Chapter 138: Preparations

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Izuku's POV:

After telling Mei that she can come to my birthday party, we resumed working on creating more drones. Once again, Mei added more gimmicks to the drone, this time she added an electromagnet to help pick up weapons and other items, but because she had underestimated how strong the battery can output, it caused a strong magnetic pull, grabbing anything that can be magnetized in a 50-meter radius as it spun around and soon exploded, leaving anything we weren't grabbing onto in a charred mess.

We both blinked at what has left of the drone and all the things it pulled in as I then gave a tired expression directed to Mei as she looked the other way, causing me to sigh. I walked over to the messes I then crouched down to check up on anything that was still usable. I question why would Mei try implementing this design while I go through the scraps. Then ideas started popping into my head of how this implementation can help carry small magnetic objects over great distances at great speeds, how it can be used to help pull up large buildings or vehicles since most infrastructures have metal supports if enough drones had this feature, or how this can swiftly snatch up a villain's support gear or weapon if it happens to be metallic. Before I realized it, I noticed I was muttering to myself again, so I quickly stopped as I was about to suggest something to Mei.

Izuku: "Hey Mei-" I tried calling over for her as I tried turning around, but she was right there directly behind me, hovering over my head, trying to take a look at what was left of her baby.

I was startled and fell to the ground as I didn't notice her presence despite sensei's training on honing my senses to be fully aware of my surroundings.

Mei: "Yes?" she questions. I then cleared my throat and dusted myself off a bit as I then stood back up.

Izuku: "How about I help you with the circuitry so that the electromagnet can properly function without being overloaded?"

My suggestion seemed to light up her eyes as she then pulled my arms and dragged me over to her work area as she quickly scavenged through her box to find the necessary materials to make another electromagnet. I lightly chuckle at Mei's enthusiasm when I finally agreed to one of her modifications.

We spent some time working on the modifications but the sun was near set, so Mei had to be the one to take the drone home with her to finish it off, while I hoped her parents were going to be okay with what can be a possible disaster at home.

No One's POV:

Mei pushed the door open to her house as she carried a box containing the drone and all her other stuff.

MH: "Hey honey! How was today with Midoriya?" her mother questions.

Mei: "I'm going to meet with Benjiro's kids on July 15th!" she yells back as she takes off her shoes and changes into her slippers while her mother raises a brow.

MH: "Why do you say that?" she questions.

Mei: "It's for Izu- Muscles' birthday!" She responds as she sets her box near the entrance while she takes the drone, along with some other needed items to add to the drone.

MH: "Midoriya's?" She says, shocked and happy that her daughter was finally invited to a birthday party after such a long time. "What are you going to get him as a birthday present?" she asks excitedly.

Mei: "Something I've been working on for the past month." she said to her as she was about to head to her room.

Miss Hatsume stopped to ponder to herself what possible contraption Izuku might find himself in. She then hit a light bulb as she remembers the few times when Mei came to ask her for advice that didn't seem to fit her usual behavior. She then grinned as she leaned back against the couch, bending her back over to look at Mei in the hallway with an upside-down view.

Mei: "Don't tell me that's the reason why you-" she was about to ask, ready to tease, but Mei immediately headed inside of her room to work, causing Miss Hatsume to frown as she straightened her back slouching over, acting upset, which didn't last as she then gleefully smiled. "Looks like our daughter is more motivated than ever." she commented to her husband as he was wearing a pink apron, labeled "Best ♥ Husband", while he was cooking some butajiru for dinner.

He grunted in understanding as he was too focused on cooking.

Miss Hatsume then pulled out her phone to tell her sister-in-law the exciting news. Meanwhile, Mei can be seen in her room, cluttered with all of her inventions, as she was wearing the goggles she got from Izuku, soldering some parts of the circuit board as Izuku instructed in order to readjust the power for the electromagnet.

Elsewhere, Genkei can be seen overseeing a small work line of men and women from the organization, carrying small boxes containing skin-colored patches that had a red dot appearing on one side, while Kaitou was sitting on the chair behind Genkei.

Kaitou: "Remember!" standing up, trying to get their attention, momentarily stopping production, "Our goal is not for profit, but to cause as much chaos as we can using the criminals here in Japan. Since both police and heroes will be busy with the new boosted criminals, they'll be so spread out that they won't have enough enforcement for when we make our attack. No one here better be profiting for themselves as that'll result in murder. Got it!" he yells out, which got a murmur of agreement as the men continued working.

Genkei: "Um, sir?' he nervously asks.

Kaitou: "What is it?" he says irritated.

Genkei: "What are we going to do about the supply? This is supposed to last our men for half a year, but if we disperse it like the way you planned it, we won't have enough to last a month." he says with worry, which causes Kaitou to glare at Genkei before sighing.

Kaitou: "You don't think I don't know that?" he says annoyed, "Well, what do I expect from a simpleton like you?" as he shrugs his shoulders, causing Genkei to be slightly furious, "This plan is more of a demonstration. If I'm able to show good results, they'll have to send us more patches and will probably use my strategy in other operations as well." he says with arrogance.

Genkei: "And if it doesn't produce good results?' he questions, which seemed to turn Kaitou's mood sour as he glared at Genkei.

Kaitou: "Then everyone here is going to die." he says in a sinister voice, unheard by the workers but enough for Genkei to hear, as he swallows nervously and slowly backs away from Kaitou.

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