Chapter 25: Unkown Error

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Momo's POV

We took a break from studying around the same time as last time and we began my training once again. He took out the drones for patrol while he put on his glasses.

Momo: "So, what are we going to do?" I stood up from my chair while I began stretching after long hours of studying.

Izuku: "Well, to get a better understanding of how effective the pellets are at recovering body lipids, we need to see how it affects your body." as he began searching his bag for his notebook.

I pulled out the vial filled with the pellets as I opened up the vial. I took one out, but before I could digest it, Midoriya quickly grabbed my forearm that held the pellet as he had a face of terror. He then sighs in relief as he lets go and takes the pellet and puts it back into the vial.

Izuku: "That was a close call." he then looks at me as he puts the vial away. "As I said, we aren't sure how effective it is, so what happens if there was too much for your body to handle." I sat in silence as I just realized I nearly made a terrible mistake. "Okay, now that you understand, let's just try to get you to drain as many body lipids as you can before you digest one of these pills." I nodded back at him. "Good, now-here is a chemical formula that I want you to make. It's a type of gas that is odorless and harmless, the only noticeable thing about it is the color. This will make sure there is nothing we have to clean up afterward" he hands me a piece of paper with the formula design written on it.

I spent half an hour constantly producing the gas as I started to feel weaker. I gave Midoriya the thumbs up that I am at my limit. He nodded as he handed me one of the pellets. When I digested it, my body felt like it was burning that I fell to my knees as I clutched onto my stomach.

I saw Midoriya run to me as he crouched down to my level.

Midoriya: "What's happening? I can only tell that your body temperature is rising."

Momo: "My stomach.... It feels like it's going to burst." I said in a strained voice.

Midoriya's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me in the eyes.

Midoriya: "I don't have time to explain but I need you to make something right and don't stop, you hear me." I nodded as I started creating things that just popped into my head. After about 10 minutes, I blacked out.

I woke up in my bed as I was tucked in. I slowly turned my head as I see Midorya writing in his notebook. He looked at me and when he realized that I was awake, he smiled. He closed his notebook as he walked up to me.

Midoriya: "Hey, how are you feeling?" he said softly.

Momo: *groans* "Exhausted" while I slowly got up.

He handed me a bottle of water and sat back down afterward. I just quickly drank from it and wiped some water on the side of my mouth when I was done.

Momo: "So, what happened?" I asked, still exhausted.

He quickly stood up as he then bowed.

Izuku: "I am so sorry! I didn't take into account the energy needed to convert the pellet into lipids! The lipids overloaded your body, which would have made you crash, if you didn't immediately start producing anything, your body would have worsened and you would have needed to be taken to a hospital." (I don't know anything medical, I just try to relate the symptoms of a sugar crash to this.)

He was still bowing as he finished. I was in shock at what would have happened and we would have been caught by my parents for hero training, which would have gotten both of us in more trouble. I tapped him on the shoulders, which made him look up to me. I gave him a reassuring smile as I softly spoke.

Momo: "It's okay. You helped me get out of it safely without incident. We didn't know what the effects were going to be so it's no one's fault, so don't blame yourself."

He started to get teary-eyed as he dropped onto my bed, now full-on crying saying how sorry he was. I patted his head to try to comfort him.

Izuku's POV

I was sobbing on Yaoyorozu's bed as I was repeatedly apologizing to her. I put her at risk which could have led to hospitalization. I was sure she was going to be angry with me and I was prepared for it. I had hurt one of the few friends I had that saw me as a person instead of a disease because I was quirkless. But instead of getting angry at me, she comforted me, telling me it was okay, I broke down on the spot since this wasn't what I expected.

After a while, I calmed down as I lifted my head with my eyes all puffy from my tears.

Momo: "There, all better now?" I nodded at her. "Good. Now, how long was I out?"

I wiped my face as I tried clearing my throat.

Izuku: "A-about 2 hours. I k-kept the drones on p-patrol to make sure nobody caught you unconscious and q-question us what we were doing."

Momo: "Ok. By the way, how were you able to know what my body's condition was in, I thought you just knew the basics of academics with more knowledge in technological science." while she looked at me curiously.

Izuku: "I-I'm somewhat an all-rounder. I take in as much information as I can to help me in becoming a hero. I l-learned medical science after training with sensei to keep my body in check and even more later." I said nervously. "Anyways, I'm assuming that you can't move your body very well. So what do you want to do?"

I saw her think for a second until she looked over my notebook that had a different title on it to the one she saw last time.

Momo: "What were you writing while I was asleep?" she pointed at my notebook.

Izuku: "Oh this?" as I grabbed it. "I was making some changes to my design for the nano-tech that I was going to make. Actually, your quirk was the inspiration for it. Although it may not be able to copy the properties, I'm just hoping it can take the shape of the object." I showed her the design of what the nano-tech bots were going to look like.

(The design I'm planning will look something like this. Design is from The Incredibles.)

Momo: "That's amazing

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Momo: "That's amazing." as her eyes sparkled.

We then had a conversation where we learned more about each other while she rested. She talked about how she is enrolled in school but never went there. She has teachers from the school visit her to teach her, so although she has classmates, she never really met them, which makes me one of the first people she met that was her age. We talked more with each other until it was time to go. I packed up my things as I said my goodbyes to the Yaoyorozus.

I was dropped off at home where I saw mom in the kitchen with dinner. I didn't get to see mom as much on school days since I tried to hide away from her so she didn't have to see the injuries I get. But when I'm on a long vacation, I try to be with my mom as much as I can since there is nothing much to hide. We had a long conversation about my job, which I said was going very well. I went to bed after finishing dinner and cleaning myself up, dreaming of becoming one of the heroes of society like All Might.

Author's Note:

I felt like I needed to write this before I forgot what I was supposed to write, so here is an off-schedule chapter. I know that idolizing All Might may seem off in this story but he is less obsessive over him and also admires other heroes as well. Also, I just realized that I am a multi-shipper, but have no worries for there won't be a concrete ship in this story for a long time, just mostly establishing connections. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day.

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