Chapter 131: Nearly Caught

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Izuku's POV:

I grabbed all my regular stuff for work, along with a pair of noise-canceling headphones on my way to work to prevent further damage to my eardrums. Although I could use more healing pellets to hasten the healing process, I'm not sure what effects it would have on my body if I take one when I have no energy or if I keep prolonging in taking them, so it's best if I do some self-care instead of being too reliant on the pellets.

I missed my first train as I had woken up late and my body didn't have the strength to run for it, so I leisurely walked my way to the train station. While I was on the train, I could already feel myself dozing off. I had nearly missed my stop if it hadn't been for whatever nightmare I was having to abruptly wake me up. I slowly made my way to Tanaka corporations, already late, feeling worn out and even more drained as I had two nightmares in one day, and it frustrated me why I was having these nightmares.

I waved hello to the receptionist as I yawned, which seemed to cause concern for her as it was plastered on her face since I'm normally on time for work. I could see her trying to ask me something, but I couldn't hear anything from her, but it was clear that she was asking if I was alright. I told her that I was okay and I had been busy working on something yesterday, in what I believed to be my normal speaking voice, as I then asked her if I could get my access key for the lab. She looked hesitant in giving me my key before she reluctantly gave me my key card. I thanked her as I then headed for the lab, but as I reached the door, I turned around to see her staring at me, looking worried for me, to which I responded by smiling at her.

I opened the door to where Nakamura-san would be, and what I saw was Nakamura-san panicky covering something up with anything on his table as he leaned on the top of it as well. It looked like he was trying to question me about something. I used whatever sign language I had learned yesterday to tell him that I was having hearing problems, which seemed to give him a confused look as he grabbed his notepad and wrote down if I currently can't hear anything, to which I nodded my head.

He flipped to another page as he wrote down if it was okay for me to come into work, to which I nodded again.

Izuku: 'Besides, it's in my contract that I can't take days off if I'm still physically able to work.' was what I thought inside of my head but didn't bother telling him. I also got curious as to what he was trying to cover up, but I didn't know the hand gestures to properly ask him and I don't think he knew sign language either, "What were you trying to hide?" I questioned, still unable to hear anything.

He quickly looked back to the spot where he had covered up something as he then quickly flipped to another page and wrote down that it was something meant for adults which kids shouldn't see. I looked back to where the thing was being covered up and looked back at Nakamura-san having a very tense expression on his face. I was curious what it was about, but I trusted Nakamura-san that it's something that I shouldn't see and gestured that I understand. He nodded back to me as he then wrote down that he'll put away the thing for later so that I won't accidentally see it.

I headed to one of the other tables as I set my things down. I took off my headphones so that Nakamura-san could call for me, even though it may sound muffled since it'll be easier than him having to physically get my attention.

As I was cleaning up my desk so I can have space to work on, I heard a muffled clatter, which redirected my attention to Nakamura-san as he fell to the ground with what appears to be a blueprint of a plasma shooter attachment. I then quickly realized that I shouldn't be looking at the blueprint as I then quickly put my attention back to cleaning my desk. I could see in my peripherals that he was dusting himself off as he rolled the blueprint back up, taking a quick glance in my direction, seeing if I saw what happened. He then got up and left the room. I gave both a yawn and a sigh as I was still tired and relieved that I didn't get in trouble. Although. I was curious as to why he has a blueprint for an attachment as we are more focused on creating support gear, but then again, it could have been an attachment for another support gear, so I didn't put much thought into it as I then prepared myself to work.

No one's POV:

Satoshi looked worried as he clutched onto the blueprint in his arms. He headed to his locker and unlocked a secret compartment in his locker, placing his blueprint in there as he then closed everything up.

Satoshi: "He can't know." he whispered himself about as he flashbacks to all the times he had worked in the secret underground basement, tirelessly working on making weapons for an aircraft for whatever purposes it will be used for.

He can't quit as he knows too much and can't tell the authorities as his friends might be in danger, so he was all alone in this one. After thinking back to all the struggles, he sighs as he then leans against the locker to take a breather before getting off and heading back to the lab, curious as to why Izuku has hearing problems.

Back at the abandoned storage facility, Kaitou can be seen sitting on a wooden chair as Genkei can be seen standing in front of him, wearing an eyepatch over his right eye.

Kaitou: "So how many low lives are out selling triggers?" he questions.

Genkei: "A few. Some are sold to low time criminals, used in illegal matches, or sold to junkies." he replies in a very raspy voice.

Kaitou: "Are they still the same shit quality as in China?" he questions, which Genkei nods his head to, "Good. Then-" but Genkei had something more to say.

Genkei: "But it also appears that in a few cases, users of what appears to be a different variant of trigger have lost their quirks." which pissed off Kaitou as he was interrupted while he was in the middle of speaking, but then he smiled.

Kaitou: "That's good news. Our product will sell really well. We can sell it at half the price of a regular trigger since our boosters are superior. We can also advertise that ours have none of the side effects and none of the chemical bullshit that they put in those trigger shits." as he got up and headed over to the crate and opened it up, revealing a pile of patches that are the same as skin tone.

Genkei: "But sir. These are for our men. We can't possibly give these out to-" but he was then backhanded to the ground as he then looked up to Kaitou looking very pissed.

Kaitou: "Do you not understand the plan? If we can distribute these, it will cause mayhem across Japan now that there are enhanced villains running amok that don't have to face the consequence of the trash trigger that they're giving out. While both heroes and police are distracted with them, it'll be easier for our organization to make a move as there will be too much for the police and heroes to handle to care about us." which amazed Genkei that Kaitou thought of such a plan.

Genkei: "Brilliant plan sir! Much smarter than Akane. She couldn't even-" but Kaitou glared at him, causing him to freeze up.

Kaitou: "Stop disrespecting someone superior to you!" he yells out as he flashes back to the times when he challenged Akane to many things since he was a newly appointed boss and was older than Akane, so he wanted to show his superiority to her, but no matter what they did, Akane always seemed to come out as the victor, which grew a deep-rooted grudge against her, along with respect.

Now that Kaitou was in Japan, he was going to prove that he can do better than Akane ever could.

Kaitou: "Now let's get to business." as he closes the crate back up.

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