Chapter 15: The Job (Edited 3/10/21)

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Izuku's POV

I was talking with mister Nakamura-san for a long time in his lab until someone violently opened the door.

Fumihiro: "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME?! I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO REACH YOU FOR THE PAST 10 MINUTES!?" Daichi's uncle yelled with fury in his eyes as his head was all red with veins popping from his forehead.

I and Nakamura-san both jumped from the sudden outburst. I was scared stiff while Nakamura-san slowly returned to normal, still frightened that his boss was fuming.

Satoshi: "Oh, hey there boss. Wait, you've been trying to reach me for the past 10 minutes? But I haven't-" he says as he pulls out his phone from his lab coat as his face goes pale as he drops his phone. I look at the screen to see 32 missed calls from the same person.

Fumihiro: "You were saying!" as he crossed his arms and lowered his voice but still loud enough to be heard from the hallway as he was still in the doorway.

I saw Nakamura-san chuckle nervously as he slowly turned his head towards his boss.

Satoshi: "Sor-Sorry Boss." he says as he tries to smile with fear still present all over his face. "I've been working on those gauntlets you asked me and after talking while with Midoriya, I think we can increase the attack to be more concentrated and also make it AOE."

Nakamura's boss had a confused look on his face.

Fumihiro: "Who's Midoriya? I know many people who work for me and I'm sure I don't have anybody with the name Midoriya." as his voice returned to normal but his face was still filled with anger.

Satoshi slowly raised his hand to point it at me, where I then gave my own nervous smile as I made eye contact with the enraged president of Tanaka Corporations. He slowly walked up to me and when he finally got close to me, he was looking down at me as he asked me a question.

Fumihiro: "How did a kid get in here." as he was staring daggers at me.

Izuku: "H-hello there T-Tanaka-san sir. I made my way in when I saw people were exiting through the door, and since I didn't get to see how people made support gear, I rushed my way through the door without anyone noticing. I then heard something here as I made my way through." I said nervously as I saw him getting angrier the more I talked.

Satoshi: "Don't be mad with him sir. I know what he did was wrong but he was giving me ideas on how to improve other support gear to make them more effective. If anything, he was more help than he was causing trouble, and if we had more time, we could have come up with more ideas to improve other support gears." he said to my defense as his boss looked at him.

Fumihiro: "How's that possible, how can a kid be of use when we're dealing with weapons that are too advanced for kids his age to understand."

Satoshi: "W-Well, he seems to be a genius if you look past his age." he said nervously.

His boss then stood up straight as he placed a thumb on his chin while he curled his index finger on his lips, deep in his own thoughts as he was thinking about what to do. A grin appeared on his face as he set his hand down.

Fumihiro: "Nakamura, you need an assistant to help you, right?" he asked as Nakamura-san slowly nodded his head, making his boss's grin even larger as he turned towards me. "Hey kid, how about you work for me as Nakamura's assistant. Since you are a minor, you get a small pay compared to my regular workers but you get to see all the support gear you wanted to see."

My eyes sparkled for a bit at his offer then confused as I thought about it.

Izuku: "Really? But why would you want to hire me?" I asked

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