Chapter 73: Aftermath of the Museum Pt.1

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No One's POV:

~~~~Before the villains got their brain scrambled~~~~

LH left the kid to himself after telling him off of how dangerous it was and how he was only lucky. He then exited out of the exhibit to see that the shutter doors were still closed everywhere except for one other exhibit. He went to the mobility exhibit to see that many heroes went down and many civilians were in critical condition. His quirk allowed him to make any chemical substance by transforming the liquids in his body into chemicals and transmits them through his fingertips. He went to each civilian first as he did some first aid, where his sidekicks and a few other heroes came in to help him out.

After they did some patch-ups to stop their conditions from worsening, they were then sent out to free everyone from the exhibits. After everyone had gathered, they searched through the whole building for any remnants of the group. They had thought they heard another voice, only to find nothing. It had been concluded that it was only the leader and his 13 lackeys.

RH#3(Random Hero): "Who are these guys anyway?" one of them questions as they were returning from surveying to building.

LH: "No idea. They just started attacking and it was too dark for me to see anything significant to discern them as a group." He says as he passes by the front door to see that both ambulance and police officers were on the scene, attending to the injured and villains, while a few news teams were doing a coverage of what had transpired.

RH#1: "Isn't it weird that none of the villains had woken up yet?" she questions as she was worried something was off.

RH#3: "The longer they are unconscious, the easier it is to transport them to prison, where they would be interrogated and their techs would be examined." they said as they were upset that they weren't aware that something like this was going on.

LH: "Well that was a nice talk but now I have to give out my statement to the officers and to the public." he says with a smile as he walks out through the door as many people behind the tape had wanted to come forward to be the first one to interview him.

The heroes that were left behind were clearly not happy since he was claiming all the glory.

Izuku's POV:

I was left feeling betrayed. Heroes who I looked up to, told me that I was reckless, that I was only trying to prove myself that I was useful. I was spiraling, thinking if all the work I had done so far was all for nothing. I was on my own, unaware of what was happening around me.

???: "-cles! Musc-" I could hear something trying to call me but I drowned it out. I wanted to be alone to reflect on my actions, replaying all the harsh comments I have received because I was quirkless. Slowly accepting what they said was the truth.

Mei: "IZUKU!" I heard being screamed into my ear, forcing me out of my own subconscious. I turned to see that Mei had a clear panic of worry as she then sighed, with some signs of scuffles around her body. "Now you respond." She then dropped to the floor as she was exhausted.

Izuku: "Sorry about that. I was deep in thought for a moment." I said to her as it felt like I was heading somewhere which I shouldn't have but Mei pulled me out just in time. "So what happened?" I questioned her.

MH: "We should be asking you that." I then turned to see that Miss Hatsume was in front of me with clear worry on her face.

She then bends forward as she examines all the cuts and bruises I had on my body. She then takes a look at my legs to see that they were the worst ones I had. She then suddenly hugs.

MH: "I'm sorry we left you to defend us." she says so apologetically

Izuku: "I-Its fine. I was the one who suggested it." I was surprised by the sudden hug.

MH: "But look at your injuries." She points out.

I was about to apologize for making her worried but Mei intervened.

Mei: "Muscles is fine." she says "As he said, he trained for this. Not like this won't be the only time you're going to get injuries like these, after all, you are going to be a hero, so just count this as a learning experience!" as she patted my back while smiling.

This caused me to smile a little bit as I was reminded that there are still people who believed in me.

MH: "O-Okay. But I still suggest you get looked at."

Izuku: "Okay. Mister-" I then tried to look for Mister Hatsume but he wasn't near us. "Where is Mister Hatsume?" I questioned.

MH: "He's being driven to the police station since he used his quirk." she says sadly.

Izuku: "But it was an act of self-defense according to the law and he was trying to escape to safety, not run into danger." I questioned as I was confused why he got in trouble with the authorities.

MH: "They claim that since the heroes were present but he still used his quirk against villains, they are counting it as vigilantism." She says even more depressed.

Izuku: "We have to give ou-" I was about to get up but I was stopped by Miss Hatsume as she held me down.

MH: "It's alright. I already alerted his sister that he was being detained. She's a lawyer and it's not the first time she had to deal with this." She says.

Izuku: "What do you mean it's not the first time?" I questioned.

MH: "Let's just say that him being quiet has led him to a lot of misconceptions." she says with a smile that clearly showed that she was hiding more than she was letting on. "Now then, let me help you up since I think you were going to ask my husband for help," she says as she lifted me up and carried me to the ambulance outside.

Izuku: 'Hopefully he's alright.' I thought.

No one's POV:

Mister Hatsume could be seen exiting out the police car in front of the police station, where a slim lady wearing a business suit, a tight blue ponytail, glasses, and a fierce gaze. as she clearly did not look happy.

Police#1: "Ma'am. You need to leave the preme-" he was about to speak until she put her finger on his mouth to shut him up.

???: "Zip it. I'm this man's lawyer." she says as she stomped over to Mister Hatsume, as she looked very nervous.

DH: "He-Hey there " he was then pulled down by the collar as she looked directly into his eyes.

DHOS(Daddy Hatsume's Older Sister): "What did you do this time?!" she yells, making DH sweatdrop as he was too nervous to face his sister.

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