.

Izuku: "Ready to use these again?" I question, which she nods as she then starts using her quirk to make a non-toxic scented gas to empty all the lipids in her body.

Once the smell started weakening, I can tell it was time to give her one of the pellets. She plopped one into her mouth as she continued making the gas, this time at a faster rate to expel any leftover lipids that her body couldn't process yet. This was a tiring process but the results were worth it so that she has a backup plan in the future for when she runs out of her own lipids.

She felt weak afterward, but I carried her over to her bed as we then had some small talk to distract herself. It was then time for me to leave, so I packed up and said my goodbyes before the Yaoyorozu's driver was ready to take me back home.

The next day, when I got to the lab at Tanaka Corporations, I noticed that Nakamura-san wasn't so cheery, even more so for the last few weeks.

Izuku: "Is everything okay?" I asked, which he slowly turned his head to me.

Satoshi: "Just tired." he answers before he got up and walked over to me to give me a head pat which made him smile, "But it got better knowing that you're here." he says.

I didn't know what was going on, but I was happy to cheer him up. We got to work by improving any faults or flaws in support gear that was handed back to us as we then worked together like normal.

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